Tel: 614/466-4143         Fax: 614/752-4836          Eml: exec@bop.state.oh.us          Web: www.state.oh.us/pharmacy



         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING         



Acting under the authority of Ohio Revised Code Sections 119.03 to 119.13, 3715.69, 3719.28, 4729.26, and 4729.66, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby announces a public hearing will be held on Monday, November 3, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1960, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio.


This is a statement of the agency’s intention to consider adopting proposed new and amended rules as follows:


4729-5-01 (Definitions.)   To expand the definition of "protocol";

4729-5-11 (Responsible pharmacist.)  To clarify the requirements of a responsible person.

4729-5-31 (Criteria for licensure by examination.)  To specify a time limit to take the Ohio juris­prudence exami­nation for score transfer;

4729-7-01 (Definitions.)  To remove obsolete language.

4729-9-14 (Records of controlled substances.)  To allow an estimated count or measure be taken when doing an inventory for Schedule III, IV, or V controlled substances if the container holds less than one thousand tablets or capsules.

4729-9-22 (Records of dangerous drugs.)  To include that a record of all dangerous drugs destroyed must also be kept for a period of three years.

4729-9-24 (Retail and wholesale sales of dangerous drugs on-line.)  To clarify that an Internet site must provide information regarding how the personal information obtained from the public by way of the Internet will be used pursuant to all federal and state laws, rules, and regu­la­tions.

4729-13-02 (Procedure for state board of pharmacy approval as a laboratory.)  To specify that the completed renewal application and fee must be submitted on or before the thirty-first day of December each year.

4729-13-06 (Responsible person for approved laboratories.)  To remove that the license must be posted and to add that the license must be maintained in a readily available place in the principal location of the business; To add that supervision, control, and records of destroyed dangerous drugs and controlled substances must be maintained.

4729-14-02 (Procedure for licensure as an animal shelter.)  To specify that the completed renewal application and fee must be submitted on or before the thirty-first day of December each year.

4729-14-05 (Security controls for animal shelters.)  To remove the requirement that controlled substances must be stored in a "stationary" cabinet.

4729-14-06 (Responsible person for an approved animal shelter.)  To remove that the license must be posted and to add that the license must be maintained in a readily available place in the principal location of the business.

4729-15-02 (Responsibility for nuclear pharmacy.)  To remove that the license must be posted and to add that the license must be maintained in a readily available place in the principal location of the business.

4729-19-02 (Prescriptions for sterile products.)  To correct outdated paragraph reference.

4729-31-03 (Labeling.)  To remove the requirement that the name or initials of the pharmacist be included on the label of a compounded parenteral product prescription that has been prepared in a fluid therapy pharmacy.

4729-33-01 (Definitions.)  To add the applicable Revised Code and Administrative Code refer­ences and to clarify wording.

4729-33-02 (Licensure.)  To correct name of referenced board.

4729-33-03 (Security and storage of dangerous drugs.)  To update language; to add emer­gency medical technician-intermediate; and to correct name of referenced board.

4729-35-01 to 4729-35-09 (Drug Repository Program)  To adopt rules to implement and gov­ern the Drug Repository Program established in Sub. H. B. 221 [124th GA].


The full text of the proposed rules are available at the office of the State Board of Phar­macy in printed form without charge to any person affected by such proposals.  The pro­posed rules are also on the Board's website at www.state.oh.us/pharmacy and on the Register of Ohio website at www.registerofohio.state.oh.us.


On the date and at the time and place designated in this notice, any person affected by the proposed actions of the State Board of Pharmacy may appear and be heard in person, by his/her attorney, or both; may present his/her position, argu­ments, or contentions orally or in writing; offer witnesses; and, present evidence tending to show that any proposal, if adopted or effectuated, will be unreasonable or unlawful.



William T. Winsley, M.S., R.Ph.

Executive Director