NOTE: The following Minutes are provided for informational purposes only. If you would like to obtain an official copy of these Minutes, please contact the State Board of Pharmacy at 614/466-4143 for instructions and fee. |
1702; COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-6126 Tel:
Fax: 614/752-4836 Eml: |
Of The Meeting Ohio
State Board of Pharmacy January
6 & 7, 2003 |
10:12 a.m. |
The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room West-B&C, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present: Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (President); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Elizabeth I. Gregg, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Nathan S. Lipsyc, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph. Also present were William T. Winsley, Executive Director; Timothy Benedict, Assistant Executive Director; William McMillen, Licensing Administrator; Mark Keeley, Legislative Affairs Administrator; Robert Cole, Compliance Supervisor; David Rowland, Legal Affairs Administrator; and Sally Ann Steuk, Assistant Attorney General. |
10:14 a.m. |
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code and for the purpose of conferring with an attorney for the Board regarding pending or imminent court action pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(3) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
10:24 a.m. |
Mr. Braylock arrived and joined the Executive Session in progress. |
11:55 a.m. |
The Board recessed for lunch. |
1:35 p.m. |
The State Board of Pharmacy reconvened, still in Executive Session, in Room West-B&C, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present: Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (President); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Gregory Braylock, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Elizabeth I. Gregg, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Nathan S. Lipsyc, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph. |
2:20 p.m. |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. |
R-2003-083 |
Ms. Eastman moved that, pursuant to Section 3719.121 of the Revised Code, the Board summarily suspend the license to practice pharmacy belonging to Thomas A. Scott, R.Ph. (03-3-16170) due to the fact that a continuation of his professional practice presents a danger of immediate and serious harm to others. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
R-2003-084 |
Mrs. Gregg then moved that the Board accept the settlement offered in the matter of Joseph A. Cusma, R.Ph. that had been scheduled for a hearing at 1:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braylock and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). Upon the signature of President Adelman, the following settlement agreement became final. |
DISCIPLINARY ACTION PENDING (Docket No. D-020212-039) In The Matter Of: JOSEPH ANTHONY CUSMA, R.Ph. 7919 Erika Circle N.W. Massillon, Ohio 44646 (R.Ph. No. 03-1-08957) |
This Settlement Agreement is
entered into by and between Joseph Anthony Cusma and the Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy, a state agency charged with enforcing the Pharmacy Practice Act and
Dangerous Drug Distribution Act, Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code. Joseph Anthony Cusma enters
into this Agreement being fully informed of his rights afforded under Chapter
119. of the Ohio Revised Code, including the right to representation by
counsel and the right to a formal adjudication hearing on the issues
contained herein. Joseph Anthony Cusma is
knowingly and voluntarily acknowledging that, in order to settle the
disciplinary charges that have been filed by the Board against him and in
order to obviate the need to conduct an administrative hearing to consider
possible disciplinary sanctions against Joseph Anthony Cusma’s license to
practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio, this Agreement is entered into on the
basis of the following stipulations, admissions, and understandings: |
(A) The
Ohio State Board of Pharmacy is empowered by Section 4729.16 of the Ohio
Revised Code to suspend, revoke, place on probation, refuse to grant or renew
an identification card, or impose a monetary penalty on the license holder
for violation of any of the enumerated grounds. |
(B) Joseph
Anthony Cusma neither admits nor denies the allegations stated in the Notice
of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated February 12, 2002; however, the Board
has duly filed the allegations in its Notice of Opportunity as stated therein
and will withhold conducting an adjudication hearing pursuant to the terms of
this agreement. |
Wherefore, in consideration
of the foregoing and mutual promises hereinafter set forth, and in lieu of a
formal hearing at this time, Joseph Anthony Cusma knowingly and voluntarily surrenders
PERMANENTLY to the State Board of Pharmacy his license and registration to
practice pharmacy, with disciplinary action pending, and is PRECLUDED
Pursuant to Rule
4729-9-01, Joseph Anthony Cusma may
not be employed by or work in any facility licensed by the Board of Pharmacy
to possess or distribute dangerous drugs. |
Joseph Anthony Cusma
acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to ask questions concerning the
terms of this agreement and that all questions asked have been answered in a
satisfactory manner. |
Anthony Cusma waives any and all claims or causes of action he may have
against the State of Ohio or the Board, and members, officers, employees,
and/or agents of either, arising out of matters which are the subject of this
Agreement. Joseph Anthony Cusma
waives any rights of appeal pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised
Code. |
This Settlement Agreement shall
be considered a public record, as that term is used in Section 149.43 of the
Ohio Revised Code, and shall become effective upon the date of the Board
President’s signature below. |
/s/ Joseph A. Cusma |
/d/ 1/4/2003 |
Joseph Anthony Cusma, R.Ph., Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Robert D. Noble |
/d/ 1/6/03 |
Robert D. Noble, Attorney for Respondent |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Diane C. Adelman |
/d/ 1/6/03 |
Diane C. Adelman, President, Ohio State
Board of Pharmacy |
Date of Signature |
/s/ Sally Ann Steuk |
/d/ 1–6–03 |
Sally Ann Steuk, Ohio Assistant Attorney
General |
Date of Signature |
R-2003-085 |
Mr. Turner then moved that the Board approve a settlement agreement offered in the matter of Harold Fletcher, R.Ph. as revised by the Board. The settlement agreement is to become final upon the signature of the Board President. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
R-2003-086 |
Mr. Kost moved that the Board agree to withdraw the Notice of Opportunity for a Hearing issued to The Young For Life Medical Clinic scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, January 8, 2003. The Respondents have moved out of Ohio and have withdrawn their application for a license as a Terminal Distributor of Dangerous Drugs. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
R-2003-087 |
Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board approve the settlement agreement offered in the matters of Cynthia Ann Musson, R.Ph. and Chester Lee Parker, R.Ph. The settlement agreements are to become final upon the signature of the Board President. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
R-2003-088 |
Mr. Giacalone then moved that the Board approve the settlement agreement offered in the matters of Big Bear Pharmacy #208 and William Gongola, R.Ph. if the Respondents agree to the terms as revised by the Board. The settlement agreements are to become final upon the signature of the Board President. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-2). |
R-2003-089 |
Mr. Winsley then presented a request from The Cleveland Clinic Main Outpatient Pharmacy (02-0079600) and Fairview Health Center Pharmacy (02-0140100) for an exemption to Rule 4729-5-10 (Pick-up station) so that Cleveland Clinic Health System (CCHS) employee prescription requests, both new and refill, could be left in drop boxes located at several CCHS hospitals. The prescriptions would be picked up by a courier and filled at one of the two pharmacies listed above. The finished prescription would then be returned to the appropriate hospital pharmacy where the CCHS employee would pick up the medication. After discussion, Ms. Eastman moved that the Board deny the request as it did not qualify for an exemption under the terms of the rule. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
R-2003-090 |
Mr. Benedict and Compliance Specialist Joann Predina presented a request from Marc Wolf, R.Ph. for an exemption to Rule 4729-5-10 (Pick-up station) for two different Complete Pharmacy Services facilities (02-0581500/Euclid and Pending/Willowick), seeking Board approval to have prescriptions filled at one location and shipped out of the other location to facilitate the addition of non-prescription items to the package at the second location. After discussion, Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board deny the request as it did not qualify for an exemption under the terms of the rule. The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
R-2003-091 |
After a brief discussion, Mr. Kost moved that the following rules be implemented with an effective date of February 1, 2003. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braylock and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
4729-3-01 Definitions. As used in Chapter
4729-3 of the Administrative Code: |
(A) |
internship" means the supervised practical experience required for licensure
as a registered pharmacist. The
purpose of the pharmacy internship program is to provide those individuals,
who intend to become registered pharmacists, with the knowledge and
practical experience necessary for functioning competently and effectively
upon licensure. |
(B) |
practical experience" is the experience obtained at an internship site
and which is conducted in accordance with the "National Association of
