Note:  These Minutes are provided for informational purposes only.
If you would like to obtain an official copy of the Minutes, please contact
the State Board of Pharmacy at 614-466-4143 for instructions and fee information.


Ohio State Board of Pharmacy   77 South High Street, Room 1702   Columbus, Ohio 43215-6126
telephone:  614-466-4143                  fax:  614-752-4836                email:


Minutes Of The Meeting

Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

Columbus, Ohio

September 5, 6, 7, 2000




  8:10 a.m.      ROLL CALL


The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room 1914, Vern Riffe Center for Govern­ment and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present:


Suzanne L. Neuber, R.Ph. (President); Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; and James E. Turner, R.Ph.


Also present were William T. Winsley, Executive Director; Timothy Benedict, Assistant Executive Director; Mark Keeley, Legislative Affairs Administrator; David Rowland, Legal Affairs Administrator; and Sally Ann Steuk, Assistant Attorney General.

  8:27 a.m.

After discussion of items not requiring any official action by the Board, Mr. Winsley reported that August reciprocity candidate Sapna Patria had successfully completed the Test of Spoken English (TSE) and that her license had been issued pursuant to the Board’s instructions.

  8:28 a.m.

RES. 2001-026   Mr. Benedict then reviewed a request from John Tekulve R.Ph. for a review of the 48-hour urine testing requirement in his Board Order.  After discussion, Ms. Abele moved that Mr. Tekulve’s Order be revised to remove the requirement that his urine be analyzed by the laboratory within 48 hours of the time it is drawn and that he be issued the following revised Board Order:



(Docket No. D-980127-032)


In The Matter Of:



6702 Merwin Avenue

Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

(R.Ph. No. 03-3-21594)










(A)      Testimony


State's Witnesses:


(1)       Elaine Jones, R.Ph., Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

(2)       Detective Rick Hahn, Cincinnati Police Department, Drug Diversion Unit


Respondent's Witnesses:


(1)       John Paul Tekulve, Respondent


(B)      Exhibits


State's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit 1--Copy of three-page Summary Suspension Order/Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated January 27, 1998.

(2)       Exhibit 1A--Copy of Hearing Request letter dated February 3, 1997 (sic 1998).

(3)       Exhibit 1B--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated February 5, 1998.

(4)       Exhibit 1C--Copy of Pharmacist File Front Sheet of John Paul Tekulve showing original date of registration as October 16, 1996; and two-page copy of Renewal Application for Intern License, for a license to practice pharmacy as an intern in Ohio from September 15, 1996, to September 15, 1997, of John Paul Tekulve dated August 13, 1996.

(5)       Exhibit 2



(6)       Exhibit 3-




(7)       Exhibit 4


(8)       Exhibit 4A


(9)       Exhibit 5


(10)     Exhibit 6


(11)     Exhibit 7

(12)     Exhibit 8



(13)     Exhibit 9


(14)     Exhibit 10


(15)     Exhibit 11


(16)     Exhibit 12


(17)     Exhibit 13


Respondent's Exhibits:


(1)       None




After having heard the testimony, considered the evidence, observed the demeanor of the witnesses, and weighed their credibility, the State Board of Pharmacy finds the following to be fact:


(1)       Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate that John Paul Tekulve was originally licensed in the state of Ohio on October 16, 1996, pursuant to examination, and on January 27, 1998, his license was summarily suspended in accordance with Section 3719.121(C) of the Ohio Revised Code.










(3)       John Paul Tekulve did, on or about July 18, 1997, knowingly obtain, possess, and/or use a controlled substance when the conduct was not in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: John Paul Tekulve obtained and possessed marijuana, a schedule I controlled substance.  Further, John Paul Tekulve admitted on numerous occasions of marijuana use.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.11 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(4)       John Paul Tekulve is addicted to or abusing liquor or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice pharmacy, to wit: John Paul Tekulve arrived at the pharmacy to begin his shift unexplainably late on several occasions; John Paul Tekulve committed numerous errors while practicing pharmacy during the chosen time period of October 28, 1996, through August 4, 1997; and John Paul Tekulve has used the pharmacy’s telephone to make arrangements to obtain marijuana.







