NOTE: The following Minutes are provided for informational purposes only. If you would like to obtain an official copy of these Minutes, please contact the State Board of Pharmacy at 614/466-4143 for instructions and fee. |
1702; COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-6126 Tel:
Fax: 614/752-4836 Eml: |
Of The Meeting Ohio
State Board of Pharmacy June
2, 3, 4, 2003 |
MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2003 |
10:00 a.m. |
The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room West-B&C, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present: Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (President); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Elizabeth I. Gregg, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Nathan S. Lipsyc, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph. Also present were Timothy Benedict, Acting Executive Director; William McMillen, Licensing Administrator; Mark Keeley, Legislative Affairs Administrator; Robert Cole, Compliance Supervisor; David Rowland, Legal Affairs Administrator; and Sally Ann Steuk, Assistant Attorney General. |
10:01 a.m.
R-2003-179 |
Mr. Turner moved that the Board cancel the reinstatement hearing scheduled for June 2, 2003 requested by Roger Elliott as moot. Confirmation has been received that Mr. Elliott is deceased. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved by the Board (Aye-7/Nay-0). |
10:09 a.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
10:47 a.m.
Board Member Gregory Braylock, R.Ph. arrived. |
11:39 a.m.
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Mr. Rowland announced that the following settlement agreements previously approved by the Board had been signed by all parties and were now effective as of the date of the Board President’s signature: |
R-2003-180 |
SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket No. D-021119-031) In The Matter Of: MATTHEW CHARLES CAMPBELL, R.Ph. 276 East Duquesne Street Columbiana, Ohio 44408 (R.Ph. No. 03-1-24590) This Settlement Agreement is
entered into by and between Matthew Charles Campbell and the Ohio State Board
of Pharmacy, a state agency charged with enforcing the Pharmacy Practice Act
and Dangerous Drug Distribution Act, Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code. Matthew Charles Campbell
voluntarily enters into this Agreement being fully informed of his rights
afforded under Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, including the right to
representation by counsel, the right to a formal adjudication hearing on the
issues contained herein, and the right to appeal. Matthew Charles Campbell acknowledges that by entering into
this agreement he has waived his rights under Chapter 119. of the Revised
Code. Whereas, the Board is
empowered by Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code to suspend, revoke,
place on probation, refuse to grant or renew an identification card or
enforce a monetary penalty on the license holder for violation of any of the
enumerated grounds therein. Whereas, Matthew Charles
Campbell is licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Whereas, on or about
November 19, 2002, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, Matthew
Charles Campbell was notified of the allegations or charges against him, his right to a hearing, his rights
in such hearing, and his right to submit contentions in writing. Matthew Charles Campbell requested a
hearing; it was scheduled and continued.
The November 19, 2002, Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, as amended
on April 23, 2003, contains the following allegations or charges: |
(1) |
Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate that Matthew Charles Campbell was originally licensed in the State of Ohio on July 6, 2001, pursuant to examination, and is currently licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Records further reflect that on December 28, 2001, Matthew Charles Campbell became the Responsible Pharmacist at Salem Drug, Inc. pursuant to Sections 4729.27 and 4729.55 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 4729-5-11 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
(2) |
Matthew Charles Campbell as the Dispensing Pharmacist and/or Responsible Pharmacist did, from August 18, 2001, to April 6, 2002, continuously failed to perform prospective drug utilization review and patient counseling, to wit: with the patient profile history before him, Matthew Charles Campbell and/or pharmacists under his control failed to review the original prescription and/or refill information for over-utilization, incorrect drug dosage and duration of drug treatment, and misuse; and Matthew Charles Campbell and/or pharmacists under his control failed to offer patient counseling when dispensing: |
Rx # |
Date |
Drug |
Strength |
R.Ph. |
Qty |
74266 74267 74268 74321 75112 75113 75114 75115 75968 75969 75970 75971 76588 |
7/22/00 7/22/00 7/22/00 7/24/00 8/5/00 8/5/00 8/5/00 8/5/00 8/19/00 8/19/00 8/19/00 8/19/00 8/29/00 |
OxyContin prednisone methotrexate azathioprine furosemide Coumadin methotrexate OxyContin Deltasone Coumadin azathioprine OxyContin OxyContin |
40 mg 10 mg 2.5 mg 50 mg 40 mg 5 mg 2.5 mg 40 mg 5 mg 5 mg 50 mg 40 mg 80 mg |
60 90 28 30 60 15 28 60 120 30 30 60 15 |
76811 76812 76813 76814 76815 |
9/1/00 9/1/00 9/1/00 9/1/00 9/1/00 |
furosemide methotrexate Coumadin Radiacare Gel OxyContin |
40 mg 2.5 mg 2.5 mg 4x4 sheet 40 mg |
60 28 30 90 90 |
82872 82873 82874 82875 82876 82877 |
11/29/00 11/29/00 11/29/00 11/29/00 11/29/00 11/29/00 |
furosemide propranolol
hydrochloride methotrexate azathioprine OxyContin OxyContin |
40 mg 40 mg 2.5 mg 50 mg 40 mg 80 mg |
60 90 16 15 60 6 |
83699 83700 83701 84684 84685 84686 84687 84688 |
12/9/00 12/9/00 12/9/00 12/22/00 12/22/00 12/22/00 12/22/00 12/22/00 |
prednisone Radiacare Gel OxyContin propranolol
hydrochloride Deltasone furosemide OxyContin OxyContin |
10 mg 4x4 sheet 80 mg 40 mg 5 mg 40 mg 80 mg 40 mg |
30 10 28 90 60 60 12 60 |
86640 86641 86642 87114 87115 87512 87520 87521 87522 87643 |
1/20/01 1/20/01 1/20/01 1/27/01 1/27/01 2/1/01 2/2/01 2/2/01 2/2/01 2/3/01 |
hydrochloride furosemide OxyContin azathioprine OxyContin OxyContin warfarin sodium methotrexate quinine sulfate methadone hydrochloride |
40 mg 40 mg 80 mg 50 mg 40 mg 80 mg 2.5 mg 2.5 mg 260 mg 10 mg |
90 30 20 15 30 5 30 28 30 100 |
88196 88197 88507 88508 88741 88742 88743 88744 89128 89129 |
2/10/01 2/10/01 2/14/01 2/14/01 2/16/01 2/16/01 2/16/01 2/16/01 2/22/01 2/22/01 |
hydrochloride OxyContin OxyContin azathioprine Prozac Pulvules Radiacare Gel methadone hydrochloride OxyContin furosemide OxyContin |
40 mg 80 mg 40 mg 50 mg 20 mg 4x4 sheet 10 mg 80 mg 40 mg 80 mg |
90 15 30 15 30 90 100 15 30 24 |
89625 89626 89836 89837 90331 90332 90710 90711 90836 90837 90838 |
3/1/01 3/1/01 3/3/01 3/3/01 3/10/01 3/10/01 3/16/01 3/16/01 3/17/01 3/17/01 3/17/01 |
hydrochloride OxyContin Deltasone methadone hydrochloride OxyContin methadone hydrochloride Deltasone OxyContin warfarin sodium methadone hydrochloride OxyContin |
40 mg 80 mg 5 mg 10 mg 80 mg 10 mg 5 mg 80 mg 2.5 mg 10 mg 40 mg |
90 24 100 100 15 100 100 16 30 100 24 |
91212 91213 91342 91343 91344 91702 91710 91711 |
3/22/01 3/22/01 3/24/01 3/24/01 3/24/01 3/29/01 3/30/01 3/30/01 |
azathioprine OxyContin propranolol
hydrochloride methadone hydrochloride OxyContin OxyContin propranolol
hydrochloride methadone hydrochloride |
50 mg 80 mg 40 mg 10 mg 40 mg 80 mg 40 mg 10 mg |
15 16 100 100 28 5 100 100 |
91960 91966 92194 92384 92385 92386 92784 92842 92843 93065 93066 |
4/2/01 4/2/01 4/5/01 4/7/01 4/7/01 4/7/01 4/13/01 4/13/01 4/13/01 4/17/01 4/17/01 |
Prozac Pulvules OxyContin OxyContin OxyContin furosemide quinine sulfate methadone hydrochloride OxyContin Prozac Pulvules propranolol
hydrochloride OxyContin |
20 mg 80 mg 40 mg 80 mg 40 mg 260 mg 10 mg 40 mg 20 mg 40 mg 80 mg |
10 16 40 20 60 30 100 40 30 100 24 |
94117 94118 94142 94143 94328 94595 94597 94598 94620 94621 |
4/20/01 4/20/01 4/21/01 4/21/01 4/24/01 4/27/01 4/27/01 4/27/01 4/28/01 4/28/01 |
warfarin sodium methadone hydrochloride furosemide OxyContin OxyContin OxyContin quinine sulfate azathioprine methadone hydrochloride OxyContin |
2.5 mg 10 mg 40 mg 80 mg 40 mg 80 mg 260 mg 50 mg 10 mg 40 mg |
30 100 60 24 40 28 30 30 100 40 |
93065 95079 95080 95335 95336 95529 95531 95532 95586 95587 95821 95822 95989 95990 95991 96167 96168 96334 96335 96421 96422 96423 96424 96645 |
5/4/01 5/4/01 5/4/01 5/8/01 5/8/01 5/11/01 5/11/01 5/11/01 5/12/01 5/12/01 5/15/01 5/15/01 5/17/01 5/17/01 5/17/01 5/21/01 5/21/01 5/23/01 5/23/01 5/24/01 5/24/01 5/24/01 5/24/01 5/29/01 |
hydrochloride methadone hydrochloride OxyContin warfarin sodium OxyContin OxyContin warfarin sodium Prozac Pulvules quinine sulfate OxyContin furosemide OxyContin Lonox methadone hydrochloride OxyContin azathioprine OxyContin propranolol
hydrochloride OxyContin prednisone furosemide OxyContin methadone hydrochloride OxyContin |
40 mg 10 mg 40 mg 2 mg 80 mg 40 mg 2 mg 20 mg 260 mg 80 mg 40 mg 80 mg 2.5/0.025 10 mg 40 mg 50 mg 80 mg 40 mg 40 mg 5 mg 40 mg 80 mg 10 mg 80 mg |
100 100 40 30 36 60 30 30 30 38 60 36 60 100 15 15 36 90 60 90 60 15 100 36 |
96920 |
6/1/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
36 |
96921 |
6/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96922 |
6/1/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
JH |
60 |
96923 |
6/1/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
97100 |
6/4/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
97309 |
6/6/01 |
Amoxicillin |
500 mg |
BR |
28 |
97310 |
6/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
30 |
97456 |
6/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97457 |
6/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
97582 |
6/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
90 mg |
BR |
4 |
97583 |
6/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97740 |
6/13/01 |
Levaquin |
250 mg |
BR |
3 |
97741 |
6/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
97813 |
6/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98007 |
6/18/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
98008 |
6/18/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98145 |
6/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
98236 |
6/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98330 |
6/23/01 |
MS Contin |
60 mg |
BR |
60 |
98331 |
6/23/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98448 |
6/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98449 |
6/25/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
98607 |
6/27/01 |
propranolol hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
98608 |
6/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
98609 |
6/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
120 |
98792 |
6/30/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98793 |
6/30/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
98885 |
7/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98886 |
7/2/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
98968 |
7/3/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
50 |
99143 |
7/6/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
99144 |
7/6/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
99146 |
7/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99278 |
7/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99569 |
7/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
99570 |
7/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
99686 |
7/16/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
99707 |
7/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99914 |
7/19/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
99915 |
7/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
120 |
100103 |
7/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
100104 |
7/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
100335 |
7/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
BR |
30 |
100336 |
7/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
100693 |
8/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
7 |
100694 |
8/2/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
100695 |
8/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101039 |
8/7/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
101040 |
8/7/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
101338 |
8/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101339 |
8/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
101808 |
8/18/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
101809 |
8/18/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
102165 |
8/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
102304 |
8/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
10 |
101040 |
8/31/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
102767 |
8/31/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103215 |
9/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
103376 |
9/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
103377 |
9/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
103446 |
9/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
103914 |
9/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103915 |
9/14/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
104248 |
9/19/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
MC |
48 |
104249 |
9/19/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
MC |
15 |
104330 |
9/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104646 |
9/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
28 |
104803 |
9/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104804 |
9/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
104805 |
9/27/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
104806 |
9/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
103446 |
10/3/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
105194 |
10/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105526 |
10/9/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
105527 |
10/9/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
MC |
30 |
105528 |
10/9/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105887 |
10/15/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
105888 |
10/15/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
105889 |
10/15/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
105890 |
10/15/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
106292 |
10/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
106771 |
10/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
100 |
106772 |
10/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107156 |
11/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107579 |
11/8/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
107580 |
11/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
107962 |
11/14/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
107963 |
11/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108484 |
11/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108485 |
11/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
MC |
16 |
108759 |
11/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
108760 |
11/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
109116 |
12/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109117 |
12/1/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
109513 |
12/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
109514 |
12/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109859 |
12/11/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109860 |
12/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
110116 |
12/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
110540 |
12/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
110752 |
12/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
110753 |
12/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
111004 |
12/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
111280 |
1/2/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
111281 |
1/2/02 |
Dolophine Hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
111282 |
1/2/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
10 |
111280 |
1/7/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
10 |
111662 |
1/7/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/12/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
112050 |
1/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112372 |
1/17/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
1/17/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
12 |
112740 |
1/23/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
20 |
112993 |
1/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113287 |
1/31/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
40 |
113734 |
2/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113735 |
2/6/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
60 |
114155 |
2/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
2/16/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
114436 |
2/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114806 |
2/21/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
2/26/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
45 |
115118 |
2/26/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
115360 |
3/2/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
100 |
115624 |
3/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
112373 |
3/11/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
115969 |
3/11/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
116311 |
3/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
3/22/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
15 |
116762 |
3/22/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117031 |
3/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117032 |
3/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
90 |
117347 |
4/3/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117611 |
4/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
117612 |
4/6/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
60 |
Such conduct is in violation of Rules 4729-5-20 and 4729-5-22 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
Matthew Charles Campbell
neither admits nor denies the allegations stated in the amended Notice of
Opportunity for Hearing letter however, the Board has evidence sufficient to
sustain the allegations and hereby adjudicates the same. Wherefore, in consideration
of the foregoing and mutual promises hereinafter set forth, and in lieu of a
formal hearing at this time, Matthew Charles Campbell knowingly and
voluntarily agrees with the State Board of Pharmacy to the following: (A) Matthew Charles Campbell agrees to the
imposition of a monetary penalty of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) due and
owing within 30 days of the effective date of this Agreement. The monetary penalty should be made