Boards of Pharmacy - American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy"
publication "The Internship Experience," or a similar outline
and/or manual approved by the board of pharmacy. |
(C) |
site" means a pharmacy licensed as a terminal distributor of dangerous
drugs pursuant to Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code, except as provided in
paragraph (C) or (D) of rule 4729-3-05 of the Administrative Code, and whose
license is in good standing. |
(D) |
is the individual responsible for seeing that the intern is properly supervised
and exposed to all aspects of the internship program defined as the
supervised practical experience. |
(1) |
"preceptor" is a pharmacist who holds a current identification card
which is in good standing; or, is a person who is of good moral character and
is qualified to direct the approved experience in the area approved by the
director of internship pursuant to paragraph (D) of rule 4729-3-05 of
the Administrative Code. |
(2) |
person may serve as the preceptor for more than one intern. The number of interns engaged in the
practice of pharmacy at any time is limited to not more than two for each pharmacist
on duty. |
(3) |
preceptor must report to the board on the progress and aptitude of an intern
when requested by the director of internship. |
(E) |
of internship" has the same meaning as provided in section 4729.11 of the
Revised Code. |
(F) |
good standing" means that the licensee or registrant has not been denied
the privilege of supervising interns by the board. |
(G) |
"Statement of Preceptor" is the form which must be received
by the board of pharmacy for each pharmacy intern within thirty days of
beginning internship under a preceptor's supervision. A "Statement of Preceptor"
form is not required to be submitted to the board when using an academic
experience affidavit. |
(1) |
credit will be given for practical experience obtained prior to thirty days
of the date that the "Statement of Preceptor" form is received by
the board office; except, that in the event of extraordinary circumstances and
when due to no fault of the intern, the board may accept a retroactive date
of filing for the "Statement of Preceptor." |
(2) |
intern must file a "Statement of Preceptor" form whenever he/she
changes internship sites and/or preceptors. |
(H) |
experience affidavit" is the form which must be used to submit practical
experience for internship credit. |
(1) |
experience |
(2) |
experience affidavits must be signed by the preceptor on file with the board
of pharmacy. In the event of the
unavailability of the preceptor's signature due to extraordinary
circumstances and due to no fault of the intern, the board may accept an
alternative method for verification of a practical experience affidavit. |
(3) |
experience affidavits for a calendar year may be filed at any time, except that
they must be received in the board office or postmarked no later than the
first day of March of the following year. |
(I) |
experience affidavit" is the form that may be used to submit practical experience
obtained from a structured program where academic credit is awarded. |
(1) |
academic experience coordinator at a school of pharmacy is responsible for
assuring that during the time of the experience each practice site and preceptor
are currently licensed and are in good standing with the appropriate
professional licensing board or have been previously approved by the board of
pharmacy. |
(2) |
preceptor at each practice site must sign the academic experience affidavit
certifying the hours of practical experience obtained by the intern. |
(3) |
academic experience coordinator at a school of pharmacy must submit a signed
academic experience affidavit certifying that the intern obtained a passing grade
and that the practice sites and the preceptors are currently licensed and in
good standing with the appropriate professional licensing board or have been
previously approved by the board of pharmacy. |
(4) |
academic experience coordinator at a school of pharmacy is responsible for
maintaining records of intern experience at each practice site. |
(5) |
experience affidavits may be filed at any time, except that they must be received
in the board office or postmarked no later than the first day of the July
that immediately follows the successful completion of the academic course. |
"School of pharmacy" has the same meaning as a college
of pharmacy or a department of pharmacy of a university, which has been
recognized and approved by the state board of pharmacy. |
4729-3-02 Registration as a pharmacy intern. |
(A) |
certificate of registration as a pharmacy intern shall only be issued for the
purpose of allowing those individuals who intend to become registered
pharmacists the opportunity to obtain the practical experience required for
examination and registration as a pharmacist. |
(B) |
a person is actively working towards the requirements for licensure as a
pharmacist and desires to work as a pharmacy intern in Ohio, he/she must: |
(1) (a) |
successfully completed forty-eight semester or seventy-two quarter hours of
college and |
obtained a first professional degree in pharmacy from a program which has
been recognized and approved by the state board of pharmacy; or |
established educational equivalency by obtaining a Foreign Pharmacy Graduate
Examination Commission (FPGEC) certificate, and have established proficiency in
spoken English by successfully completing the Test of Spoken English (TSE) or
its equivalent;. |
to the state board of pharmacy for registration as a pharmacy intern. |
4729-3-03 Application for registration as a pharmacy
intern. |
(A) |
person desiring to register as a pharmacy intern shall submit the following
to the state board of pharmacy: |
(1) |
completed application form as provided by the board; |
(2) |
(3) |
Fee; |
(4) |
(5) |
certificate of |
(6) |
items listed in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(3) of this rule and: |
(a) |
(b) |
(B) |
The state board of pharmacy may register an applicant as a pharmacy
intern as soon as the state board of pharmacy receives all the required items
set forth in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(5) or paragraph (A)(6) of this rule. |
(C) |
state board of pharmacy may, pursuant to rule 4729-5-04 of the Administrative
Code, deny the issuance of a certificate of registration or an identification
card to practice as a pharmacy intern. |
4729-3-04 Pharmacy
intern identification card renewal. A pharmacy intern may renew
his/her identification card each year provided he/she is actively working
toward the requirements for licensure as a pharmacist and otherwise meets the
requirements and rules of the state board of pharmacy. The state board of pharmacy may, pursuant to
rule 4729-5-04 of the Administrative Code, deny the issuance of an identification
card to practice pharmacy as an intern. |
(A) |
intern shall be considered to be actively working towards licensure as a pharmacist
if he/she has complied with all of the statutes and rules regarding
internship since registration as a pharmacy intern, and: |
(1) |
is enrolled in a school of pharmacy |
(2) |
is a member of the armed forces and can provide evidence that he/she has been
accepted for enrollment in a school of pharmacy upon his/her release from the
armed forces; or |
(3) |
is able to provide evidence of obtaining a first professional degree in
pharmacy from a school of pharmacy; or |
(4) |
is able to provide evidence of obtaining a “Foreign Pharmacy Graduate
Examination Commission (FPGEC)” certificate, and can provide evidence of
successful completion of the “Test of Spoken English (TSE)” or its equivalent. |
(B) |
intern who has obtained a first professional degree in pharmacy from a school
of pharmacy, or who has established equivalency by obtaining a “Foreign
Pharmacy Graduate Examination Commission (FPGEC)” certificate, may renew
his/her license only once. In the
event of extraordinary circumstances and when due to no fault of the intern,
the board may approve additional renewals. |
4729-3-05 Internship
credit. |
(A) |
internship credit shall be granted by the board for practical experience obtained
before registration as an intern or during a period when the intern's
registration has lapsed. |
(B) |
credit may be granted for practical experience obtained when the intern is |
(C) |
credit may be gained for practical experience obtained in a structured program
for which academic credit is awarded (e.g., externship, clerkship). Such credit shall be limited to the number
of hours for which the structured program has been approved by the state
board of pharmacy. Internship credit
shall be granted only when the intern obtains a passing grade for the course
involved. |
(D) |
to five hundred hours of internship credit may be obtained at a site other
than a pharmacy licensed as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs (e.g.,
manufacturing, research, consulting, drug information, and drug utilization
review). To receive credit for such
experience, a formal request must be submitted to the director of internship
for approval prior to beginning the experience in these areas. The request shall include a detailed
description of the contemplated internship with respect to time, place,
duties, responsibilities, professional supervision, and the person
supervising the experience. The
request must be signed by both the intern and the person supervising the
experience and returned with a completed statement of preceptor form. |
(E) |
credit may be denied for the practical experience accumulated when an intern
is found to be guilty of violation(s) pursuant to section 4729.16 of the
Revised Code. |
(F) |
pharmacy internship requirement for the licensure examination shall be deemed
satisfactorily completed when the intern has filed affidavits certifying
that he/she has obtained a total of one thousand five hundred hours of
supervised practical experience and such affidavits have been accepted by
the board of pharmacy. |
4729-5-01 Definitions. As used in Chapter 4729.