(2)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) through (4) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of dis­honesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy as provided in Divi­sion (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (4) of the Findings of Fact constitutes being addicted to or abusing liquor or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(3) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(4)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of willfully violating, conspiring to violate, attempting to violate, or aiding and abetting the violation of provisions of Chapter 2925. of the Revised Code as provided in Division (A)(5) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.




Pursuant to Section 3719.121 of the Ohio Revised Code, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby removes the Summary Suspension Order issued January 27, 1998.


Pursuant to Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code, the State Board of Pharmacy takes the following actions in the matter of John Paul Tekulve:


(A)      On the basis of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby suspends the pharmacist identification card, No. 03-3-21594, held by John Paul Tekulve indefinitely and such suspension is effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order.  Pursuant to Rule 4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, John Paul Tekulve may not be employed by or work in a facility licensed by the Board of Pharmacy to possess or distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension.


(B)      November, 1999, or thereafter, the Board will consider any petition filed by John Paul Tekulve for a hearing, pursuant to Revised Code Chapter 119., regarding the reinstatement of his license to practice pharmacy in Ohio.  The Board will consider the reinstatement of the license only if the following conditions have been met:


(1)       John Paul Tekulve must enter into a new contract with a treatment provider acceptable to the Board for a period of not less than five years from the effective date of this Order and, upon signing, submit a copy of the contract to the Board office.  The contract must provide that:


(a)       Random, observed urine samples shall be provided to, and conducted in, a certified Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Service (ODADAS) facility at least once a month for one year, and once every three months for the remaining four years.  Each urine screen must comply to the following standards:


(i)        The samples must be given within eight hours of random notification.


(ii)       Chain of custody must be maintained and docu­mented for each sample/screen.


(iii)     Reports must include testing the sample for alcohol and marijuana and must also report testing for creatinine or specific gravity of the sample as the dilutional standard.


(iv)      Sample analysis and reports must be completed within forty-eight (48) hours from the urine collection time.


(b)       Regular attendance, at least three times per week, at an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and/or similar support group meetings, and at meetings of a professional support group, is required during outpatient treatment and/or during aftercare; and


(c)        The program shall immediately report to the Board of Pharmacy any positive urine screens and/or other violations of the contract.


(2)       John Paul Tekulve must take and successfully complete the juris­prudence examination offered by the Board prior to petitioning the Board for reinstatement.


(3)       John Paul Tekulve must provide, at the time of petitioning the Board for reinstatement, written documentation from his treatment provider regarding compliance with the program pursuant to the contract including all urine drug screen reports.


Division (B) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code provides: “Any individual whose identification card is revoked, suspended, or refused, shall return his identification card and certificate of registration to the offices of the state board of pharmacy within ten days after receipt of notice of such action.  The certificate and identification card should be forwarded by certified mail, return receipt requested.








The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-0).

  8:33 a.m.

Ms. Eastman and Mr. Winsley reported on their recent attendance at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) meeting in San Diego.

  8:50 a.m.

Ms. Abele moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code and for the purpose of conferring with an attorney for the Board regarding pending or imminent court action pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(3) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and a roll call vote was conducted by President Neuber as follows: Abele-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, and Turner-Yes.

10:30 a.m.

The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public.  The Board took a brief recess.

10:42 a.m.

Mrs. Teater arrived and the meeting resumed.

10:45 a.m.

Ms. Abele reported on the recent activities of the Nursing Board Prescribing committees.  She also distributed copies of the annual report from the APN Pilot Program at the University of Cincinnati that she recently received.


Mr. Benedict had no report from the Medical Board Prescribing Committee.

11:00 a.m.

RES. 2001-027   Mr. Benedict, Mr. Keeley, and Mr. Winsley reviewed pending legislation with the Board.  After discussion, it was the consensus of the members present that the Board was in favor of the concept in House Bill 674 of a universal insurance prescription card and that the Board should actively support this bill.  It was noted that this was in concert with a recent resolution of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) at its annual meeting in May.

11:15 a.m.

The Board was joined by Douglas Graff, Esq. representing to discuss this company’s plan for electronic prescription transmission.  After an extended discussion with Mr. Graff, the Board tabled any decision on the program pending receipt of a revised confidentiality statement.