payable to the “Treasurer, State of Ohio” and mailed with the enclosed form
to the State Board of Pharmacy, 77 S. High Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, Ohio
43215-6126. Matthew Charles Campbell
acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to ask questions concerning the
terms of this agreement and that all questions asked have been answered in a
satisfactory manner. Any action
initiated by the Board based on alleged violation of this Agreement shall
comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 119. of the Ohio
Revised Code. Matthew
Charles Campbell waives any and all claims or causes of action he may have against
the State of Ohio or the Board, and members, officers, employees, and/or
agents of either, arising out of matters which are the subject of this
Agreement. Matthew Charles Campbell waives any rights of appeal pursuant to
Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code. This Settlement Agreement
shall be considered a public record, as that term is used in Section 149.43
of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall become effective upon the date of the
Board President’s signature below. |
/s/ Matt Campbell |
/d/ 5–23–03 |
Matthew Charles Campbell, Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Diane C. Adelman |
/d/ 6/2/03 |
Diane C. Adelman, President, Ohio State
Board of Pharmacy |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Sally Ann Steuk |
/d/ 6–2–03 |
Sally Ann Steuk, Ohio Assistant Attorney
General |
Date of Signature |
R-2003-181 |
THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket No. D-021119-032) In The Matter Of: C. JERE HOCHADEL, R.Ph. 36180 Shinning Tree Lane Box 684 Salem, Ohio 44460 (R.Ph. No. 03-1-06992) This Settlement Agreement
is entered into by and between C. Jere Hochadel and the Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy, a state agency charged with enforcing the Pharmacy Practice Act and
Dangerous Drug Distribution Act, Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code. C. Jere Hochadel
voluntarily enters into this Agreement being fully informed of his rights
afforded under Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, including the right to
representation by counsel, the right to a formal adjudication hearing on the
issues contained herein, and the right to appeal. C. Jere Hochadel acknowledges that by entering into this
agreement he has waived his rights under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Whereas, the Board is
empowered by Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code to suspend, revoke,
place on probation, refuse to grant or renew an identification card or
enforce a monetary penalty on the license holder for violation of any of the
enumerated grounds therein. Whereas, C. Jere Hochadel
is licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Whereas, on or about
November 19, 2002, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, C. Jere
Hochadel was notified of the allegations or charges against him, his right to
a hearing, his rights in such hearing, and his right to submit contentions in
writing. C. Jere Hochadel requested a
hearing; it was scheduled and continued.
The November 19, 2002, Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, as amended on
April 23, 2003, contains the following allegations or charges: |
(1) |
Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate that C. Jere Hochadel was originally licensed in the State of Ohio on July 28, 1959, pursuant to examination, and is currently licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Records further reflect during the relevant time periods stated herein, prior to and including December 28, 2001, C. Jere Hochadel was the Responsible Pharmacist at Salem Drug, Inc. pursuant to Sections 4729.27 and 4729.55 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 4729-511 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
(2) |
C. Jere Hochadel did, from July 22, 2000, to April 6, 2002, continuously failed to perform prospective drug utilization review and patient counseling, to wit: with the patient profile history before him, C. Jere Hochadel and/or pharmacists under his control failed to review the original prescription and/or refill information for over-utilization, incorrect drug dosage and duration of drug treatment, and misuse; and C. Jere Hochadel and/or pharmacists under his control failed to offer patient counseling when dispensing: |
Rx # |
Date |
Drug |
Strength |
R.Ph. |
Qty |
74266 |
7/22/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
74267 |
7/22/00 |
prednisone |
10 mg |
JH |
90 |
74268 |
7/22/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
JH |
28 |
74321 |
7/24/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
30 |
75112 |
8/5/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
75113 |
8/5/00 |
Coumadin |
5 mg |
BR |
15 |
75114 |
8/5/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
28 |
75115 |
8/5/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
75968 |
8/19/00 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
120 |
75969 |
8/19/00 |
Coumadin |
5 mg |
BR |
30 |
75970 |
8/19/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
30 |
75971 |
8/19/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
76588 |
8/29/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
76811 |
9/1/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
76812 |
9/1/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
28 |
76813 |
9/1/00 |
Coumadin |
2.5 mg |
BR |
30 |
76814 |
9/1/00 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
90 |
76815 |
9/1/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
82872 |
11/29/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
82873 |
11/29/00 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
82874 |
11/29/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
16 |
82875 |
11/29/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
82876 |
11/29/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
82877 |
11/29/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
6 |
83699 |
12/9/00 |
prednisone |
10 mg |
BR |
30 |
83700 |
12/9/00 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
10 |
83701 |
12/9/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
28 |
84684 |
12/22/00 |
propranolol hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
84685 |
12/22/00 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
60 |
84686 |
12/22/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
84687 |
12/22/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
12 |
84688 |
12/22/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
86640 |
1/20/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
86641 |
1/20/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
86642 |
1/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
87114 |
1/27/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
87115 |
1/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
87512 |
2/1/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
5 |
87520 |
2/2/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
87521 |
2/2/01 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
JH |
28 |
87522 |
2/2/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
JH |
30 |
87643 |
2/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
88196 |
2/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
88197 |
2/10/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
88507 |
2/14/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
88508 |
2/14/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
88741 |
2/16/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
88742 |
2/16/01 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
90 |
88743 |
2/16/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
88744 |
2/16/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
15 |
89128 |
2/22/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
89129 |
2/22/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
24 |
89625 |
3/1/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
89626 |
3/1/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
24 |
89836 |
3/3/01 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
89837 |
3/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
90331 |
3/10/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
90332 |
3/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
90710 |
3/16/01 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
90711 |
3/16/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
90836 |
3/17/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
BR |
30 |
90837 |
3/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
90838 |
3/17/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
91212 |
3/22/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
91213 |
3/22/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
91342 |
3/24/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
91343 |
3/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
91344 |
3/24/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
91702 |
3/29/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
5 |
91710 |
3/30/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
91711 |
3/30/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
91960 |
4/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
10 |
91966 |
4/2/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
92194 |
4/5/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
40 |
92384 |
4/7/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
92385 |
4/7/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
92386 |
4/7/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
JH |
30 |
92784 |
4/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
92842 |
4/13/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
40 |
92843 |
4/13/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
93065 |
4/17/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
93066 |
4/17/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
24 |
94117 |
4/20/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
94118 |
4/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
94142 |
4/21/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
94143 |
4/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
24 |
94328 |
4/24/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
40 |
94595 |
4/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
28 |
94597 |
4/27/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
30 |
94598 |
4/27/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
30 |
94620 |
4/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
94621 |
4/28/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
40 |
93065 |
5/4/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
95079 |
5/4/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
95080 |
5/4/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
40 |
95335 |
5/8/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
30 |
95336 |
5/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
36 |
95529 |
5/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
60 |
95531 |
5/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
30 |
95532 |
5/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
30 |
95586 |
5/12/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
95587 |
5/12/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
38 |
95821 |
5/15/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
95822 |
5/15/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
95989 |
5/17/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
BR |
60 |
95990 |
5/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
95991 |
5/17/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
15 |
96167 |
5/21/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
96168 |
5/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
96334 |
5/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
96335 |
5/23/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
96421 |
5/24/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
90 |
96422 |
5/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
96423 |
5/24/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
96424 |
5/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96645 |
5/29/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
96920 |
6/1/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
36 |
96921 |
6/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96922 |
6/1/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
JH |
60 |
96923 |
6/1/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
97100 |
6/4/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
97309 |
6/6/01 |
Amoxicillin |
500 mg |
BR |
28 |
97310 |
6/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
30 |
97456 |
6/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97457 |
6/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
97582 |
6/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
90 mg |
BR |
4 |
97583 |
6/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97740 |
6/13/01 |
Levaquin |
250 mg |
BR |
3 |
97741 |
6/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
97813 |
6/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98007 |
6/18/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
98008 |
6/18/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98145 |
6/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
98236 |
6/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98330 |
6/23/01 |
MS Contin |
60 mg |
BR |
60 |
98331 |
6/23/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98448 |
6/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98449 |
6/25/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
98607 |
6/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
98608 |
6/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
98609 |
6/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
120 |
98792 |
6/30/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98793 |
6/30/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
98885 |
7/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98886 |
7/2/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
98968 |
7/3/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
50 |
99143 |
7/6/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
99144 |
7/6/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
99146 |
7/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99278 |
7/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99569 |
7/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
99570 |
7/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
99686 |
7/16/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
99707 |
7/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99914 |
7/19/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
99915 |
7/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
120 |
100103 |
7/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
100104 |
7/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
100335 |
7/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
BR |
30 |
100336 |
7/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
100693 |
8/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
7 |
100694 |
8/2/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
100695 |
8/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101039 |
8/7/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
101040 |
8/7/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
101338 |
8/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101339 |
8/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
101808 |
8/18/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
101809 |
8/18/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
102165 |
8/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
102304 |
8/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
10 |
101040 |
8/31/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
102767 |
8/31/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103215 |
9/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
103376 |
9/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
103377 |
9/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
103446 |
9/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
103914 |
9/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103915 |
9/14/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
104248 |
9/19/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
MC |
48 |
104249 |
9/19/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
MC |
15 |
104330 |
9/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104646 |
9/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
28 |
104803 |
9/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104804 |
9/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
104805 |
9/27/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
104806 |
9/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
103446 |
10/3/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
105194 |
10/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105526 |
10/9/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
105527 |
10/9/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
MC |
30 |
105528 |
10/9/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105887 |
10/15/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
105888 |
10/15/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
105889 |
10/15/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
105890 |
10/15/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
106292 |
10/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
106771 |
10/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
100 |
106772 |
10/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107156 |
11/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107579 |
11/8/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
107580 |
11/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
107962 |
11/14/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
107963 |
11/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108484 |
11/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108485 |
11/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
MC |
16 |
108759 |
11/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
108760 |
11/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
109116 |
12/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109117 |
12/1/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
109513 |
12/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
109514 |
12/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109859 |
12/11/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109860 |
12/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
110116 |
12/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
110540 |
12/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
110752 |
12/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