of the Revised Code: |
(A) |
of pharmacy" is as defined in division (B) of section 4729.01 of the Revised
Code. |
(B) |
term "dispense" means the final association of a drug with a
particular patient pursuant to the prescription, drug order, or other lawful
order of a prescriber and the professional judgment of and the responsibility
for: interpreting, preparing, compounding, labeling, and packaging a specific
drug. |
(C) |
term "compounding" has the same meaning as defined in division (C)
of section 4729.01 of the Revised Code. |
(D) |
prescriptions" means the professional judgment of a pharmacist when
reviewing a prescription order of a prescriber for a patient. |
(E) |
participate in drug selection" means selecting and dispensing a drug
product pursuant to sections 4729.38 and 4729.381 of the Revised Code. |
(F) |
participate with prescribers in reviews of drug utilization" means
monitoring the appropriate use of drugs through communication with the
prescriber(s) involved. |
(G) |
means an individual who holds a current pharmacist identification card
pursuant to section 4729.08 or 4729.09 of the Revised Code; or, pursuant to
section 4729.12 of the Revised Code. |
(H) |
prescription" means the prescription issued by the prescriber in
writing, an oral or electronically transmitted prescription recorded in writing
by the pharmacist, |
(I) |
supervision" means a pharmacist shall be physically present in the pharmacy
and provide personal review and approval of all professional pharmaceutical
activities. |
(J) |
"Preprinted order" is defined as a patient-specific,
definitive set of drug treatment directives to be administered to an individual
patient who has been examined by a prescriber and for whom the prescriber has
determined that the drug therapy is appropriate and safe when used pursuant
to the conditions set forth in the preprinted order. Preprinted orders may be used only for
inpatients in an institutional facility as defined in Chapter 4729-17 of the
Administrative Code. |
(K) |
order" will mean the same as the term "protocol". |
(L) |
is defined as: |
(1) |
definitive set of treatment guidelines that include definitive orders for
drugs and their specified dosages which have been authorized by a prescriber
as defined in rule 4729-5-15 of the Administrative Code and have been
approved by the state board of pharmacy to be used by certified or licensed
health care professionals when providing limited medical services to
individuals in an emergency situation when the services of a prescriber are
not immediately available; or |
(2) |
definitive set of treatment guidelines that include definitive orders for
drugs and their specified dosages which have been authorized by a prescriber
as defined in rule 4729-5-15 of the Administrative Code and have been
approved by the state board of pharmacy to be used by certified or licensed
health care professionals when administering biologicals or vaccines to
individuals for the purpose of preventing diseases. |
protocol may be used only by licensed or certified individuals acting within
the scope of their license or certification who have been adequately trained
in the safe administration and use of the drugs and other procedures included
in the protocol. |
submitted for approval by the state board of pharmacy may be reviewed with
the medical and/or nursing board, as appropriate, prior to any approval by
the state board of pharmacy. |
(M) |
means any person authorized by the Revised Code to prescribe dangerous drugs
as part of their professional practice. |
(N) |
identification" means a method of identifying an individual who prescribes,
administers, or dispenses a dangerous drug.
Such method must include a physical means of identification such as,
but not limited to, the following: |
(1) |
manual signature on a hard-copy record; |
(2) |
magnetic card reader; |
(3) |
bar code reader; |
(4) |
thumbprint reader or other biometric method; or |
(5) |
daily printout of every transaction that is verified and manually signed
within twenty-four hours by the individual who prescribed, administered, or
dispensed the dangerous drug. The
printout must be maintained for three years and made available on request to
those individuals authorized by law to review such records. |
magnetic card reader or a bar code reader system of identification must also include
a private personal identifier, such as a password, for entry into a
mechanical or automated system. |
Prescriber. |
(A) |
purposes of division (Z) of section 3719.01 and division (I) of section 4729.01
of the Revised Code, the following persons, maintaining current licenses and
in good standing, licensed pursuant to Chapters 4715., 4725., 4731., and
4741. of the Revised Code, are authorized by law to write prescriptions for
drugs or dangerous drugs in the course of their professional practice: |
(1) |
4715. of the Revised Code: dentist. |
(2) |
4725. of the Revised Code: optometrist, if that person holds a current
"therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate" as defined in
division (H) of section 4725.01 of the Revised Code. |
(3) |
4731. of the Revised Code: doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathic medicine
and surgery, and doctor of podiatry. |
(4) |
4741. of the Revised Code: doctor of veterinary medicine. |
(B) |
persons pursuing an approved internship, residency, or fellowship program in
this state are authorized to write prescriptions only when acting within their
scope of employment in the hospital(s) or institution(s). Approved internship and residency programs
are those accredited by the "Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education (ACGME)" or the "American Osteopathic Association
(AOA)". Approved clinical fellowships
are those at institutions which have a residency program in the same or a
related clinical field which is accredited by the ACGME or the AOA. |
(C) |
non-resident prescriber whose license is current and in good standing and who
is authorized to issue prescriptions for drugs in the course of their
professional practice in a state other than Ohio is authorized to write
prescriptions in that state for drugs to be dispensed in the state of Ohio. |
(D) |
advanced practice nurse approved pursuant to section 4723.56 of the Revised
Code may |
(E) |
advanced practice nurse approved pursuant to section 4723.48 of the Revised Code
may prescribe those drugs which have been approved by the committee on
prescriptive governance for advanced practice nurses and pursuant to the
standard care agreement for that advanced practice nurse. |
4729-5-24 Prescription
copy. |
(A) |
pharmacist may transfer a copy of a prescription; a pharmacist may refill a
copy of a prescription; such actions must be in accordance with the
following: |
(1) |
of prescriptions shall be transferred only between pharmacists except as
provided in paragraph (G) of this rule; copies of prescriptions for
controlled substances pursuant to sections 3719.41, 3719.43, and 3719.44 of
the Revised Code shall be communicated directly between two pharmacists and
shall be transferred only one time.