11:45 a.m.

The Board took a recess for lunch.

  1:08 p.m.

The Board meeting resumed in Room 1914, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with all members present except Diane Adelman and Amonte Littlejohn.

  1:15 p.m.

RES. 2001-028   Mr. Benedict then presented a request from George Brown, R.Ph. asking for a waiver from the requirements of Administrative Code Rule 4729-5-11(A) to allow him to serve as responsible pharmacist at more than one location.  After discussion, Ms. Eastman moved that the request be approved for the following two locations for one year:


Samaritan Hospital Pharmacy; Ashland, Ohio (02-0030000)

Peoples Hospital Pharmacy; Mansfield, Ohio (02-1012750)


The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-0/­Abstain-1[Abele]).

  1:16 p.m.

The Board took a brief recess.

  1:28 p.m.

The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson; Niles, Ohio.

  1:44 p.m.

Mr. Littlejohn arrived and joined the meeting in progress.  President Neuber announced that Mr. Littlejohn would not participate in the remainder of the hearing, nor would he participate in the deliberations.

  1:55 p.m.

The hearing ended and the record was closed.  The Board took a brief recess.

  2:06 p.m.

The meeting resumed.  At the request of Mr. Giacalone, the Board began a discussion of the continuing pharmacy education (CPE) rules contained in Chapter 4729-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code.

  3:12 p.m.

The discussion on the CPE rules was continued until the October meeting to allow the Board members to consider the issues discussed and to review documentation received during the discussion.  The Board took a brief recess.

  3:29 p.m.

Ms. Abele moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and a roll call vote was conducted by President Neuber as follows: Abele-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, Littlejohn-Yes, Teater-Yes, and Turner-Yes.

  3:55 p.m.

RES. 2001-029   The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public.  Mr. Littlejohn then moved that, pursuant to Section 3719.121 of the Revised Code, the Board summarily suspend the license to practice pharmacy belonging to Bruce Franken, R.Ph. (03-2-15485) due to the fact that a continuation of his professional practice presents a danger of immediate and serious harm to others.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Teater and approved by the Board (Aye-7/Nay-0).

  4:00 p.m.

RES. 2001-030   Ms. Eastman then moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson:


(A)      Testimony


State's Witnesses:


(1)       George Pavlich, Ohio State Board of Pharmacy


Respondent's Witnesses:


(1)       None


(B)      Exhibits


State's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit 1--Copy of two-page Proposal to Deny/Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated July 11, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit 1A--Two-page letter from Dennis Paul Thompson dated August 1, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit 1B--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated August 10, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit 1C--Application for Examination as a Pharmacist of Dennis Paul Thompson signed and notarized on May 30, 2000, and attached statement of Dennis Paul Thompson regarding Section 5 of the application.

(5)       Exhibit 2--Copy of seven-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-870604-119, dated August 21, 1987.

(6)       Exhibit 3--Copy of seven-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-880517-223, in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson dated August 22, 1988.

(7)       Exhibit 4--Copy of six-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-890309-103, in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson dated June 30, 1989.

(8)       Exhibit 5--Copy of six-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-900227-064, in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson dated June 29, 1990.

(9)       Exhibit 6--Copy of six-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-911220-086, in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson dated July 1, 1992.

(10)     Exhibit 7--Copy of three-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-940902-014, in the matter of Dennis Paul Thompson dated April 27, 1995.


Respondent's Exhibits:


(1)       None


(1)       On July 11, 2000, Dennis Paul Thompson was notified by letter of his right to
a hearing, his rights in such hearing, and his right to submit his contentions in writing.


(2)       As demonstrated by return receipt of July 19, 2000, Dennis Paul Thompson received the letter of July 11, 2000, informing him of the allegations against him, and his rights.


(3)       Dennis Paul Thompson responded to the letter of July 11, 2000, by submitting his contentions in writing, letter dated August 1, 2000.