110753 |
12/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
111004 |
12/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
111280 |
1/2/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
111281 |
1/2/02 |
Dolophine Hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
111282 |
1/2/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
10 |
111280 |
1/7/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
10 |
111662 |
1/7/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/12/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
112050 |
1/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112372 |
1/17/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
1/17/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
12 |
112740 |
1/23/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
20 |
112993 |
1/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113287 |
1/31/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
40 |
113734 |
2/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113735 |
2/6/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
60 |
114155 |
2/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
2/16/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
114436 |
2/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114806 |
2/21/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
2/26/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
45 |
115118 |
2/26/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
115360 |
3/2/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
100 |
115624 |
3/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
112373 |
3/11/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
115969 |
3/11/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
116311 |
3/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
3/22/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
15 |
116762 |
3/22/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117031 |
3/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117032 |
3/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
90 |
117347 |
4/3/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117611 |
4/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
117612 |
4/6/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
60 |
Such conduct is in violation of Rules 4729-5-20 and 4729-5-22 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
C. Jere
Hochadel neither admits nor denies the allegations stated in the amended
Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter however, the Board has evidence
sufficient to sustain the allegations and hereby adjudicates the same. Wherefore, in consideration
of the foregoing and mutual promises hereinafter set forth, and in lieu of a
formal hearing at this time, C. Jere Hochadel knowingly and voluntarily
agrees with the State Board of Pharmacy to the following: (A) C. Jere Hochadel agrees to the imposition
of a monetary penalty of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) due and owing within
30 days of the effective date of this Agreement. The monetary penalty should be made payable to the “Treasurer,
State of Ohio” and mailed with the enclosed form to the State Board of
Pharmacy, 77 S. High Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-6126. C. Jere Hochadel
acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to ask questions concerning the
terms of this agreement and that all questions asked have been answered in a
satisfactory manner. Any action
initiated by the Board based on alleged violation of this Agreement shall
comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 119. of the Ohio
Revised Code. C. Jere Hochadel waives any
and all claims or causes of action he may have against the State of Ohio or
the Board, and members, officers, employees, and/or agents of either, arising
out of matters which are the subject of this Agreement. C. Jere Hochadel waives any rights of
appeal pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code. This Settlement Agreement
shall be considered a public record, as that term is used in Section 149.43
of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall become effective upon the date of the
Board President’s signature below. |
/s/ C. Jere
Hochadel RPh |
/d/ 5/23/03 |
C. Jere Hochadel, Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Diane C. Adelman |
/d/ 6/2/03 |
Diane C. Adelman, President, Ohio State
Board of Pharmacy |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Sally Ann Steuk |
/d/ 6–2–03 |
Sally Ann Steuk, Ohio Assistant Attorney
General |
Date of Signature |
R-2003-182 |
THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket No. D-021119-034) In The Matter Of: A. WILLIAM RICHERT, R.Ph. 12 Overlook Drive McCormick, South Carolina
29835 (R.Ph. No. 03-3-07544) This Settlement Agreement
is entered into by and between A. William Richert and the Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy, a state agency charged with enforcing the Pharmacy Practice Act and
Dangerous Drug Distribution Act, Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code. A. William Richert
voluntarily enters into this Agreement being fully informed of his rights
afforded under Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, including the right to
representation by counsel, the right to a formal adjudication hearing on the
issues contained herein, and the right to appeal. A. William Richert acknowledges that by entering into this
agreement he has waived his rights under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Whereas, the Board is
empowered by Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code to suspend, revoke,
place on probation, refuse to grant or renew an identification card or
enforce a monetary penalty on the license holder for violation of any of the
enumerated grounds therein. Whereas, A.
William Richert is licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Whereas, on or about
November 19, 2002, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, A.
William Richert was notified of the allegations or charges against him, his
right to a hearing, his rights in such hearing, and his right to submit
contentions in writing. A. William
Richert requested a hearing; it was scheduled and continued. The November 19, 2002, Notice of
Opportunity for Hearing, as amended on April 23, 2003, contains the following
allegations or charges: |
(1) |
Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate that A. William Richert was originally licensed in the State of Ohio on August 28, 1961, pursuant to examination, and is currently licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. |
(2) |
A. William Richert did, from August 5, 2000, to December 24, 2001, continuously failed to perform prospective drug utilization review and patient counseling, to wit: with the patient profile history before him, A. William Richert failed to review the original prescription and/or refill information for over-utilization, incorrect drug dosage and duration of drug treatment, and misuse; and he failed to offer patient counseling when dispensing: |
Rx # |
Date |
Drug |
Strength |
R.Ph. |
Qty |
74266 |
7/22/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
74267 |
7/22/00 |
prednisone |
10 mg |
JH |
90 |
74268 |
7/22/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
JH |
28 |
74321 |
7/24/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
30 |
75112 |
8/5/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
75113 |
8/5/00 |
Coumadin |
5 mg |
BR |
15 |
75114 |
8/5/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
28 |
75115 |
8/5/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
75968 |
8/19/00 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
120 |
75969 |
8/19/00 |
Coumadin |
5 mg |
BR |
30 |
75970 |
8/19/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
30 |
75971 |
8/19/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
76588 |
8/29/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
76811 |
9/1/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
76812 |
9/1/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
28 |
76813 |
9/1/00 |
Coumadin |
2.5 mg |
BR |
30 |
76814 |
9/1/00 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
90 |
76815 |
9/1/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
82872 |
11/29/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
82873 |
11/29/00 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
82874 |
11/29/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
16 |
82875 |
11/29/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
82876 |
11/29/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
82877 |
11/29/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
6 |
83699 |
12/9/00 |
prednisone |
10 mg |
BR |
30 |
83700 |
12/9/00 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
10 |
83701 |
12/9/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
28 |
84684 |
12/22/00 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
84685 |
12/22/00 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
60 |
84686 |
12/22/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
84687 |
12/22/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
12 |
84688 |
12/22/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
86640 |
1/20/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
86641 |
1/20/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
86642 |
1/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
87114 |
1/27/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
87115 |
1/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
87512 |
2/1/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
5 |
87520 |
2/2/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
87521 |
2/2/01 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
JH |
28 |
87522 |
2/2/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
JH |
30 |
87643 |
2/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
88196 |
2/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
88197 |
2/10/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
88507 |
2/14/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
88508 |
2/14/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
88741 |
2/16/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
88742 |
2/16/01 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
90 |
88743 |
2/16/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
88744 |
2/16/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
15 |
89128 |
2/22/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
89129 |
2/22/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
24 |
89625 |
3/1/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
89626 |
3/1/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
24 |
89836 |
3/3/01 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
89837 |
3/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
90331 |
3/10/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
90332 |
3/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
90710 |
3/16/01 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
90711 |
3/16/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
90836 |
3/17/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
BR |
30 |
90837 |
3/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
90838 |
3/17/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
91212 |
3/22/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
91213 |
3/22/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
91342 |
3/24/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
91343 |
3/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
91344 |
3/24/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
91702 |
3/29/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
5 |
91710 |
3/30/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
91711 |
3/30/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
91960 |
4/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
10 |
91966 |
4/2/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
92194 |
4/5/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
40 |
92384 |
4/7/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
92385 |
4/7/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
92386 |
4/7/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
JH |
30 |
92784 |
4/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
92842 |
4/13/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
40 |
92843 |
4/13/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
93065 |
4/17/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
93066 |
4/17/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
24 |
94117 |
4/20/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
94118 |
4/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
94142 |
4/21/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
94143 |
4/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
24 |
94328 |
4/24/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
40 |
94595 |
4/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
28 |
94597 |
4/27/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
30 |
94598 |
4/27/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
30 |
94620 |
4/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
94621 |
4/28/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
40 |
93065 |
5/4/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
95079 |
5/4/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
95080 |
5/4/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
40 |
95335 |
5/8/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
30 |
95336 |
5/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
36 |
95529 |
5/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
60 |
95531 |
5/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
30 |
95532 |
5/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
30 |
95586 |
5/12/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
95587 |
5/12/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
38 |
95821 |
5/15/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
95822 |
5/15/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
95989 |
5/17/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
BR |
60 |
95990 |
5/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
95991 |
5/17/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
15 |
96167 |
5/21/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
96168 |
5/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
96334 |
5/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
96335 |
5/23/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
96421 |
5/24/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
90 |
96422 |
5/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
96423 |
5/24/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
96424 |
5/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96645 |
5/29/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
96920 |
6/1/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
36 |
96921 |
6/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96922 |
6/1/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
JH |
60 |
96923 |
6/1/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
97100 |
6/4/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
97309 |
6/6/01 |
Amoxicillin |
500 mg |
BR |
28 |
97310 |
6/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
30 |
97456 |
6/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97457 |
6/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
97582 |
6/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
90 mg |
BR |
4 |
97583 |
6/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97740 |
6/13/01 |
Levaquin |
250 mg |
BR |
3 |
97741 |
6/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
97813 |
6/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98007 |
6/18/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
98008 |
6/18/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98145 |
6/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
98236 |
6/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98330 |
6/23/01 |
MS Contin |
60 mg |
BR |
60 |
98331 |
6/23/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98448 |
6/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98449 |
6/25/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
98607 |
6/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
98608 |
6/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
98609 |
6/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
120 |
98792 |
6/30/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98793 |
6/30/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
98885 |
7/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98886 |
7/2/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
98968 |
7/3/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
50 |
99143 |
7/6/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
99144 |
7/6/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
99146 |
7/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99278 |
7/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99569 |
7/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
99570 |
7/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
99686 |
7/16/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
99707 |
7/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99914 |
7/19/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
99915 |
7/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
120 |
100103 |
7/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
100104 |
7/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
100335 |
7/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
BR |
30 |
100336 |
7/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
100693 |
8/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
7 |
100694 |
8/2/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
100695 |
8/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101039 |
8/7/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
101040 |
8/7/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
101338 |
8/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101339 |
8/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
101808 |
8/18/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
101809 |
8/18/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
102165 |
8/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
102304 |
8/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
10 |
101040 |
8/31/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
102767 |
8/31/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103215 |
9/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
103376 |
9/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
103377 |
9/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
103446 |
9/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
103914 |