However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, on-line
database may transfer a controlled substance prescription up to the maximum
number of refills permitted by law and the prescriber's authorization
pursuant to paragraph (A)(4) of this rule. |
(2) |
copy transferred shall be an exact duplicate of the original prescription
except that it shall also include: |
(a) |
Serial prescription number assigned to the prescription; |
(b) |
and address (and "D.E.A." number for controlled substance
prescriptions) of the pharmacy transferring the copy; |
(c) |
of issuance of the prescription; |
(d) |
of original dispensing of the prescription; |
(e) |
number of refills; |
(f) |
of last refill; |
(g) |
of valid refills remaining; and |
(h) |
full name of the transferring pharmacist. |
(3) |
transferred for non-refillable prescriptions shall be marked on the face of the
prescription or orally noted by the transferring pharmacist "For
Information Purposes Only" and are not valid prescriptions for the
dispensing of drugs. |
(4) |
pharmacist transferring a copy of a prescription must: |
(a) |
the original prescription by writing the word "void" on the face of
the prescription in such a way as to avoid destroying any of the original
information contained on the prescription; |
(b) |
on the reverse side of the original written prescription: |
(i) |
of transfer; |
(ii) |
signature; and |
(iii) |
transferring an oral prescription, the name and address (and
"D.E.A." number for controlled substance prescriptions) of, and name
of the pharmacist at, the receiving pharmacy. |
(c) |
if an automated data processing system is being used as an alternate system
of recordkeeping for prescriptions pursuant to rules 4729-5-27 and 4729-5-28 of
the Administrative Code, copies of prescriptions may be transferred by a
pharmacist if the prescription record in the system is invalidated to
prevent further dispensing at the original site. The prescription record in the system must contain the date of
transfer, name of pharmacist making transfer, and the name and address of the
pharmacy receiving the copy. Also,
original written prescriptions for controlled substances must be canceled
as required in paragraphs (A)(4)(a) and (A)(4)(b) of this rule. |
(5) |
pharmacist receiving a copy of a prescription must: |
(a) |
reasonable diligence to determine validity of the copy; |
(b) |
an oral prescription to writing by recording all of the information transferred
(must include all information required in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule) and
write the word "transfer" on the face of the prescription; |
(c) |
date of transfer on the face of the prescription. |
(B) |
A prescription copy may be transferred between two pharmacies
if the two pharmacies are accessing the same prescription records in a
centralized database or pharmacy computers linked in any other manner. The computerized systems must satisfy all
information requirements of paragraphs (A)(2) and (A)(4)(c) of this
rule. This shall include invalidation
of the prescription record in the system to prevent further dispensing at
the original site and, if a controlled substance prescription, the canceling
of the original written prescription as required in paragraphs (A)(4)(a) and
(A)(4)(b) of this rule. A system must
be in place that will allow only authorized access to these computerized
prescription records by a pharmacist and indicate on the prescription record
when and by whom such access was made. |
(C) |
prescription copy may be transferred between two pharmacists by the use of a
facsimile machine. This facsimile
may be considered to be a copy of a prescription if all information requirements
of paragraph (A) of this rule, including invalidation of the original
prescription or computer records, are met.
A system must be in place that will show on the facsimile positive
identification of the transferring and receiving pharmacists which must become
a part of the prescription record.
Facsimile copies must be recorded in writing pursuant to section
4729.37 of the Revised Code, or stored in such a manner that will allow
retention of the prescription record for three years from the date of the
last transaction. |
(D) |
on a prescription is the property of the patient and is intended to authorize
the dispensing of a specific amount of medication for use by the
patient. Original copies of
prescriptions shall be maintained by pharmacies for the purpose of documenting
the dispensing of drugs to a particular patient. |
(1) |
the event that the pharmacy is not able to provide the medication when needed
by the patient pursuant to an authorized refill, the pharmacist shall, upon
the request of the patient, transfer the prescription information to the
pharmacy designated by the patient. |
(2) |
pharmacy shall refuse to transfer information about a previously dispensed
prescription to another pharmacy when requested by the patient. Prescription information shall be
transferred in accordance with this rule as soon as possible in order to
assure that the patient’s drug therapy is not interrupted. |
(E) |
entered into a computer system but not dispensed may be transferred to
another pharmacy if all of the following conditions are met: |
(1) |
complete prescription information has been entered into the computer system; |
(2) |
information is displayed on the patient’s profile; |
(3) |
is positive identification, either in the computer system or on the hard-copy
prescription, of the pharmacist who is responsible for entering the
prescription information into the system; |
(4) |
original prescription is filed in accordance with rule 4729-5-09 of the
Administrative Code; |
(5) |
requirements of this rule are met for the transfer of the prescription. |
(F) |
of prescription information between two pharmacies which are accessing the
same real-time, on-line database pursuant to the operation of a board-approved
central filling operation shall not be considered a prescription copy and,
therefore, is not subject to the requirements of this rule. |
(G) |
A licensed pharmacy intern may send or receive copies of
prescriptions pursuant to the following: |
(1) |
pharmacist on duty who is supervising the activity of the intern will determine
if the intern is competent to send or receive a prescription copy. |
(2) |
pharmacist on duty who is supervising the activity of the intern is responsible
for the accuracy of a prescription copy that is sent or received by an
intern. |
(3) |
supervising pharmacist must be immediately available to answer questions or discuss
the prescription copy that is sent or received by an intern. |
(4) |
intern may not send or receive a prescription copy for a controlled substance. |
(5) |
pharmacist or intern receiving a prescription copy from an intern must document
the full names of the sending intern and his/her supervising
pharmacist. The receiving intern
shall immediately reduce the prescription copy to writing and shall review
the prescription with the supervising pharmacist. Prior to dispensing, positive identification of the intern and
the supervising pharmacist shall be made on the prescription to identify the
responsibility for the receipt of the copy. |
(6) |
pharmacist or intern sending a prescription copy to an intern must document
the full names of the receiving intern and his/her supervising
pharmacist. There must be documented
positive identification of the sending intern and his/her supervising
pharmacist who authorized the transfer of the prescription copy. |
(7) |
approved intern and the supervising pharmacist must meet all the requirements
of this rule. |
4729-5-30 Manner of
issuance of a prescription. |
(A) |
prescription, to be valid, must be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by
an individual prescriber acting in the usual course of his/her professional
practice. The responsibility for the
proper prescribing is upon the prescriber, but a corresponding
responsibility rests with the pharmacist who dispenses the prescription. An order purporting to be a prescription
issued not in the usual course of bona fide treatment of a patient is not a
prescription and the person knowingly dispensing such a purported
prescription, as well as the person issuing it, shall be subject to the penalties
of law. |
(B) |
prescriptions issued by a prescriber shall: |
(1) |
dated as of and on the day when issued. |
(2) |
(3) |