(4)       Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Dennis Paul Thompson submitted an application for examination as a pharmacist on or about June 1, 2000. Dennis Paul Thompson included a note with his application regarding Section 5 of the application which states: “On December 10, 1986, I was convicted of 16 counts of aggravated drug trafficking, a third degree felony, and two counts of illegal processing of drug documents, third and fourth degree felonies.  The jurisdiction was Court of Common Pleas of Mahoning County, Case number 86-CR-223.  On July 9, 1991, records of convictions were expunged by the Court of Common Pleas of Mahoning County.  Such conduct constitutes being convicted of a felony, being convicted of violating any state or federal pharmacy or drug law; and/or not being of good moral character and habits within the meaning of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(5)       Records further indicate that Dennis Paul Thompson was originally licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio on June 21, 1971; and, on August 21, 1987, Dennis Paul Thompson’s license was revoked.  Such conduct constitutes having been disciplined by the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy pursuant to Sec­tion 4729.16 of the Revised Code within the meaning of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(6)       Since the revocation of his license in August of 1987, Dennis Paul Thompson has applied for licensure by examination on five separate occasions and his applications were denied on each occasion.


(1)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (4) of the Findings of Fact constitutes having been convicted of a felony as provided in paragraph (A) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(2)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (4) of the Findings of Fact constitutes having been convicted of violating any state or federal pharmacy or drug law as provided in paragraph (B) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(3)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (4) of the Findings of Fact constitutes not being of good moral character and habits as provided in paragraph (C) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(4)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy concludes that paragraph (5) of the Findings of Fact constitutes having been disciplined by the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy pursuant to Section 4729.16 of the Revised Code as provided in paragraph (E) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.



The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0/­Abstain-1[Littlejohn]).

  4:02 p.m.

The Board meeting was recessed until Wednesday, September 6, 2000.



wednesday, September 6, 2000


  9:00 a.m.      ROLL CALL


The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room 1914, Vern Riffe Center for Govern­ment and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present:


Suzanne L. Neuber, R.Ph. (President); Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph.


  9:03 a.m.

The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Joseph R. Tabler, R.Ph.; Cincinnati, Ohio.

10:32 a.m.

The hearing ended and the record was closed.  The Board took a brief recess.

10:53 a.m.

The meeting resumed.  The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Randall T. Lynn; Cincinnati, Ohio.

11:55 a.m.

The hearing was recessed for lunch.  President Neuber announced that the hearing would resume following the Board’s 1:00 p.m. meeting with the reciprocity candidates.

  1:00 p.m.

The Board reconvened in Room 1919, Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio, for the purpose of meeting with the candidates for licensure by reciprocity with the following members present:


Suzanne L. Neuber, R.Ph. (President); Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph.


RES. 2001-031   Following presentations by Board members and self-introductions by the candidates for licensure by reciprocity, Ms. Eastman moved that the Board approve the following candidates for licensure.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Teater and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).


Melissa Ann Angell




North Carolina

Meredith Jeanne Aull




New York

Donghi Baik





Cassandra Burke Calderon




North Carolina

Allison May Chung





Brad Vincent Cibik





Margaret Anne Dowell





Jeffrey Paul Gonzales





Fanar W. Jwaida





Nancy Elizabeth Krause





Pratibha Shankar Muniyappa




North Carolina

Satendra H. Patel





Suzanne Isabelle Schmitz





Melissa A. Starinki





John King Tillotson





Nick Anthony Zumbo





  1:34 p.m.

The hearing in the matter of Randall T. Lynn resumed in Room 1914.

  2:31 p.m.

The hearing concluded and the record was closed.  The Board took a brief recess.

  2:42 p.m.

Mr. Winsley discussed the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget request that had been submitted to the Office of Budget and Management with the Board members.  Copies of the budget materials had previously been distributed to the members for their review.

  2:54 p.m.

RES. 2001-032   Mr. Winsley presented the application from an individual wishing to be approved by the Board as an In-State Provider of Continuing Pharmacy Education pursuant to Rule 4729-7-05 of the Administrative Code.  After discussion, Ms. Eastman moved that the Board approve the following as an Approved In-State Provider of Continuing Pharmacy Education:


KePRO, Inc./Seven Hills


The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  2:58 p.m.

Mr. Benedict presented the proposals from the 2000 Ad Hoc Committee on Rule Review to the Board for their review and discussion.  After discussion, final action on the proposals was tabled until Thursday, September 7, 2000 to allow Mr. Benedict to make some changes requested by the Board.