9/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103915 |
9/14/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
104248 |
9/19/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
MC |
48 |
104249 |
9/19/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
MC |
15 |
104330 |
9/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104646 |
9/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
28 |
104803 |
9/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104804 |
9/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
104805 |
9/27/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
104806 |
9/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
103446 |
10/3/01 |
propranolol hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
105194 |
10/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105526 |
10/9/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
105527 |
10/9/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
MC |
30 |
105528 |
10/9/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105887 |
10/15/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
105888 |
10/15/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
105889 |
10/15/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
105890 |
10/15/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
106292 |
10/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
106771 |
10/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
100 |
106772 |
10/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107156 |
11/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107579 |
11/8/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
107580 |
11/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
107962 |
11/14/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
107963 |
11/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108484 |
11/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108485 |
11/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
MC |
16 |
108759 |
11/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
108760 |
11/27/01 |
propranolol hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
109116 |
12/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109117 |
12/1/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
109513 |
12/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
109514 |
12/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109859 |
12/11/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109860 |
12/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
110116 |
12/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
110540 |
12/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
110752 |
12/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
110753 |
12/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
111004 |
12/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
111280 |
1/2/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
111281 |
1/2/02 |
Dolophine Hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
111282 |
1/2/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
10 |
111280 |
1/7/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
10 |
111662 |
1/7/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/12/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
112050 |
1/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112372 |
1/17/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
1/17/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
12 |
112740 |
1/23/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
20 |
112993 |
1/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113287 |
1/31/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
40 |
113734 |
2/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113735 |
2/6/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
60 |
114155 |
2/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
2/16/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
114436 |
2/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114806 |
2/21/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
2/26/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
45 |
115118 |
2/26/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
115360 |
3/2/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
100 |
115624 |
3/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
112373 |
3/11/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
115969 |
3/11/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
116311 |
3/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
3/22/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
15 |
116762 |
3/22/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117031 |
3/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117032 |
3/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
90 |
117347 |
4/3/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117611 |
4/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
117612 |
4/6/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
60 |
Such conduct is in violation of Rules 4729-5-20 and 4729-5-22 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
A. William Richert neither
admits nor denies the allegations stated in the amended Notice of Opportunity
for Hearing letter however, the Board has evidence sufficient to sustain the allegations
and hereby adjudicates the same. Wherefore, in consideration
of the foregoing and mutual promises hereinafter set forth, and in lieu of a
formal hearing at this time, A. William Richert knowingly and voluntarily
agrees with the State Board of Pharmacy to the following: (A) A. William Richert agrees to the
imposition of a monetary penalty of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) due and
owing within 30 days of the effective date of this Agreement. The monetary penalty should be made
payable to the “Treasurer, State of Ohio” and mailed with the enclosed form
to the State Board of Pharmacy, 77 S. High Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, Ohio
43215-6126. A. William Richert
acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to ask questions concerning the
terms of this agreement and that all questions asked have been answered in a
satisfactory manner. Any action
initiated by the Board based on alleged violation of this Agreement shall
comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 119. of the Ohio
Revised Code. A. William Richert waives
any and all claims or causes of action he may have against the State of Ohio
or the Board, and members, officers, employees, and/or agents of either,
arising out of matters which are the subject of this Agreement. A. William Richert waives any rights of
appeal pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code. This Settlement Agreement
shall be considered a public record, as that term is used in Section 149.43
of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall become effective upon the date of the
Board President’s signature below. |
/s/ A. William Richert,
Respondent |
/d/ 5–27–2003 |
A. William Richert, Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Diane C. Adelman |
/d/ 6/2/03 |
Diane C. Adelman, President, Ohio State
Board of Pharmacy |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Sally Ann Steuk |
/d/ 6–2–03 |
Sally Ann Steuk, Ohio Assistant Attorney
General |
Date of Signature |
R-2003-183 |
SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket No. D-021119-033 In The Matter Of: KEVIN JOHN SNYDER, R.Ph. 307 West Lincoln Way Lisbon, Ohio 44432 (R.Ph. No. 03-2-13781) This Settlement Agreement
is entered into by and between Kevin John Snyder and the Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy, a state agency charged with enforcing the Pharmacy Practice Act and
Dangerous Drug Distribution Act, Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code. Kevin John Snyder
voluntarily enters into this Agreement being fully informed of his rights
afforded under Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, including the right to
representation by counsel, the right to a formal adjudication hearing on the
issues contained herein, and the right to appeal. Kevin John Snyder acknowledges that by entering into this
agreement he has waived his rights under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Whereas, the Board is
empowered by Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code to suspend, revoke,
place on probation, refuse to grant or renew an identification card or
enforce a monetary penalty on the license holder for violation of any of the
enumerated grounds therein. Whereas, Kevin John Snyder
is licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Whereas, on or about
November 19, 2002, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, Kevin
John Snyder was notified of the allegations or charges against him, his right
to a hearing, his rights in such hearing, and his right to submit contentions in writing. Kevin John Snyder
requested a hearing; it was scheduled and continued. The November 19, 2002 Notice of
Opportunity for Hearing, as amended on April 23, 2003, contains the following
allegations or charges: |
(1) Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate
that Kevin John Snyder was originally licensed in the State of Ohio on
December 2, 1980, pursuant to examination, and is currently licensed to
practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. (2) Kevin John Snyder did, from March 1, 2001,
to May 11, 2001, continuously failed to perform prospective drug utilization
review and patient counseling, to wit: with the patient profile history
before him, Kevin John Snyder failed to review the original prescription
and/or refill information for over-utilization, incorrect drug dosage and
duration of drug treatment, and misuse; and he failed to offer patient
counseling when dispensing: |
Rx # |
Date |
Drug |
Strength |
R.Ph. |
Qty |
74266 |
7/22/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
74267 |
7/22/00 |
prednisone |
10 mg |
JH |
90 |
74268 |
7/22/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
JH |
28 |
74321 |
7/24/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
30 |
75112 |
8/5/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
75113 |
8/5/00 |
Coumadin |
5 mg |
BR |
15 |
75114 |
8/5/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
28 |
75115 |
8/5/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
75968 |
8/19/00 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
120 |
75969 |
8/19/00 |
Coumadin |
5 mg |
BR |
30 |
75970 |
8/19/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
30 |
75971 |
8/19/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
76588 |
8/29/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
76811 |
9/1/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
76812 |
9/1/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
28 |
76813 |
9/1/00 |
Coumadin |
2.5 mg |
BR |
30 |
76814 |
9/1/00 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
90 |
76815 |
9/1/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
82872 |
11/29/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
82873 |
11/29/00 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
82874 |
11/29/00 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
BR |
16 |
82875 |
11/29/00 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
82876 |
11/29/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
82877 |
11/29/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
6 |
83699 |
12/9/00 |
prednisone |
10 mg |
BR |
30 |
83700 |
12/9/00 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
10 |
83701 |
12/9/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
28 |
84684 |
12/22/00 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
84685 |
12/22/00 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
60 |
84686 |
12/22/00 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
84687 |
12/22/00 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
12 |
84688 |
12/22/00 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
86640 |
1/20/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
86641 |
1/20/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
86642 |
1/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
87114 |
1/27/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
87115 |
1/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
87512 |
2/1/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
5 |
87520 |
2/2/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
87521 |
2/2/01 |
methotrexate |
2.5 mg |
JH |
28 |
87522 |
2/2/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
JH |
30 |
87643 |
2/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
88196 |
2/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
88197 |
2/10/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
88507 |
2/14/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
88508 |
2/14/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
88741 |
2/16/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
88742 |
2/16/01 |
Radiacare Gel |
4x4 sheet |
BR |
90 |
88743 |
2/16/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
88744 |
2/16/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
15 |
89128 |
2/22/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
89129 |
2/22/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
24 |
89625 |
3/1/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
89626 |
3/1/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
24 |
89836 |
3/3/01 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
89837 |
3/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
90331 |
3/10/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
90332 |
3/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
90710 |
3/16/01 |
Deltasone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
90711 |
3/16/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
90836 |
3/17/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
BR |
30 |
90837 |
3/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
90838 |
3/17/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
91212 |
3/22/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
91213 |
3/22/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
91342 |
3/24/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
91343 |
3/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
91344 |
3/24/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
91702 |
3/29/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
5 |
91710 |
3/30/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
91711 |
3/30/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
91960 |
4/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
10 |
91966 |
4/2/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
16 |
92194 |
4/5/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
40 |
92384 |
4/7/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
92385 |
4/7/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
92386 |
4/7/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
JH |
30 |
92784 |
4/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
92842 |
4/13/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
40 |
92843 |
4/13/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
93065 |
4/17/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
93066 |
4/17/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
24 |
94117 |
4/20/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
94118 |
4/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
94142 |
4/21/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
94143 |
4/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
24 |
94328 |
4/24/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
40 |
94595 |
4/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
28 |
94597 |
4/27/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
30 |
94598 |
4/27/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
30 |
94620 |
4/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
94621 |
4/28/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
40 |
93065 |
5/4/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
95079 |
5/4/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
95080 |
5/4/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
40 |
95335 |
5/8/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
30 |
95336 |
5/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
36 |
95529 |
5/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
60 |
95531 |
5/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
30 |
95532 |
5/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
30 |
95586 |
5/12/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
95587 |
5/12/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
38 |
95821 |
5/15/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
95822 |
5/15/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
95989 |
5/17/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
BR |
60 |
95990 |
5/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
95991 |
5/17/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
15 |
96167 |
5/21/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
96168 |
5/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
96334 |
5/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
96335 |
5/23/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
96421 |
5/24/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
90 |
96422 |
5/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
96423 |
5/24/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
96424 |
5/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96645 |
5/29/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
96920 |
6/1/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
36 |
96921 |
6/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
96922 |
6/1/01 |
Lonox |
2.5/0.025 |
JH |
60 |
96923 |
6/1/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
97100 |
6/4/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
20 |
97309 |
6/6/01 |
Amoxicillin |
500 mg |
BR |
28 |
97310 |
6/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
30 |
97456 |
6/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97457 |
6/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
97582 |
6/11/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
90 mg |
BR |
4 |
97583 |
6/11/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
97740 |
6/13/01 |
Levaquin |
250 mg |
BR |
3 |
97741 |
6/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
97813 |
6/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98007 |
6/18/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
98008 |
6/18/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98145 |
6/20/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
36 |
98236 |
6/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98330 |
6/23/01 |
MS Contin |
60 mg |
BR |
60 |
98331 |
6/23/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
60 |
98448 |
6/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98449 |