a telephone number where the prescriber can be personally contacted during
normal business hours. |
(4) |
the full name and address of the patient. |
the drug name and strength. |
the quantity to dispense. |
the appropriate directions for use. |
Specify the number of times or the period of time for which
the prescription may be refilled. If
no such authorization is given, the prescription may not be refilled except
in accordance with section 4729.281 of the Revised Code. A prescription marked "Refill
P.R.N." or some similar designation is not considered a valid refill
authorization. |
authorize any refills for schedule II controlled substances. |
refills for schedules III and IV controlled substances only as permitted by
section 3719.05 of the Revised Code. |
authorize a refill beyond one year from the date of issuance for schedule V
controlled substances and for dangerous drugs that are not controlled
substances. |
the trade name or generic name of the drug(s) in a compounded prescription. |
be coded in such a manner that it cannot be dispensed by any pharmacy of the
patient's choice. |
prescriptions issued to a patient by a prescriber, be: |
(a) |
signed on the day issued by the prescriber in the same manner as he/she would
sign a check or legal document. |
(b) |
in compliance with rule 4729-5-13 of the Administrative Code. |
issued in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and
regulations. |
(C) |
forms are used that create multiple copies of a prescription issued to a
patient by a prescriber, the original prescription that bears the actual
signature of the prescriber must be issued to the patient for dispensing by
a pharmacist. |
(D) |
pharmacist may not dispense a dangerous drug for the first time beyond six
months from the date of issuance of a prescription. |
(E) |
transmission by the prescriber or the prescriber’s agent of original prescriptions
and refills authorized by a prescriber, pursuant to the requirements of this
rule, may be transmitted by telephone only to: |
(1) |
pharmacist. The prescriber or
prescriber’s agent must provide his/her full name. The pharmacist shall make a record of the prescriber's agent on
the original prescription and, if used, on the alternate system of
recordkeeping. The pharmacist is
responsible for assuring the validity of the source of the oral prescription. |
(2) |
recording device within the pharmacy if the pharmacist is unavailable. The prescriber or prescriber's agent must
provide his/her full name. The pharmacist
must remove the prescription from the recorder and reduce it to writing. The pharmacist is responsible for assuring
the validity of the prescription removed from the recorder. |
(3) |
licensed pharmacy intern if the pharmacist on duty who is supervising the
activity of the intern determines that the intern is competent to receive telephone
prescriptions. |
(a) |
intern shall immediately reduce the prescription to writing and shall review
the prescription with the supervising pharmacist. Prior to dispensing, positive identification of the intern and
the supervising pharmacist shall be made on the prescription to identify
the responsibility for the receipt of the oral order. |
(b) |
supervising pharmacist on duty is responsible for the accuracy of the
prescription. |
(c) |
supervising pharmacist on duty must be immediately available to answer
questions or discuss the prescription with the caller. |
(F) |
written prescriptions authorized and signed by a prescriber may be transmitted
by the prescriber or the prescriber’s agent by facsimile machine to a
pharmacy pursuant to the following: |
(1) |
prescription must be issued in compliance with this rule. |
(2) |
original prescription signed by the prescriber from which the facsimile is
produced shall not be issued to the patient.
The original prescription signed by the prescriber must remain with
the patient’s records at the prescriber’s office or the institutional
facility where it was issued. |
(3) |
a facsimile shall only be valid as a prescription if a system is in place
that will allow the pharmacist to maintain the facsimile as a part of the
prescription record including the positive identification of the prescriber
and his/her agent as well as positive identification of the origin of the
facsimile. |
(4) |
pharmacist must record the prescription in writing pursuant to section
4729.37 of the Revised Code or store the facsimile copy in such a manner that
will allow retention of the prescription record for three years from the date
of the last transaction. |
(5) |
for schedule II controlled substances may not be transmitted by facsimile
except: |
(a) |
to rules 4729-17-09 and 4729-19-02 of the Administrative Code. |
(b) |
a narcotic substance issued for a patient enrolled in a hospice. The original prescription must indicate
that the patient is a hospice patient.
The facsimile transmission must also meet the other requirements of
this rule. |
(6) |
facsimile of a prescription received by a pharmacy in any manner other than
transmission directly from the prescriber or the prescriber’s agent shall not
be considered a valid prescription, except as a copy of a prescription
pursuant to rule 4729-5-24 of the Administrative Code. |
(G) |
prescription may be transmitted by means of a board-approved electronic prescription
transmission system, without further verification by the pharmacist of the
prescriber’s identity, provided that: |
(1) |
system shall require positive identification of the prescriber as defined in
rule 4729-5-01 of the Administrative Code and the full name of any authorized
agent of the prescriber who transmits the prescription. |
(2) |
computer data must be retained for a period of three years at the
prescriber's office. |
(H) |
pharmacist who modifies a patient's drug therapy pursuant to a consult
agreement and: |
(1) |
also responsible for the dispensing of the drug to the patient must include
on the drug order the name of the physician who originally prescribed the
drug, sign the pharmacist's full name, and be in compliance with this rule in
the same manner as the prescriber. |
(2) |
not responsible for the dispensing of the drug to the patient may transmit
the order to a pharmacy by acting as an agent of the physician. Such pharmacist must personally transmit the
order verbally or by facsimile to another pharmacist and be in compliance
with this rule. |
4729-5-31 Criteria for
licensure by examination. |
(A) |
to section 4729.07 of the Revised Code: |
(1) |
examination shall consist of the “North American Pharmacist Licensure
Examination (NAPLEX)” and a jurisprudence examination compiled by the state
board of pharmacy or the “National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
(NABP).” |
(2) (a) |
minimum passing score for the NAPLEX is seventy-five. Any candidate failing to attain a score
of seventy-five on the NAPLEX examination will be required to repeat the
NAPLEX examination and remit the fee established by the state board of
pharmacy for re-examination. |
(b) |
to the procedures established by the NABP, a candidate may transfer his/her
NAPLEX score to Ohio only after the candidate has met all of the requirements
set by the board for examination and licensure in Ohio. |
(3) |
minimum passing score for the jurisprudence examination is seventy-five. Any candidate who fails to receive a score
of seventy-five on the jurisprudence examination will be required to repeat
the jurisprudence examination and remit the fee established by the state
board of pharmacy for re-examination. |
(B) |
to section 4729.13 of the Revised Code: |
(1) |
examination shall consist of the "North American Pharmacist Licensure
Examination (NAPLEX)" and a jurisprudence examination compiled by the
state board of pharmacy or the "National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
(NABP)." |
(2) |
minimum passing scores for renewal of the pharmacist's identification card is
a seventy-five on each exam. |
(a) |
candidate for renewal of an identification card who fails to receive a score
of seventy-five on the jurisprudence examination shall make application and
remit the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re-examination. |
(b) |
candidate for renewal of an identification card who fails to receive a score
of seventy-five on the NAPLEX examination shall make application and remit
the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re-examination. |
(C) |