  4:02 p.m.

The Board took a brief recess.

  4:15 p.m.

The meeting resumed.  Ms. Abele moved that the Minutes of the August 7, 8, 9, 2000 Board meeting be approved as amended.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  4:18 p.m.

Ms. Abele moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and a roll call vote was conducted by President Neuber as follows: Abele-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, Teater-Yes, Turner-Yes.

  4:50 p.m.

RES. 2001-033   The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public.  Ms. Eastman moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Joseph R. Tabler, R.Ph.:


(A)      Testimony


State's Witnesses:


(1)       William McMillen, R.Ph., Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

(2)       Elaine Jones, R.Ph., Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

(3)       Joseph R. Tabler, Respondent


Respondent's Witnesses:


(1)       None


(B)      Exhibits


State's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit 1--Copy of four-page Summary Suspension Order/Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated April 4, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit 1A--Hearing Request letter dated April 20, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit 1B--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated April 27, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit 1C--Copy of Pharmacist File Front Sheet of Joseph Robert Tabler showing original date of registration as August 20, 1962; and two-page copy of Renewal Application for Pharmacist License, No. 03-1-07832, for a license to practice pharmacy in Ohio from September 15, 1999, through September 15, 2000, of Joseph R. Tabler dated July 9, 1999.

(5)       Exhibit 1D--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated August 1, 2000.

(6)       Exhibit 2--Copy of two-page urine drug screen report of Joseph Tabler dated February 15, 2000.

(7)       Exhibit 3--Copy of Holmes Pharmacy Audit, Outpatient Pharmacy, and Inpatient Pharmacy audit report prepared by Nancy Lobas dated May 15, 2000; and copy of Outpatient Pharmacy Weekly Audits for Hydrocodone/APAP dated from September 5, 1999, through March 4, 2000.

(8)       Exhibit 4--Two-page copy of memorandum to Wayne Bohenek from Nancy Lobas dated June 12, 2000.

(9)       Exhibit 5--Statement of Ryan M. Cox signed and notarized on June 12, 2000.

(10)     Exhibit 6--Copy of four-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-980601-062, in the matter of Joseph R. Tabler dated December 11, 1998.

(11)     Exhibit 6A--Five-page copy of U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky (Covington) Criminal Docket, USA v. Tabler, Case No. 96-CR-94-ALL, dated as of May 8, 1997.

(12)     Exhibit 7--Thirteen-page copy of twelve-page, 120 count, Indictment in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington, United States of America vs. Joseph R. Tabler, not dated.

(13)     Exhibit 8--Copy of eleven-page Plea Agreement in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington, United States of America vs. Joseph R. Tabler, Criminal No. 96-94, not dated.

(14)     Exhibit 9--Copy of five-page Stipulated Factual Basis for Guilty Plea in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington, United States of America vs. Joseph R. Tabler, Criminal Action No. 96-94, not dated.

(15)     Exhibit 10--Six-page copy of Judgment in a Criminal Case in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington, United States of America vs. Joseph R. Tabler, Case No. 96-94, dated July 31, 1997.

(16)     Exhibit 11--Copy of The Cincinnati Enquirer article titled, “Former St. Luke worker indicted,” not dated.

(17)     Exhibit 12--Copy of Journal Entry from the Clermont County Court, Batavia, Ohio, State of Ohio vs. Joseph R. Tabler, Case No. 89-CRB-95-543, dated April 10, 1989.


Respondent's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit A--Letter from Lorraine A. Cooper dated August 28, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit B--Letter from Robert Whaley dated September 1, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit C--Letter from Pamela Gregg dated August 1, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit D--Two-page letter from Anne L. Hendricks, M.D. dated September 5, 2000.