6/25/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
JH |
15 |
98607 |
6/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
BR |
90 |
98608 |
6/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
98609 |
6/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
120 |
98792 |
6/30/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
98793 |
6/30/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
98885 |
7/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
98886 |
7/2/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
98968 |
7/3/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
50 |
99143 |
7/6/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
99144 |
7/6/01 |
quinine sulfate |
260 mg |
BR |
30 |
99146 |
7/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99278 |
7/10/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99569 |
7/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
JH |
100 |
99570 |
7/13/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
36 |
99686 |
7/16/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
36 |
99707 |
7/17/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
100 |
99914 |
7/19/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
60 |
99915 |
7/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
120 |
100103 |
7/23/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
90 |
100104 |
7/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
100 |
100335 |
7/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
BR |
30 |
100336 |
7/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
100693 |
8/2/01 |
Prozac Pulvules |
20 mg |
BR |
7 |
100694 |
8/2/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
100695 |
8/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101039 |
8/7/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
101040 |
8/7/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
101338 |
8/13/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
101339 |
8/13/01 |
prednisone |
5 mg |
BR |
100 |
101808 |
8/18/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
101809 |
8/18/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
102165 |
8/23/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
102304 |
8/27/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
BR |
10 |
101040 |
8/31/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
102767 |
8/31/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103215 |
9/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
103376 |
9/8/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
103377 |
9/8/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
20 |
103446 |
9/10/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
103914 |
9/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
103915 |
9/14/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
15 |
104248 |
9/19/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
MC |
48 |
104249 |
9/19/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
MC |
15 |
104330 |
9/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104646 |
9/25/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
28 |
104803 |
9/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
104804 |
9/27/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
JH |
28 |
104805 |
9/27/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
104806 |
9/27/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
JH |
30 |
103446 |
10/3/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
120 |
105194 |
10/3/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105526 |
10/9/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
105527 |
10/9/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2 mg |
MC |
30 |
105528 |
10/9/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
105887 |
10/15/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
BR |
30 |
105888 |
10/15/01 |
azathioprine |
50 mg |
BR |
15 |
105889 |
10/15/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
105890 |
10/15/01 |
OxyContin |
40 mg |
BR |
24 |
106292 |
10/19/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
106771 |
10/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
100 |
106772 |
10/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107156 |
11/2/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
107579 |
11/8/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
107580 |
11/8/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
107962 |
11/14/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
MC |
30 |
107963 |
11/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108484 |
11/21/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108485 |
11/21/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
MC |
16 |
108759 |
11/27/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
108760 |
11/27/01 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
100 |
109116 |
12/1/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109117 |
12/1/01 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
30 |
109513 |
12/6/01 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
15 |
109514 |
12/6/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109859 |
12/11/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
109860 |
12/11/01 |
warfarin sodium |
2.5 mg |
JH |
30 |
110116 |
12/14/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
110540 |
12/20/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
110752 |
12/24/01 |
furosemide |
40 mg |
BR |
30 |
110753 |
12/24/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
BR |
200 |
111004 |
12/28/01 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
111280 |
1/2/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
15 |
111281 |
1/2/02 |
Dolophine Hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
111282 |
1/2/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
10 |
111280 |
1/7/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
10 |
111662 |
1/7/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/12/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
30 |
112050 |
1/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112372 |
1/17/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
1/17/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
12 |
112740 |
1/23/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
108760 |
1/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
20 |
112993 |
1/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113287 |
1/31/02 |
OxyContin |
80 mg |
JH |
40 |
113734 |
2/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
113735 |
2/6/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
60 |
114155 |
2/12/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
112373 |
2/16/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
114436 |
2/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114806 |
2/21/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
2/26/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
JH |
45 |
115118 |
2/26/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
115360 |
3/2/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
100 |
115624 |
3/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
112373 |
3/11/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
MC |
60 |
115969 |
3/11/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
116311 |
3/16/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
114807 |
3/22/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
15 |
116762 |
3/22/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117031 |
3/28/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117032 |
3/28/02 |
hydrochloride |
40 mg |
MC |
90 |
117347 |
4/3/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
MC |
200 |
117611 |
4/6/02 |
methadone hydrochloride |
10 mg |
JH |
200 |
117612 |
4/6/02 |
fluoxetine |
20 mg |
JH |
60 |
Such conduct is in violation
of Rules 4729-5-20 and 4729-5-22 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
Kevin John Snyder neither
admits nor denies the allegations stated in the amended Notice of Opportunity
for Hearing letter however, the Board has evidence sufficient to sustain the
allegations and hereby adjudicates the same. Wherefore, in consideration
of the foregoing and mutual promises hereinafter set forth, and in lieu of a
formal hearing at this time, Kevin John Snyder knowingly and voluntarily
agrees with the State Board of Pharmacy to the following: (A) Kevin John Snyder agrees to the imposition
of a monetary penalty of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) due and owing within
30 days of the effective date of this Agreement. The monetary penalty should be made payable to the “Treasurer,
State of Ohio” and mailed with the enclosed form to the State Board of
Pharmacy, 77 S. High Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-6126. Kevin John Snyder
acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to ask questions concerning the
terms of this agreement and that all questions asked have been answered in a
satisfactory manner. Any action
initiated by the Board based on alleged violation of this Agreement shall
comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 119. of the Ohio
Revised Code. Kevin John
Snyder waives any and all claims or causes of action he may have against the
State of Ohio or the Board, and members, officers, employees, and/or agents
of either, arising out of matters which are the subject of this Agreement.
Kevin John Snyder waives any rights of appeal pursuant to Chapter 119. of the
Ohio Revised Code. This Settlement Agreement
shall be considered a public record, as that term is used in Section 149.43
of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall become effective upon the date of the
Board President’s signature below. |
/s/ Kevin John Snyder |
/d/ 05–24–2003 |
Kevin John Snyder, Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Diane C. Adelman |
/d/ 6/2/03 |
Diane C. Adelman, President, Ohio State
Board of Pharmacy |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Sally Ann Steuk |
/d/ 6–2–03 |
Sally Ann Steuk, Ohio Assistant Attorney
General |
Date of Signature |
R-2003-184 |
THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket No. D-030109-052) In The Matter Of: AUDLEY D. STEVENS, R.Ph. 1269
Washington Street Box
293 Conneautville,
PA 16406 (R.Ph. No. 03-2-07168) This Settlement Agreement
is entered into by and between Audley D. Stevens and the Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy, a state agency charged with enforcing the Pharmacy Practice Act and
Dangerous Drug Distribution Act, Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code. Audley D. Stevens
voluntarily enters into this Agreement being fully informed of his rights
afforded under Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, including the right to
representation by counsel, the right to a formal adjudication hearing on the
issues contained herein, and the right to appeal. Audley D. Stevens acknowledges that by entering into this
agreement he has waived his rights under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Whereas, the Board is
empowered by Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code to suspend, revoke,
place on probation, refuse to grant or renew an identification card or
enforce a monetary penalty on the license holder for violation of any of the
enumerated grounds therein. Whereas, Audley D. Stevens
is licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. Whereas, on or about
January 9, 2003, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, Audley D.
Stevens was notified of the allegations or charges against him, his right to a hearing, his rights
in such hearing, and his right to
submit contentions in writing. Audley D. Stevens requested a hearing; it was
scheduled and continued. The January
9, 2003, Notice of Opportunity for
Hearing contains the following allegations or charges: |
(1) |
Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate that Audley D. Stevens was originally licensed in the State of Ohio on March 8, 1960, pursuant to reciprocity, and is currently licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio. |
(2) |
Audley D. Stevens did, on or about July 5, 1996, knowingly make a false statement with purpose to secure the issuance of a license or registration, to wit: Audley D. Stevens indicated on his pharmacist license renewal application that he had not been subject of a disciplinary action by any state or federal agency. On or about May 30, 1996, Audley D. Stevens pled guilty to Mail Fraud, a felony, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §1341. United States of America vs. Audley Stevens, Criminal No. 96-15, U.S. District For Western District of Pennsylvania. Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.13 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
(3) |
On May 30, 1996, Audley D. Stevens pled guilty to Mail Fraud, a felony, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §1341. United States of America vs. Audley Stevens, Criminal No. 96-15, U.S. District For Western District of Pennsylvania. |
Audley D. Stevens neither
admits nor denies the allegations stated in the Notice of Opportunity for
Hearing letter dated January 9, 2003; however, the Board has evidence sufficient
to sustain the allegations and hereby adjudicates the same: Wherefore, in consideration
of the foregoing and mutual promises hereinafter set forth, and in lieu of a
formal hearing at this time, Audley D. Stevens knowingly and voluntarily agrees with the State Board of
Pharmacy to the following: |
(A) |
Audley D. Stevens’ pharmacist identification card, No. 03-2-07168, will be suspended for one year from the effective date of this Agreement. |
(B) |
Audley D. Stevens license to practice pharmacy will be reinstated following the suspension with the following conditions: |
(1) |
Audley D. Stevens’ pharmacist identification card is not in good standing and thereby denies the privilege of being a preceptor and training pharmacy interns pursuant to paragraph (D)(1) of Rule 4729-3-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code. |
(2) |
Audley D. Stevens may not serve as a responsible pharmacist. |
If, in the judgment of the Board,
Audley D. Stevens appears to have violated or breached any terms or
conditions of this Agreement, the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy reserves the
right to, at any time, revoke probation, modify the conditions of probation,
and reduce or extend the period of probation, and/or the Board may institute
formal disciplinary proceedings for any and all possible violations or
breaches, including but not limited to, alleged violation of the laws of Ohio
occurring before the effective date of this Agreement. Audley D. Stevens
acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to ask questions concerning the
terms of this agreement and that all questions asked have been answered in a
satisfactory manner. Any action
initiated by the Board based on alleged violation of this Agreement shall
comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 119. of the Ohio
Revised Code. Audley D. Stevens waives
any and all claims or causes of action he may have against the State of Ohio
or the Board, and members, officers, employees, and/or agents of either,
arising out of matters which are the subject of this Agreement. Audley D.
Stevens waives any rights of appeal pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio
Revised Code. This Settlement Agreement
shall be considered a public record, as that term is used in Section 149.43
of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall become effective upon the date of the
Board President’s signature below. |
/s/ Audley D. Stevens |
/d/ 5/27/2003 |
Pharmacist Audley D. Stevens, Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Douglas Graff |
/d/ 5/30/2003 |
Douglas Graff, Attorney for Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Diane C. Adelman |
/d/ 6/2/03 |
Diane C. Adelman, President, Ohio State
Board of Pharmacy |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Sally Ann Steuk |
/d/ 6–2–03 |
Sally Ann Steuk, Ohio Assistant Attorney
General |
Date of Signature |
R-2003-185 |
Mr. Turner moved that the settlement request for Philip Charles Garber be denied and the hearing be continued until his sentencing of federal charges is complete. The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and approved by the Board (Aye-4/Nay-3/Abstain-1[Braylock]). |
R-2003-186 |
Mr. Kost moved that, pursuant to the Board Order of June 10, 2002 for Vernon Infantino, compliance with the Board's Order will require twelve months of urine screens testing for pemoline. The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-1/Abstain-2[Braylock,Gregg]). |
R-2003-187 |
Mrs. Teater moved that the Board renew the contract with the Attorney General's office to provide the Board with full-time counsel, Sally Ann Steuk. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
11:40 a.m.
The Board recessed for lunch. |
1:13 p.m.
The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of creating a record in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Mark Lawrence Iori, Intern, Batavia. |
1:25 p.m.
The hearing ended and the record was closed. The Board took a brief recess. |
1:37 p.m.
The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Joseph M. Rukse, R.Ph., Huntington, West Virginia. |
3:30 p.m.
The hearing ended and the record was closed. The Board took a brief recess. |
3:40 p.m.
Mr. Keeley presented the draft rules for H.B. 221, the Drug Repository bill, developed by the Board's ad hoc committee assigned to write these rules. |
4:53 p.m.
R-2003-188 |
Mr. Keeley presented a request from Knox Community Hospital (02-0039100) for an exemption to Rule 4729-5-10 (Pick-up station) so that patient-specific prescriptions could be prepared at Paragon Scientific in Austin, Texas (02-1066950) and delivered to Knox Community Hospital for distribution to the patients. After discussion, Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board approve the request due to the need for involvement by a health care professional in the patient’s drug therapy [OAC Rule 4729-5-10(B)(5)(b)]. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braylock and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
5:05 p.m.
R-2003-189 |
Mr. Keeley presented information on eInformatics for approval as an electronic prescription transmission system. Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board give eInformatics an approvable status pending review by the field staff at the first installation location. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
5:15 p.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
5:27 p.m.
R-2003-190 |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Ms. Eastman moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Mark Lawrence Iori: |
No. D-030415-066) In
The Matter Of: MARK LAWRENCE IORI 4483
Eastwood Drive, #17112 Batavia,
Ohio 45103 (Pharmacy Intern No.
SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE State’s Witnesses 1. Kevin J. Kinneer, Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy Respondent's Witnesses None State's Exhibits 1. Copy of Notice of Opportunity For
Hearing [04-15-03] 1A. Procedural 2. Copy of Renewal Application for Intern License
of Mark Lawrence Iori [08-01-01] 2A. Copy of Application for Pharmacy Intern
Registration of Mark Lawrence Iori
[06-26-01]; Copy of University of Cincinnati Transcript for Mark L.
Iori [06-11-01] 3. Letter of Registration from William F.
McMillen, R.Ph. [07-16-01] 4. Notarized Statement of Jeff Hogrefe,
R.Ph. [02-13-03] 5. SuperValu Ban Agreement re Amy M.
Iori [09-15-02]; Copy of Statement of
Amy M. Iori [09-15-02] 6. Copy of Statement of Mark Iori [09-15-02] 7. Monthly Breakdown of Mark Iori’s
Returns [04-01 to 09-02] 8. Indictment, State of Ohio vs. Mark
Lawrence Iori, Case No. 02-CR-00620, Clermont County Common Pleas
Court [10-02-02] 9. Written Plea of Guilty [11-27-02] 10. Judgment Entry Sentencing Defendant To
Community Control [01-09-03] Respondent's Exhibits None |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the testimony, observed the
demeanor of the witness, considered the evidence, and weighed the credibility
of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be fact: |
(1) On
April 15, 2003, Mark Lawrence Iori was notified by letter of his right to a
hearing, his rights in such hearing, and his right to submit his contentions
in writing. (2) As
demonstrated by return receipt dated April 22, 2003, Mark Lawrence Iori
received the letter of April 15, 2003, informing him of the allegations
against him, and his rights. (3) Mark Lawrence
Iori has not responded in any manner to the letter of April 15, 2003, and has
not requested a hearing in this matter. (4)
Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Mark Lawrence
Iori was originally licensed by the State of Ohio as a pharmacy intern on
June 29, 2001. (5) Mark Lawrence Iori did, from April, 2001,
through September, 2002, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert
control over cash money, the property of Bigg's Pharmacy, by deception, to
wit: Mark Lawrence Iori admittedly stole $14,756.94 through a scheme of
creating false refunds and pocketing the cash from his employer. Such conduct is in violation of Section
2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code. (6) On or
about November 26, 2002, Mark Lawrence Iori pled to one count of Theft, a
felony of the fourth degree, under Section 2913.02(A)(1) of the Ohio Revised
Code. On January 6, 2003, Mark
Lawrence Iori was sentenced to five years of community control with
conditions. State of Ohio vs. Mark
Lawrence Iori, Case No. 02-CR-00620, Clermont County Common Pleas Court. |
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (5) and (6) of the Findings
of Fact constitute being guilty of a felony and gross immorality as provided
in Division (A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. (2) The
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (5) and (6) of the Findings
of Fact constitute being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in
the practice of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of
the Ohio Revised Code. |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 4729.16
of the Ohio Revised Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole, the
State Board of Pharmacy hereby revokes the pharmacy intern identification
card, No. 06-0-03343, held by Mark Lawrence Iori effective as of the date of
the mailing of this Order. THIS ORDER WAS APPROVED BY
A VOTE OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. MOTION CARRIED. SO ORDERED. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
5:30 p.m.
The meeting recessed until Tuesday, June 3, 2003. |
TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2003 |
8:31 a.m. |
The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room West-B&C, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present: Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (President); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Elizabeth I. Gregg, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Nathan S. Lipsyc, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph. |
8:32 a.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
8:35 a.m.
Board Member Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph. arrived and joined the Executive Session in progress. |
9:00 a.m.
R-2003-191 |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board accept the settlement offer in the matter of Rayner B. Lotton, R.Ph. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-4). |
9:08 a.m.
The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Matthew Donavon Nourse, R.Ph., Lucasville. |
10:56 a.m.
The hearing ended and the record was closed. |
11:02 a.m.
The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Loretta Ann Nehez, R.Ph., Ukiah, California. |
11:46 a.m.
The hearing ended and the record was closed. |
11:52 a.m.
Mr. Lipsyc moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
12:02 p.m.
R-2003-192 |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Ms. Eastman moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Loretta Ann Nehez: ORDER OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket
No. D-030307-062) In
The Matter Of: LORETTA ANN NEHEZ, R.Ph. 3620
Eastside Calpella Road Ukiah, California 95482 (D.O.B. 10/08/1954) |
SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE State’s Witnesses 1. Loretta A. Nehez, R.Ph., Respondent Respondent's
Witnesses None |
State's Exhibits 1. Copy of Proposal to Deny/Notice of
Opportunity For A Hearing [03-07-03] 1A-1B. Procedurals 2. NABP Official Application for Transfer of
Pharmaceutic Licensure of Loretta Ann Nehez
[12-9-02] 3. Accusation, In the Matter of Loretta Ann
Nehez, Case No. 1573, State of
California Board of Pharmacy, Dept. of Consumer Affairs [09-26-91] 4. Stipulation [05-12-94] |
Exhibits A. Opening Statement of Loretta Nehez [not dated] B. Copy of letter from Robert W. Stewart [05-14-03] C. Order for Drug Diversion, The People Of
The State of California vs. Loretta Ann Nehez, Case No. WC1255, The Mt.
Sanhedrin Judicial District Municipal Court
[03-06-91]; Notice, Sentence, Commitment Form [03-06-91] D. Complaint-Criminal Felony [01-08-91] E. Copy of Treatment Evaluation from Deborah
L. Jaynes, M.A. [10-11-93] F. Order To Dismiss Complaint [04-28-94]; Notice, Sentence, Commitment
Form [08-28-91] G. Copy of Compliance letter from Jon Thayer
M.A., R.N., CARN, C.D. [05-10-93] H. Copy of Compliance letter from Jon Thayer
M.A., R.N., CARN, C.D. [07-12-94] I. Copy of Treatment
Contract letter from Maureen F. Whitmore, M.A., M.F.C.C. [04-11-91]; Copy of Impaired Pharmacist
Program Treatment Contract of Loretta Nehez
[04-17-91] J. Copy of letter from
M. Michele Scantlebury, R.N., M.S.N., C.S.
[08-07-91]; Copy of Addendum #1 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of
Loretta Nehez [08-13-91] K. Copy of letter from M. Michele
Scantlebury, R.N., M.S.N., C.S.
[01-08-92]; Copy of Addendum #2 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of
Loretta Nehez [01-10-92] L. Copy of letter from M. Michele
Scantlebury, R.N., M.S.N., C.S.
[04-20-92]; Copy of Addendum #3 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of
Loretta Nehez [04-21-92] M. Copy of letter from M.
Michele Scantlebury, R.N., M.S.N., C.S.
[06-24-92]; Copy of Addendum #4 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of
Loretta Nehez [07-01-92] N. Copy of letter from M. Michele
Scantlebury, R.N., M.S.N., C.S.
[12-02-92]; Copy of Addendum #5 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of Loretta
Nehez [12-09-92] O. Copy of letter from Jon Thayer, M.A.,
R.N., C.A.R.N., C.D. [06-22-93]; Copy
of Addendum #6 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of Loretta Nehez [07-03-93] P. Copy of letter from Jon Thayer, M.A.,
R.N., C.A.R.N., C.D. [12-30-93]; Copy
of Addendum #7 to Pharmacist Recovery Program of Loretta Nehez [01-21-94] Q. Copy of Individual Reassessment Form of
Loretta Nehez [11-20-91] R. Copy of Individual Reassessment Form of
Loretta Nehez [05-08-92] S. Copy of faxed letter to Michele Scantlebury
from Loretta Nehez [04-29-92] T. Copy of faxed letter to Michele
Scantlebury from Loretta Nehez
[07-11-92] U. Copy of two letters to Occupational Health
Services, Inc. from Loretta Nehez
[10-03-93] V. Copy of California State Board of Pharmacy
Probation Termination letter from Robert Ratcliff by Anne Farrenkopf [06-12-97] W. Copy of letter from
Patricia F. Harris [04-13-94];
Stipulation, In the Matter of the Accusation Against Loretta Ann Nehez, No.
1573, Board of Pharmacy, Department of Consumer Affairs, State of
California [08-03-93] X. Accusation [09-26-91] Y. Copy of letter from Raymond Tom [04-14-94] Z. Copy of letter from Loretta Nehez [04-01-97] AA-II. Copy of nine Letters of Support [05-20-03 to 05-22-03] |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the
testimony, observed the demeanor of the witness, considered the evidence, and
weighed the credibility of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the
following to be fact: |
(1) Loretta Ann Nehez is a registered
pharmacist in the states of California and Indiana, and on or about November
20, 2002, Loretta Ann Nehez submitted an application for registration as a
pharmacist by reciprocity to the State of Ohio. (2)
Loretta Ann Nehez's license to practice pharmacy in California was, on
or about August 3, 1993, revoked; the revocation was stayed and Ms. Nehez was
placed on probation for three years with conditions relative to her thefts of
dangerous drugs and controlled substances for her own abuse. (3)
Loretta Ann Nehez's probation was officially terminated and her
pharmacist license fully restored by the California State Board of Pharmacy
effective May 12, 1997 |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 4729.09
of the Ohio Revised Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole,
the State Board of Pharmacy hereby approves the issuance of a pharmacist
identification card to Loretta Ann Nehez to practice pharmacy in Ohio and,
therefore, accepts the Official Application for Transfer of Pharmaceutic
Licensure submitted by Loretta Ann Nehez and received by the Board on
December 9, 2002. Further, Loretta Ann Nehez must notify the Ohio
State Board of Pharmacy prior to employment in Ohio. THIS ORDER WAS APPROVED BY
The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
12:05 p.m.
The Board recessed for lunch and the Board’s meeting with the reciprocity candidates. |
1:30 p.m.
With all members present, the Board convened in Room South-A, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio, for the purpose of meeting with the candidates for licensure by reciprocity. |
R-2003-193 |
Following presentations by Board members and self-introductions by the candidates for licensure by reciprocity, the following candidates participated in a discussion of pharmacy laws and rules with Mr. McMillen and were then presented with their Ohio pharmacist identification cards. |
03-3-25770 03-3-25669 03-3-25823 03-3-25807 03-3-25827 03-3-25748 03-3-25821 03-3-25573 03-3-25829 03-3-25775 03-3-25745 03-3-25824 |
1:48 p.m.
R-2003-194 |
Mr. Keeley presented a request from Scarbrough Medical Arts Pharmacy [02-0114850) for an exemption to Rule 4729-5-10 (Pick-up station) so that patient-specific prescriptions could be prepared at Scarbrough Medical Arts Pharmacy and delivered to East Columbus Surgery Center [02-1178400] and Findlay Surgery Center [02-1171400] for distribution to the patients. After discussion, Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board approve the request due to the need for involvement by a health care professional in the patient’s drug therapy [OAC Rule 4729-5-10(B)(5)(b)]. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
1:56 p.m.
After a discussion of the draft minutes from the May 12 & 13, 2003 meeting, Mr. Kost moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). After a discussion of the draft minutes from the May 19, 2003 telephone conference call, Mrs. Teater moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-0/Abstain-3[Gregg,Kost,Lipsyc]). |
2:03 p.m.
Mr. Braylock moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
2:52 p.m.
