Pharmacist Dispensing of Naloxone

Section 3715.502 of the Ohio Revised Code and rules 4729:1-3-04 and 4729:2-3-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code authorizes a pharmacist or pharmacy intern under the direct supervision of a pharmacist to dispense naloxone without a prescription in accordance with a prescriber-approved protocol. The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy has developed the following resources to assist with the implementation of this law.

Copies of the English version of the patient counseling brochure are available free-of-charge from the Board by submitting a request using the link below:


The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy is partnering with the Office of Governor Mike DeWine, RecoveryOhio, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the Ohio Department of Health to offer no-cost fentanyl test strips to all Ohio terminal distributors of dangerous drugs (pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, EMS, etc.).

To help save lives, the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy encourages you to make these important tools available to your patients. Orders must be placed online using the following link:

To assist licensees in educating patients the Board also developed an educational handout. No-cost copies of this handout are available and can be ordered using the link above.