to section 4729.08 of the Revised Code: Applicants
for examination and registration as a pharmacist who are graduates of schools
or colleges of pharmacy located outside the United States and who are using
an approved examination to establish equivalency of their education shall: |
(1) |
a score no lower than seventy-five on the "Foreign Pharmacy Graduate
Equivalency Examination (FPGEE)"; and |
(2) |
Show oral proficiency in English by successful completion of
the "Test of Spoken English (TSE)" or its equivalent, pursuant to
rule 4729-5-34 of the Administrative Code. |
(D) |
examination candidate who fails to take both of the required examinations within
twelve months from the date the board receives the application materials
shall submit a new application for the required examination or examinations
and remit the fee established by the state board of pharmacy. |
(E) |
record of the passing score for an examination candidate who takes both of
the required examinations, but successfully only completes one examination
will: |
(1) |
maintained if no more than twelve months has elapsed between attempts to successfully
complete the remaining examination. |
(2) |
be maintained if more than twelve months has elapsed between attempts to
successfully complete the remaining examination. It will then be necessary for the examination candidate to repeat
both examinations for Ohio licensure. |
(F) |
candidate who has requested to transfer their NAPLEX score to Ohio must
receive a passing score on the Ohio jurisprudence examination within twelve
months from the date the board receives the initial application or the transfer
of their NAPLEX score will be denied. |
4729-9-08 Change in
description of terminal or wholesale dangerous drug facility. For the purpose of division
(E) of section 4729.51 and division (D) of section 4729.52 of the Revised
Code, any change in the ownership, business or trade name, or address of a
terminal or wholesale distributor of dangerous drugs requires a new
application, required fee, and license. |
R-2003-092 |
The Board next considered a request for an exemption to Rule 4729-5-11 (Responsible pharmacist) received from Robert G. Westphal, Vice President of Health Care Solutions, Inc. In his request, Mr. Westphal asked that Michael Pellek R.Ph. (03-1-22475) be permitted to be the responsible pharmacist for the following Terminal Distributor of Dangerous Drugs licenses since all of them will be located at the same address: |
HCS Lancaster, LLC (02-1304400) Caring Services DME (02-1331700) Connemaugh Home Medical Equipment (02-1349750) HCS Respiratory Pharmacy (Pending) |
After discussion, Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board approve this request. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
Mr. Braylock reported that there had been no meeting of the Nursing Board’s Committee on Prescriptive Governance. |
Mr. Benedict and Mr. Keeley reported on a meeting with representatives from the Medical and Pharmacy Boards regarding prescription legibility issues. They reported that the Medical Board would, as a first step, present an article on this subject in their next newsletter. |
There was no report on the Medical Board’s Prescribing Committee. Mr. Keeley discussed his legislative report with the Board. Mr. Keeley then discussed his Budget Report with the Board. |
After a discussion of the draft minutes from the December 2, 3, 4, 2002 Board meeting, Mrs. Gregg moved that the minutes of the meeting be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
3:40 p.m. |
The meeting was recessed until Tuesday, January 7, 2003. |
tuesday, january 7, 2003 |
1:11 p.m. |
The State Board of Pharmacy reconvened in Room West-B&C, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present: |
Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (President); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Gregory Braylock, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Elizabeth I. Gregg, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Nathan S. Lipsyc, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph. |
Mr. Benedict and Mrs. Teater presented the Probation Report. There were no issues requiring official Board action. |
R-2003-093 |
Mr. Winsley presented information received from Gateway Electronic Medical Management Systems (GEMMS), an electronic prescribing system seeking Board approval. After a review of the material submitted by GEMMS and the proposed changes to that material needed to meet the Board’s requirements that had been clarified by telephone that morning with Rodger P. Pinto, GEMMS CEO, Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board find the system approvable pending final inspection. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
Mr. Keeley then discussed the final version of H.B. 221 as passed by the 124th General Assembly with the Board. This bill requires the Board to promulgate the rules needed for implementation of the legislation. |
1:30 p.m. |
The Board adjourned to Room South-A, 31st Floor, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio, for the purpose of meeting with the candidates for licensure by reciprocity. |
R-2003-094 |
Following presentations by Board members and self-introductions by the candidates for licensure by reciprocity, Mr. Kost moved that the Board approve the following candidates for licensure. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
03-3-25567 |
03-3-25576 |
03-3-25579 |
03-3-25548 |
03-3-25560 |
03-3-25559 |
03-3-25577 |
03-3-25568 |
03-3-25582 |
03-3-25550 |
03-3-25479 |
03-3-25596 |
03-3-25562 |
03-3-25569 |
03-3-25589 |
2:00 p.m.
The Board reconvened in Room West-B&C to continue the Board meeting. Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braylock and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
2:45 p.m.
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. The Board took a brief recess. |
2:57 p.m.
The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matters of Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph., Bay Village and Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph., Westlake. |
6:42 p.m.
The hearing ended and the record was closed. |
6:50 p.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and a roll call vote was conducted by President Adelman as follows: Braylock-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Gregg-Yes, Kost-Yes, Lipsyc-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes. |
7:40 p.m.
R-2003-095 |
The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public. Mr. Braylock moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph.: |
No. D-021127-040) In
R.Ph. 24529
Bruce Road Bay
Village, Ohio 44140 (R.Ph. No. 03-3-08439) |
Witnesses 1. Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph., Respondent 2. Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph. Respondent's Witnesses None |
State's Exhibits 1H. Copy of Notice Of Opportunity For Hearing
letter [11-27-02] 1HA-1HC.
Procedurals 2. Excerpt
of Transcript of Proceedings in re Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph. [10-15-02] 3. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[12-08-00 to 02-05-01] 4.
Calendar page for December 2000 5. Support Group Attendance Record re Betsy
Hartranft [05-26-01 to 07-14-01] 6. Calendar pages for May 2001 and June 2001 7. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[08-28-01 to 10-15-01] 8.
Calendar page for September 2001 9. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[10-16-01 to 12-12-01] 10. Calendar page for November 2001 11. Lake County Crime Laboratory Report [11-08-02], Forensic Document Examiner
Qualifications of Andrew T. Szymanski
[01-03-03] 12. Copy of Notarized Statement of Todd
Jaros [11-18-02] 13. Copy of Notarized Statement of Elizabeth
Hartranft [11-19-02] 14. Transcription of Interview with Todd
Jaros, R.Ph. [11-14-02] 15. Transcription of Interview with Todd
Jaros, R.Ph. [11-18-02] 16. Transcription of Interview with Elizabeth
M. Hartranft, R.Ph. [11-19-02] 17. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in re
Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph.
[09-11-00] 18. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in
re Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph.
[11-12-02] 19. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Settlement
Agreement in re Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph.