R-2003-195 |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Mr. Braylock moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Joseph H. Rukse: ORDER OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket
No. D-001226-027) In
R.Ph. 23
Colonial Court Barboursville,
West Virginia 25504 (R.Ph. No. 03-2-15318) |
SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE State’s Witnesses 1. Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr., R.Ph.,
Respondent Respondent's
Witnesses 1. Annetta Spurlock |
State's Exhibits 1. Copy of Summary Suspension Order/Notice of
Opportunity For Hearing [12-26-00] 1A-1K. Procedurals 2. Information, United States of America
v. Joseph M. Rukse, Jr., Criminal No. 3:00-00219, U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of West Virginia
[10-11-00] 3. Letter of Agreement in re United States
v. Joseph M. Rukse, Jr.
[07-18-00] 4. Order
[11-13-00] 5. Judgment in a Criminal Case [01-24-01] 6. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in
re Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr., R.Ph.
[05-05-99] 7. Kmart Loss Control Report of
Investigation [03-01-97] 8. Criminal Affidavit, Complaint By
Prosecuting Attorney Upon Affidavit, and Judgement Entry of Plea and
Sentencing, for Theft. State of
Ohio vs. Joseph Rukse, Case No. 97-CRA-393, Lawrence County Municipal
Court [04-29-97 to 06-02-97] 9. Standard Rules of Probation, Lawrence
County Municipal Court [not dated] 10. Copy of Renewal Application for Pharmacist
License of Joseph M. Rukse [07-15-97] 11. Complaint, State of Ohio v. Rukse,
Case No. 98/013821, Franklin County Municipal Court [05-29-98] 12. Sentencing Entry [11-24-98] 13. Copy of letter from William T. Douglass,
Jr. [04-23-02] |
Respondent's Exhibits A1. Support Group Attendance Records [05-19-00 to 04-22-03] A2. Copy of PRO Pharmacist’s Recovery Contract
for Joseph Rukse [09-19-00]; Copy of
PRO Pharmacist’s Recovery Contract for Joseph Rukse [06-21-02] A3. Twelve Statements of Account re Joseph M.
Rukse, Jr. by the U.S. Department of Justice
[12-14-01 to 04-04-03] A4. Thirty-two Continuing Pharmaceutical
Education Certificates [05-21-02 to
04-27-03] A5. Letter from Frederick N. Karaffa,
M.D. [12-29-00]; Letter from Steve
Gifford, B.A., CCDC III-E [06-06-00] A6. Letter from Kelly M. Clark [03-26-02] A7. Letter from J. Thomas Jones [12-21-00] A8. Copy of letter from John Paull Hogg [12-15-00] A9. Letter from Dana D. Varney [03-02] A10. Letter from Karl S. Valentine, R.Ph. [04-29-03] A11. Letter from Bruce J. Merkin, M.D. [05-01-03] A12. Letter from Kimberly D. Holton [04-12-03] A13. Letter from Robert Holton [not dated] A14. Letter from Marshall T. Reynolds [04-24-03] A15. Letter from Randy Patrick [not dated] A16. Copy of Certificate of Achievement [07-13-01], Copies of four Program Review
Reports re Joseph M. Rukse, Jr.
[03-02-01 to 11-09-01] A17. Copy of Facsimile Transmission Form from
the United States Probation Office to Graff & Associates, L.P.A. [05/30/03], Drug Screen Reports [03-22-02 to 03-26-03] A18. Drug Screen Reports [01-22-02 to 03-11-02] A19. Drug Screen Reports [09-28-00 to 02-08-01] A20. U.S. Department of Justice Statement of
Account re Joseph M. Rukse, Jr.
[05-19-03] |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the testimony, observed the
demeanor of the witnesses, considered the evidence, and weighed the
credibility of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be
fact: |
Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Joseph Martin Rukse,
Jr. was originally licensed by the State of Ohio as a pharmacist on September
27, 1983, pursuant to reciprocity, and that his license to practice pharmacy
in Ohio was summarily suspended effective December 26, 2000. (2) Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. is addicted to
liquor or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to
render him unfit to practice pharmacy, to wit: Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. has
admitted that he has a chemical dependence, and that he has sought treatment. Such conduct indicates that Joseph Martin
Rukse, Jr. falls within the ambit of Sections 3719.121(A) and 4729.16(A)(3)
of the Ohio Revised Code. (3) Joseph
Martin Rukse, Jr. was convicted on or about November 1, 2000, in the United
States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia of 18 U.S.C.
§ 1347 (defrauding a health care benefit program) and 21 U.S.C. § 843(a)(3)
(acquire a controlled substance by deception). United States of America v. Joseph M. Rukse, Jr.,
Criminal Action No. 3:00-00219. Such
conduct indicates that Joseph Martin Rukse falls within the ambit of Section
3719.121(C) of the Ohio Revised Code. (4) Joseph
Martin Rukse, Jr. did, on various dates during the year 2000, violate his
Board-Ordered probation, to wit: Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. was placed on
probation for three years by Board Order dated May 5, 1999. The Board suspended his license for
forty-two months, but stayed thirty-six months on condition that he violate
no drug laws. Paragraphs (2) and (3)
above indicate that Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. violated his probation. |
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (3) of the Findings of Fact
constitutes being guilty of a felony and gross immorality as provided in Division
(A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. (2) The
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (3) of the Findings of Fact
constitutes being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice
of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio
Revised Code. (3) The
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (2) of the Findings of Fact
constitutes being addicted to or abusing liquor or drugs or impaired physically
or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice pharmacy as
provided in Division (A)(3) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 3719.121 of the Ohio Revised
Code, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby removes the Summary Suspension Order
issued to Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. on December 26, 2000. Pursuant to Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised
Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of
Pharmacy hereby suspends indefinitely the pharmacist identification card,
No. 03-2-15318, held by Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. and such suspension is
effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order. |
(A) Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr., pursuant to Rule
4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, may not be employed by or work
in a facility licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy to possess or
distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension. (B) Joseph
Martin Rukse, Jr., pursuant to Section 4729.16(B) of the Ohio Revised Code,
must return his identification card and license (wall certificate) to the
office of the State Board of Pharmacy within ten days after receipt of this
Order unless the Board office is already in possession of both. The identification card and wall certificate
should be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. |
Further, after December 31, 2004, the Board will
consider any petition filed by Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. for a hearing,
pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 119., for reinstatement. The Board will only consider reinstatement
of the license to practice pharmacy in Ohio if the following conditions have
been met: |
(A) Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. must take and
pass the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) or an
equivalent examination approved by the Board (B) Joseph
Martin Rukse, Jr. must enter into a contract, signed within thirty days after
the effective date of this Order, with an Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug
Addiction Services (ODADAS) treatment provider or a treatment provider
acceptable to the Board for a period of not less than five years and, upon
signing, mail a copy of the contract to the Board office. The contract must provide that: |
(1) Random,
observed urine drug screens
shall be conducted at least once each month. |
(a) The
urine sample must be given within twelve hours of notification. The urine drug screen must include testing
for creatinine or specific gravity of the sample as the dilutional standard. (b)
Results of all drug screens must be negative. Any positive results, including those
which may have resulted from ingestion of food, but excluding false positives
which resulted from medication legitimately prescribed, indicates a violation
of the contract. |
Attendance is required a minimum of three times per week at an Alcoholics
Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and/or similar support group meeting. (3) The
program shall immediately report to the Board any violations of the contract
and/or lack of cooperation. |
(C) Joseph Martin Rukse, Jr. must demonstrate
satisfactory proof to the Board that he is no longer addicted to or abusing
drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him
unfit to practice pharmacy. (D) Joseph
Martin Rukse, Jr. must provide, at the reinstatement petition hearing, documentation
of the following: |
(1) Compliance
with the contract required above (e.g.-proof of giving the sample within
twelve hours of notification and copies of all drug screen reports, meeting
attendance records, treatment program reports, etc.); (2)
Compliance with the continuing pharmacy education requirements as set
forth in Chapter 4729-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code as applicable and in
effect on the date of petitioning the Board for reinstatement (i.e.-CEUs must
be obtained during the three years immediately preceding the petition
hearing); (3)
Compliance with the terms of this Order. |
(E) If reinstatement is not accomplished
within three years of the effective date of this Order, Joseph Martin Rukse,
Jr. must also show successful completion of the NAPLEX examination or an
equivalent examination approved by the Board. THIS ORDER WAS APPROVED BY
A VOTE OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. MOTION CARRIED. SO ORDERED. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-2). |
R-2003-196 |
Ms. Eastman then moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Matthew Donavon Nourse: ORDER OF THE STATE BOARD OF
No. D-020806-003) In
R.Ph. 1054
Graham Lane Lucasville,
Ohio 45648 (R.Ph. No. 03-1-22575) |
SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE State’s Witnesses 1. Todd Zevchik, R.Ph., Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy Respondent's
Witnesses 1. Matthew Donavon Nourse, R.Ph., Respondent |
State's Exhibits 1. Copy of Summary Suspension Order/Notice of
Opportunity For Hearing letter
[08-06-02] 1A-1F. Procedurals 2. Written Statement of Shirley R.
Leslie [07-17-02] 3. Sixteen
Accountability Statements completed at Rite Aid #4708 for the following
drugs: hydrocodone bit./APAP 10/650 mg, hydrocodone bit./APAP 5/500 mg,
hydrocodone bit./APAP 7.5/500 mg, hydrocodone bit./APAP 7.5/750 mg, Vicodin
ES 7.5/750 mg, Vicoprofen 7.5/200 mg, lorazepam 0.5 mg, lorazepam 1 mg,
lorazepam 2 mg, Xanax 1 mg, alprazolam 1 mg, diazepam 10 mg, diazepam 2 mg,
diazepam 5 mg, Valium 10 mg, and Valium 5 mg
[05-13-03] 4. Summary of Unauthorized
Prescriptions for Matthew Nourse, Rx # 40875
[09-14-99]; Rx # 41719
[09-27-99]; Rx # 43201
[10-16-99]; Rx # 48198
[01-03-00]; Rx # 48878
[01-12-00]; Rx # 48879
[01-12-00]; Rx # 60266
[07-04-00]; Rx # 63323
[08-22-00]; Rx # 66607
[10-08-00]; Rx # 70745
[12-04-00]; Rx # 79286
[03-26-01]; Rx # 81299
[04-23-01], Rx # 82565
[06-11-01], Rx # 98619
[01-09-02]; Rx # 98814 [01-09-02];
Rx # 99315 [01-17-02] 5. Copy of Statement of Matt Nourse [04-15-99]. 6. Copy of letter from Dr. James Baber, M.D.
