State Board of Pharmacy; 77 S. High St., Room 1702; Columbus, OH 43215-6126

TEL:  614/466-4143                    FAX:  614/752-4836                    EML:

TTY/TDD:  Use the Ohio Relay Service: 1-800/750-0750          URL:


S U N S H I N E   N O T I C E




The next meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy will be held in Room East B, 31ST Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio according to the following schedule with all sessions being open to the public unless otherwise indicated:



Monday, January 9, 2012


1:00 p.m.     Roll Call/Executive Session (Closed Session)


2:00 p.m.     Administrative Matters  ~    Old & New Business/Correspondence Reports Settlement Agreements  ~ Kroger N-216, 02-0404900; Docket No. 111019-218 (LG) c/o Kimberly A. McCluskey, R.Ph.; William M. Aring, R.Ph.; 03-1-12306; Docket No. 110119-216 (LG)



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


9:00 a.m.     Roll Call & Executive Session     (Closed Session)


10:00 a.m.    Adjudication Hearing- Noah Lee Sharp, R.Ph. 03-3-28869


1:30 p.m.     Reciprocity





Contact:  Kyle W. Parker, M.B.A., R.Ph., Executive Director


Mail77 South High Street, Room 1702; Columbus, OH  43215-6126

Tel:    614/466-4143

Fax:   614/752-4836