[09-07-99] 20. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in
re Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph. [09-11-00] 21. Support Group Attendance Records re Todd
Jaros [11-27-00 to 01-02-02] 22. Support Group Attendance Record re Todd
Jaros [05-20-99 to 06-02-99] Respondent's Exhibits None |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the testimony, observed the
demeanor of the witnesses, considered the evidence, and weighed the
credibility of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be
fact: |
(1) Records of the State Board of Pharmacy
indicate that Elizabeth M. Hartranft was originally licensed by the State of
Ohio as a pharmacist on August 16, 1965, pursuant to examination. Records further reflect that the Board
summarily suspended Elizabeth M. Hartranft’s license to practice pharmacy on
September 11, 2000, and that she requested a reinstatement hearing on March
25, 2002. Elizabeth M. Hartranft’s
reinstatement hearing was held on October 15, 2002, and the Order of the
Board approving reinstatement was mailed and effective November 12,
2002. Elizabeth M. Hartranft is
currently on probation until January 6, 2008. |
(2) Elizabeth M. Hartranft did, on or about
October 15, 2002, in an official proceeding, knowingly make a material, false
statement under oath, to wit: in Elizabeth M. Hartranft’s reinstatement
petition hearing, while under oath to tell the truth, Elizabeth M. Hartranft
lied about meeting attendance signature logs. Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.11 of the Ohio
Revised Code. |
(3) Elizabeth M. Hartranft did, on or about
October 15, 2002, with purpose to defraud, and/or knowing that she was
facilitating a fraud, utter a writing that she knew to have been forged, to
wit: during Elizabeth M. Hartranft’s reinstatement petition hearing,
Elizabeth M. Hartranft presented, used, and displayed to the Board her
recovery meeting attendance sheets which had been spuriously altered to make
them purport to authenticate her attendance in a fashion which was not genuine. Such conduct is in violation of Section
2913.31 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
(4) Elizabeth M. Hartranft did, on or about an
unknown date in September, 2002, and again on October 15, 2002, knowing that
an official proceeding was in progress or was about to be instituted, make,
present, and/or use a document, knowing it to be false and with purpose to
mislead a public official and/or with purpose to corrupt the outcome of the
proceeding, to wit: Elizabeth M. Hartranft and another took Elizabeth M.
Hartranft’s recovery meeting attendance sheets, intended for use as evidence
at Elizabeth M. Hartranft’s upcoming reinstatement petition hearing, and
altered them so as to mislead the Board in order to obtain reinstatement of
her pharmacist license. Such conduct
is in violation of Section 2921.12 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
(5) Elizabeth M. Hartranft did, on or about
October 15, 2002, commit fraud, misrepresentation, and/or deception in
applying for or securing a license under Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised
Code, to wit: during Elizabeth M. Hartranft’s reinstatement petition hearing,
Elizabeth M. Hartranft lied to the Board about her meeting attendance
verification sheets and Elizabeth M. Hartranft submitted false documents to
the Board. |
State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) through (5) of the Findings
of Fact constitute being guilty of gross immorality as provided in Division
(A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
(2) The State Board of Pharmacy concludes that
paragraphs (2) through (5) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty
of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy as
provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
(3) The State Board of Pharmacy concludes that
paragraphs (2) through (5) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty
of committing fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for or
securing a license or identification card issued by the Board under Chapter
4729. of the Revised Code as provided in Division (A)(10) of Section 4729.16
of the Ohio Revised Code. |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 4729.16
of the Ohio Revised Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole,
the State Board of Pharmacy takes the following actions in the matter of
Elizabeth M. Hartranft: |
(A) On the basis of the Findings of Fact and paragraphs
(1) and (2) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of
Pharmacy hereby suspends indefinitely the pharmacist identification card, No.
03-3-08439, held by Elizabeth M. Hartranft effective as of the date of the
mailing of this Order. |
(1) Elizabeth M. Hartranft, pursuant to Rule
4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, may not be employed by or work
in a facility licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy to possess or
distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension. |
(2) Elizabeth M. Hartranft, pursuant to
Section 4729.16(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, must return her identification
card and license (wall certificate) to the office of the State Board of
Pharmacy within ten days after receipt of this Order unless the Board office
is already in possession of both. The
identification card and wall certificate should be sent by certified mail,
return receipt requested. |
(B) On the basis of the Findings of Fact and
paragraph (3) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of
Pharmacy hereby imposes a monetary penalty of seventeen thousand dollars
($17,000.00) on Elizabeth M. Hartranft and payment of the monetary penalty is
due and owing within thirty days of the mailing of this Order. The remittance should be made payable to
the “Treasurer, State of Ohio” and mailed with the enclosed form to the State
Board of Pharmacy, 77 South High Street, Room 1702, Columbus, Ohio
43215-6126. |
(C) Further, after three years from the
effective date of this Order, the Board will consider any petition filed by
Elizabeth M. Hartranft for a hearing, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter
119., for reinstatement. The Board
will only consider reinstatement of the license to practice pharmacy in
Ohio if the following conditions have been met: |
(1) Elizabeth M. Hartranft provides
documentation of payment in full of the monetary penalty imposed by the Board
in paragraph (B) above. |
(2) Elizabeth M. Hartranft must complete the
Ethics and Professionalism CME Program at Case Western Reserve University. |
(3) Elizabeth M. Hartranft may not hold any
position (officer or sponsor) in Pharmacists Rehabilitation Organization
(PRO) or any other treatment program. |
(4) Elizabeth M. Hartranft must continue with
her treatment plan as governed by her Board Order dated November 12, 2002,
for recovery. |
(5) Elizabeth M. Hartranft is fit, in the opinion
of the Board, to practice pharmacy. |
(6) Elizabeth M. Hartranft must comply with
the continuing pharmacy education requirements set forth in Chapter 4729-7
of the Ohio Administrative Code as applicable and in effect on the date of
petitioning the Board for reinstatement. |
(7) Elizabeth M. Hartranft must comply with
the terms of this Order. |
The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-3). |
R-2003-096 |
Mr. Braylock then moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph.: |
PHARMACY (Docket No. D-021127-041) In The Matter Of: TODD R. JAROS, R.Ph. 2011 Savannah Parkway Westlake, Ohio 44145 (R.Ph. No. 03-1-18980) |
Witnesses 1. Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph. 2. Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph., Respondent Respondent's Witnesses None |
State's Exhibits 1J. Copy of Notice of Opportunity For Hearing
letter [11-27-02] 1JA-1JD.
Procedurals 2. Excerpt
of Transcript of Proceedings in re Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph. [10-15-02] 3. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[12-08-00 to 02-05-01] 4.
Calendar page for December 2000 5. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[05-26-01 to 07-14-01] 6.
Calendar pages for May 2001 and June 2001 7. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[08-28-01 to 10-15-01] 8.
Calendar page for September 2001 9. Support
Group Attendance Record re Betsy Hartranft
[10-16-01 to 12-12-01] 10. Calendar page for November 2001 11. Lake County Crime Laboratory Report [11-08-02], Forensic Document Examiner
Qualifications of Andrew T. Szymanski
[01-03-03] 12. Copy of Notarized Statement of Todd
Jaros [11-18-02] 13. Copy of Notarized Statement of Elizabeth
Hartranft [11-19-02] 14. Transcription of Interview with Todd
Jaros, R.Ph. [11-14-02] 15. Transcription of Interview with Todd
Jaros, R.Ph. [11-18-02] 16. Transcription of Interview with Elizabeth
M. Hartranft, R.Ph. [11-19-02] 17. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in re
Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph.
[09-11-00] 18. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in
re Elizabeth M. Hartranft, R.Ph.
[11-12-02] 19. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Settlement
Agreement in re Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph.