to Wal-Mart Corporation [07-22-99],
Drug Screen Report re Matthew Nourse
[04-02-99] 7. DEA Report of Theft of Loss of Controlled
Substances of Wal-Mart Pharmacy 10-1564
[05-10-99] 8. Official Report, New Boston Police
Department, Report No. OR 04-15-991497
[04-16-99] 9. Village of New Boston Case Worksheet for WalMart
vs. Nourse, Matthew D., Case No. 99CRB76A [04-26-99] 10. Restitution Note from Matthew D. Nourse to
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. [04-15-99] |
Exhibits A. Copy of PRO Pharmacist’s Recovery Contract
for Matthew D. Nourse [09-09-02] B. Copy of Support Group Attendance
Records [07-30-02 to 05-01-03] C. Copy of Drug Screen Reports [12-20-02 to 05-20-03] D. Letter from Steven R. Welton, R.Ph. [05-14-03] E. Letter from William Basedow, D.O. [05-04-03] F. Letter from James R. Mullins, M.D. [12-19-02] G. Letter from Kevin Gahm, R.Ph. [05-13-03] H. Letter from Sean Higbee, R.Ph. [05-05-03] I. Copy of Certificate
of Completion for Matthew Nourse
[09-24-02] J. Letter from Adam
Kennard, CCDC I [05-27-03] |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the testimony, observed the
demeanor of the witnesses, considered the evidence, and weighed the
credibility of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be
fact: |
Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Matthew Donavon Nourse
was originally licensed by the State of Ohio as a pharmacist on August 20,
1997, pursuant to examination, and that his license to practice pharmacy in
Ohio was summarily suspended effective August 6, 2002. (2)
Matthew Donavon Nourse is addicted to liquor or drugs or impaired
physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice
pharmacy, to wit: on July 16, 2002,
while working at Rite Aid Pharmacy #4708, Matthew Donavon Nourse was observed
slurring his words, swaying back and forth while standing, and having
difficulty keeping his eyes open. A
technician stated Matthew Donavon Nourse had made several mistakes processing
prescription medication orders, and that he was moving very slowly and seemed
extremely tired. Matthew Donavon
Nourse admitted that his problems with drugs and alcohol began approximately
two years ago, and that he had a drug dependency problem and wanted to get
some help. Matthew Donavon Nourse
admitted that he had consumed six Vicodin 5/500 mg tablets, an unknown amount
of Darvocet-N 100 mg, and one Ativan 0.5 mg tablet. Such conduct indicates that Matthew Donavon Nourse is addicted
to the use of controlled substances within the meaning of Section 3719.121 of
the Ohio Revised Code. (3)
Matthew Donavon Nourse did, on or about July 16, 2002, while employed
as a pharmacist for Rite Aid Pharmacy #4708, with purpose to deprive,
knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Rite Aid Pharmacy #4708, beyond the
express or implied consent of the owner, to wit: Matthew Donavon Nourse has
admittedly stolen 6 Vicodin 5/500 mg tablets and an unknown amount of
Darvocet-N 100 mg tablets. Such
conduct violates Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code. (4)
Matthew Donavon Nourse was convicted, on or about April 30, 1999, of
Petty Theft. Walmart vs. Nourse,
Matthew D., Case No. 99CRB76A, Village of New Boston Mayor's Court. Such conduct indicates that Matthew
Donavon Nourse falls within the ambit of Section 4729.16(A)(4) of the Ohio
Revised Code. |
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Findings
of Fact constitute being guilty of gross immorality as provided in Division
(A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. (2) The State
Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Findings of
Fact constitute being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the
practice of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the
Ohio Revised Code. (3) The State Board of Pharmacy concludes that
paragraph (2) of the Findings of Fact constitutes being addicted to or
abusing liquor or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree
as to render him unfit to practice pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(3) of
Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. (4) The
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (4) of the Findings of Fact
constitutes being convicted of a misdemeanor related to, or committed in, the
practice of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(4) of Section 4729.16 of the
Ohio Revised Code. |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 3719.121 of the Ohio Revised
Code, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby removes the Summary Suspension Order
issued to Matthew Donavon Nourse on August 6, 2002. Pursuant to Section 4729.16
of the Ohio Revised Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole,
the State Board of Pharmacy hereby suspends indefinitely the pharmacist
identification card, No. 03-1-22575, held by Matthew Donavon Nourse and such
suspension is effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order. |
(A) Matthew Donavon Nourse, pursuant to Rule
4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, may not be employed by or work
in a facility licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy to possess or
distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension. (B) Matthew Donavon Nourse, pursuant to Section
4729.16(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, must return his identification card and
license (wall certificate) to the office of the State Board of Pharmacy
within ten days after receipt of this Order unless the Board office is
already in possession of both. The
identification card and wall certificate should be sent by certified mail,
return receipt requested. |
Further, after July 31, 2004, the Board will
consider any petition filed by Matthew Donavon Nourse for a hearing, pursuant
to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 119., for reinstatement. The Board will only consider reinstatement
of the license to practice pharmacy in Ohio if the following conditions have
been met: |
Matthew Donavon Nourse must obtain, within sixty days after the
effective date of this Order, a full psychiatric or psychological evaluation by
a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist and must abide by the treatment plan
as designed by that psychiatrist or psychologist. The psychiatrist or psychologist must provide an initial status
report, which includes the recommended treatment plan, to the Board within
ten days after completing the assessment. (B)
Matthew Donavon Nourse must enter into a contract, signed within
thirty days after the effective date of this Order, with an Ohio Department
of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) treatment provider or a
treatment provider acceptable to the Board for a period of not less than five
years and, upon signing, mail a copy of the contract to the Board
office. The contract must provide
that: |
(1) Random,
observed urine drug screens
shall be conducted at least once each month. (a) The
urine sample must be given within twelve hours of notification. The urine drug screen must include testing
for creatinine or specific gravity of the sample as the dilutional standard. (b)
Alcohol must be added to the standard urine drug screen. A Breathalyzer may be used to test for
alcohol, but the test must be conducted by an appropriately certified
individual within twelve hours of notification. (c) Results of all drug and alcohol screens
must be negative. Any positive
results, including those which may have resulted from ingestion of food, but
excluding false positives which resulted from medication legitimately
prescribed, indicates a violation of the contract. |
(2) Attendance
is required a minimum of three times per week at an Alcoholics Anonymous,
Narcotics Anonymous, and/or similar support group meeting. (3) The
program shall immediately report to the Board any violations of the contract
and/or lack of cooperation. |
Matthew Donavon Nourse must demonstrate satisfactory proof to the
Board that he is no longer addicted to or abusing liquor or drugs or impaired
physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice
pharmacy. (D) Matthew
Donavon Nourse must provide, at the reinstatement petition hearing,
documentation of the following: |
Payment of any outstanding restitution or have an approved payment
plan. (2) Notify
his current employer of his addiction to drugs and alcohol and have his
employer respond to the Board of receiving such notification. (3)
Compliance with the licensed psychiatrist's or psychologist's recommended
treatment plan; (4) A
report by the licensed psychiatrist or psychologist regarding Matthew Donavon
Nourse's fitness for readmission into the practice of pharmacy; (5)
Compliance with the contract required above (e.g.-proof of giving the
urine sample within twelve hours of notification and copies of all drug and
alcohol urine screen reports, meeting attendance records, treatment program
reports, etc.); (6)
Compliance with the continuing pharmacy education requirements set
forth in Chapter 4729-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code as applicable and in
effect on the date of petitioning the Board for reinstatement; (7)
Compliance with the terms of this Order. |
(E) If reinstatement is not accomplished
within three years of the effective date of this Order, Matthew Donavon Nourse
must also show successful completion of the NAPLEX examination or an
equivalent examination approved by the Board. THIS ORDER WAS APPROVED BY
A VOTE OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. MOTION CARRIED. SO ORDERED. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
2.55 p.m.
Mr. Braylock reported on the Nursing Board’s Committee on Prescriptive Governance meeting of April 28, 2003. |
3:05 p.m.
The meeting recessed until Wednesday, June 4, 2003. |
8:30 a.m. |
The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room West-B&C, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present: Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (President); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Elizabeth I. Gregg, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Nathan S. Lipsyc, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph. |
8:31 a.m.
Mrs. Teater gave a report on the pharmacists who currently are on probation with the Board. There were no issues requiring official action by the Board. |
8:32 a.m.
Board Member Gregory Braylock, R.Ph. arrived. |
9:25 a.m.
The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Abdallah D. Abukhalil, R.Ph., Cleveland. |
11:48 a.m.
The hearing ended and the record was closed. The Board took a brief recess. |
11:57 a.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
12:50 p.m.
R-2003-197 |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Mr. Kost moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Abdallah D. Abukhalil: ORDER OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY (Docket
No. D-020514-057) In
R.Ph. 16544
North White Oaks Drive Strongsville,
Ohio 44136 (R.Ph. No. 03-3-23964) |
SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE State’s Witnesses None Respondent's
Witnesses 1. Abdallah D. Abukhalil, R.Ph., Respondent 2. Andrew Sperling, R.Ph. |
State's Exhibits 1. Copy of Notice of Opportunity For Hearing
letter [05-14-02] 1A-1H. Procedurals 2. Indictment, State of Ohio vs. Abdalah
Abukhalil, Case No. CR 389148, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court [03-30-00] 3. Journal Entry of Plea [06-12-01] 4. Journal Entry of Sentencing [07-30-01] 5. Copy of Report of Investigation [12-31-99]
and three Follow-up Investigation reports
[01-04-00, 01-07-00, and 01-18-00], Incident No. 55899, Cleveland Fire
Department 6. Copy of Statement of Debbie Smith [01-14-00] 7. Copy of Statement of Latoya Mitchell [01-14-00] 8. Copy of Statement of Carrie James [01-18-00] |
Exhibits A. Copy of Revco Pharmacist Performance
Evaluation Form re Abdallah Abukhalil [July 2001 to July 2002] B. Copy of Dangerous Drug Distributor
Inspection Report for CVS Pharmacy #4803
[01-16-02] C. Letter from Ziad Malzoum and Andy
Sperling [09-23-02] E. Letter from Fred H. Schill [09-30-02] F. Copy of letter from Steve Barney,
R.Ph. [10-15-02] G. Copy of letter from Baltek S. Randbawa,
R.Ph. [10-03-02] H. Copy of Journal Entry of Sentencing, State
of Ohio vs. Abdalah Abukhalil, Case No. CR389148, Cuyahoga County Common
Pleas Court [07-30-01] I. Copy of Motion To Terminate
Probation [01-03-03] J. Copy of Journal Entry of Decision [03-19-03] K. Copy of Stipulated Dismissal Entry, State
Farm Fire & Casualty Company, et al vs. Mohammahd D. Mohammad, et al,
Case No. CR448882, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court [01-08-03] L. Copy of Release Of All Claims Form re Abdallah Abukhalil [11-21-02] M. Copy of University of
Florida Proof of Enrollment Form re Abdallah Abukhalil [not dated] N. Copies of Continuing
Pharmaceutical Education Certificates
[01-26-01 to 02-20-02] |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the testimony, observed the
demeanor of the witnesses, considered the evidence, and weighed the
credibility of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be
fact: |
(1) Records
of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Abdallah D. Abukhalil was
originally licensed by the State of Ohio as a pharmacist on February 11,
2000, pursuant to examination, and is currently licensed to practice pharmacy
in Ohio. (2) On
June 5, 2001, Abdallah D. Abukhalil pled no contest to Arson, a fourth degree
felony under Section 2909.03 of the Ohio Revised Code. State of Ohio vs. Abdalah Abukhalil,
Case No. 389148, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. |
CONCLUSION OF LAW The State Board of Pharmacy concludes that
paragraph (2) of the Findings of Fact constitutes being guilty of a felony
and gross immorality as provided in Division (A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the
Ohio Revised Code. |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 4729.16
of the Ohio Revised Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole,
the State Board of Pharmacy hereby revokes the pharmacist identification
card, No. 03-3-23964, held by Abdallah D. Abukhalil effective as of the date
of the mailing of this Order. Pursuant to Section
4729.16(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, Abdallah D. Abukhalil must return his
identification card and license (wall certificate) to the office of the State
Board of Pharmacy within ten days after receipt of this Order unless the
Board office is already in possession of both. The identification card and wall certificate should be sent by
certified mail, return receipt requested. THIS ORDER WAS APPROVED BY
A VOTE OF THE STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. MOTION CARRIED. SO ORDERED. The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-4/Nay-3/Abstain-1[Lipsyc]). |
12:52 p.m.
Mr. Benedict presented a press release from the Department of Health regarding initiation of the Pharmaceutical Case Management program. |
12:55 p.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board receive Per Diem as follows: |
4/28 |
6/2 |
6/3 |
6/4 |
Total |
Adelman |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Braylock |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Eastman |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Giacalone |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Gregg |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Lipsyc |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Kost |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Teater |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Turner |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
12:58 p.m.
Mr. Lipsyc moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved (Aye-8/Nay-0). |