[09-07-99] 20. Copy of State Board of Pharmacy Order in
re Todd R. Jaros, R.Ph. [09-11-00] 21. Support Group Attendance Records re Todd
Jaros [11-27-00 to 01-02-02] 22. Support Group Attendance Record re Todd
Jaros [05-20-99 to 06-02-99] Respondent's Exhibits None |
FINDINGS OF FACT After having heard the testimony, observed the
demeanor of the witnesses, considered the evidence, and weighed the
credibility of each, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be
fact: |
(1) Records of the State Board of Pharmacy
indicate that Todd R. Jaros was originally licensed by the State of Ohio as
a pharmacist on July 29, 1991, pursuant to examination, and is currently
licensed to practice pharmacy in Ohio.
Records further reflect that the Board previously suspended Todd R.
Jaros’ license on September 7, 1999, and the Board approved reinstatement on
September 11, 2000. Todd R. Jaros is currently on probation until October 5,
2005. |
(2) Todd R. Jaros did, on or about October 15,
2002, with purpose to defraud, and/or knowing that he was facilitating a
fraud, forge a writing, to wit: in preparation for Elizabeth Hartranft's
reinstatement petition hearing, Todd R. Jaros prepared a document for
Elizabeth Hartranft to present, use, and display to the Board regarding her
recovery meeting attendance sheets, which Todd R. Jaros spuriously altered to
make them purport to authenticate Elizabeth Hartranft’s attendance in a
fashion which was not genuine. On or
about an unknown date in September, 2002, Todd R. Jaros had originally forged
the document. Further, Todd R. Jaros
encouraged Elizabeth Hartranft to use the documents. Such conduct is in violation of Sections
2913.31 and 2923.03 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
(3) Todd R. Jaros did, on or about an unknown
date in September, 2002, and again on October 15, 2002, knowing that an
official proceeding was in progress or was about to be instituted, make,
present, and/or use a document, knowing it to be false and with purpose to
mislead a public official and/or with purpose to corrupt the outcome of the
proceeding, to wit: Todd R. Jaros took Elizabeth Hartranft's recovery
meeting attendance sheets, intended for use as evidence at her upcoming
reinstatement petition hearing, and altered them so as to mislead the Board
to obtain reinstatement of her pharmacist license. Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.12 of the Ohio Revised
Code. |
(4) Todd R. Jaros did, on or about October 15,
2002, commit fraud, misrepresentation, and/or deception in applying for or
securing a license under Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: in
preparation for and during Elizabeth Hartranft's reinstatement petition
hearing, Todd R. Jaros helped Elizabeth Hartranft prepare to deceive the Board
about her meeting attendance verification sheets, and Todd R. Jaros prepared
the false documents for Elizabeth Hartranft to present to the Board. |
(5) Todd R. Jaros did, on or about October 15,
2002, in an official proceeding, knowingly make a material, false statement
under oath, to wit: in Elizabeth Hartranft's reinstatement petition hearing,
while under oath to tell the truth, Todd R. Jaros lied about Elizabeth
Hartranft’s meeting attendance signature logs. Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.11 of the Ohio
Revised Code. |
(6) Todd R. Jaros did, on or about November
14, 2002, with purpose to hinder the discovery or prosecution of another for
a crime, or to assist another to benefit from the commission of a crime,
communicate false information to a Board agent, to wit: after forging
documents and aiding and abetting Elizabeth Hartranft to commit the crimes of
forgery, perjury, and tampering with evidence, Todd R. Jaros lied to Board
agents who were investigating the matter.
Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.32 of the Ohio Revised
Code. |
(7) Todd R. Jaros did, on or about November
14, 2002, knowingly make a false statement with purpose to mislead a public
official in performing his official function, to wit: Todd R. Jaros lied to
Board agents, who were investigating a matter, with purpose to divert their
attention away from both himself and Elizabeth Hartranft. Such conduct is in violation of Section
2921.13 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (1) The State Board of Pharmacy concludes that
paragraphs (2) through (7) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty
of gross immorality as provided in Division (A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the
Ohio Revised Code. |
(2) The State Board of
Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) through (7) of the Findings of Fact
constitute being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice
of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio
Revised Code. |
(3) The State
Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) through (7) of the Findings
of Fact constitute being guilty of committing fraud, misrepresentation, or
deception in applying for or securing a license or identification card
issued by the Board under Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code as provided in
Division (A)(10) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. |
DECISION OF THE BOARD Pursuant to Section 4729.16
of the Ohio Revised Code, and after consideration of the record as a whole,
the State Board of Pharmacy takes the following actions in the matter of Todd
R. Jaros: |
(A) On the basis of the Findings of Fact and
paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State
Board of Pharmacy hereby suspends indefinitely the pharmacist identification
card, No. 03-1-18980, held by Todd R. Jaros effective as of the date of the
mailing of this Order. |
(1) Todd R. Jaros, pursuant to Rule
4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, may not be employed by or
work in a facility licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy to possess or
distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension. |
(2) Todd R. Jaros, pursuant to Section
4729.16(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, must return his identification card and
license (wall certificate) to the office of the State Board of Pharmacy
within ten days after receipt of this Order unless the Board office is
already in possession of both. The
identification card and wall certificate should be sent by certified mail,
return receipt requested. |
(B) On the basis of the Findings of Fact and paragraph
(3) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of Pharmacy
hereby imposes a monetary penalty of nineteen thousand five hundred dollars
($19,500.00) on Todd R. Jaros and payment of the monetary penalty is due and
owing within thirty days of the mailing of this Order. The remittance should be made payable to
the “Treasurer, State of Ohio” and mailed with the enclosed form to the State
Board of Pharmacy, 77 South High Street, Room 1702, Columbus, Ohio
43215-6126. |
(C) Further, after three years from the
effective date of this Order, the Board will consider any petition filed by
Todd R. Jaros for a hearing, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 119., for
reinstatement. The Board will only
consider reinstatement of the license to practice pharmacy in Ohio if the
following conditions have been met: |
(1) Todd R. Jaros must provide documentation
of payment in full of the monetary penalty imposed by the Board in paragraph
(B) above. |
(2) Todd R. Jaros must complete the Ethics and
Professionalism CME Program at Case Western Reserve University. |
(3) Todd R. Jaros may not hold any position
(officer or sponsor) in Pharmacists Rehabilitation Organization (PRO) or any
other treatment program. |
(4) Todd R. Jaros must continue with his
treatment plan as governed by his Board Order dated September 11, 2000, for
recovery. |
(5) Todd R. Jaros is fit, in the opinion of
the Board, to practice pharmacy. |
(6) Todd R. Jaros must comply with the
continuing pharmacy education requirements set forth in Chapter 4729-7 of
the Ohio Administrative Code as applicable and in effect on the date of
petitioning the Board for reinstatement. |
(7) Todd R. Jaros must comply with the terms
of this Order. |
The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-3). |
R-2003-097 |
Mr. Braylock moved that the Board approve the settlement agreement offered in the matter of Wei L. Jin, R.Ph. as revised by the Board. The settlement agreement is to become final upon the signature of the Board President. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
7:50 p.m.
Mrs. Teater moved that the Board receive Per Diem as follows: |
12/13 |
01/06 |
01/07 |
Total |
Adelman |
- |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Braylock |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Eastman |
- |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Giacalone |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Gregg |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Kost |
- |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Lipsyc |
- |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Teater |
- |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Turner |
- |
1 |
1 |
2 |
The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gregg and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0). |
7:51 p.m.
Mrs. Gregg moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lipsyc and approved (Aye-8/Nay-0). |