(1)       Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Joseph R. Tabler was originally licensed in the state of Ohio on August 20, 1962, pursuant to examination, and on April 4, 2000, Joseph R. Tabler’s license was summarily suspended in accordance with Section 3719.121(B) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(2)       Joseph R. Tabler did, on or about February 2, 2000, knowingly obtain, possess, or use a controlled substance when not in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: while practicing pharmacy, Joseph R. Tabler used barbiturates and hydrocodone when not prescribed by an authorized licensed health professional.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.11 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       On or about December 11, 1998, pursuant to the Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-980601-062, in the matter of Joseph R. Tabler, the Board found the following to be fact:


(a)       Records of the Board of Pharmacy indicate that Joseph R. Tabler was originally licensed in the State of Ohio on August 20, 1962, pursuant to examination, and, during the relevant time periods, was currently licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Ohio.


(b)       Joseph R. Tabler did, on or about April 29, 1997, plead guilty to one count of Mail Fraud, a felony in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341.  United States vs. Tabler, Case No. 96-CR-94-ALL, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky.  Joseph R. Tabler did, from approximately February 1991 through February 1996, with purpose to defraud, present to an insurer written statements as claims for payment, knowing that the statements were false and deceptive, to wit: while practicing pharmacy at St. Luke’s Hospital Pharmacy, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, Joseph R. Tabler forged false prescriptions and submitted false claims to Anthem Blue Cross of Kentucky totaling approximately $78,000.00. Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.47 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(c)        Joseph R. Tabler did, on or about April 10, 1989, plead guilty to Theft in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code, a first degree misdemeanor.  State of Ohio vs. Joseph R. Tabler, 89-CRB-95-593, Clermont County Common Pleas Court.


The Board concluded that Joseph R. Tabler was guilty of a felony; guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy and guilty of having been convicted of a misdemeanor related to, or committed in, the practice of phar­macy. Joseph R. Tabler’s license was suspended; however, the suspension was stayed and his pharmacist identification card was placed on probation through March 5, 2004.  The terms of probation, in part, were as follows: Joseph R. Tabler was not to violate the drug laws of the State of Ohio, any other state, or federal government; Joseph R. Tabler was to abide by the rules of the Ohio State Board of pharmacy; and, Joseph R. Tabler was to comply with the terms of the Order.  Joseph R. Tabler was further advised that the Board may at any time revoke probation for cause, modify the conditions of probation, and reduce or extend the period of pro­bation for a violation occurring during the probation period.


(1)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraph (3)(b) of the Findings of Fact constitutes being guilty of a felony as provided in Division (A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.

(2)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraph (2) of the Findings of Fact constitute abusing liquor or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(3) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(4)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraph (2) of the Findings of Fact constitutes being guilty of willfully violating, conspiring to violate, attempting to violate, or aiding and abetting the violation of the provisions of Chapter 2925. of the Revised Code as provided in Division (A)(5) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(A)      On the basis of the Findings of Fact and paragraph (1) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby revokes the pharma­cist identification card, No. 03-1-07832, held by Joseph R. Tabler effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order.


(B)      On the basis of the Findings of Fact and paragraph (2) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby revokes the pharma­cist identification card, No. 03-1-07832, held by Joseph R. Tabler effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order.


(C)      On the basis of the Findings of Fact and paragraph (3) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby revokes the pharma­cist identification card, No. 03-1-07832, held by Joseph R. Tabler effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order.


(D)      On the basis of the Findings of Fact and paragraph (4) of the Conclusions of Law set forth above, the State Board of Pharmacy hereby revokes the pharma­cist identification card, No. 03-1-07832, held by Joseph R. Tabler effective as of the date of the mailing of this Order.



The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  4:55 p.m.

RES. 2001-034   Ms. Eastman then moved that the Board adopt the following order in the matter of Randall T. Lynn:


(A)      Testimony


State's Witnesses:


(1)       Michael Cluxton, Ohio State Board of Pharmacy


Respondent's Witnesses:


(1)       Randall T. Lynn, Respondent

(2)       Ryan M. Cox, R.Ph., West Chester, Ohio

(3)       Joseph Buganski, R.Ph., Cincinnati, Ohio

(4)       Matthew C. Totterdale, R.Ph., Cincinnati, Ohio


(B)      Exhibits


State's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit 1--Copy of three-page Proposal to Deny/Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated July 12, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit 1A--Hearing Request letter dated July 26, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit 1B--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated July 31, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit 1D--Fax copy of memo from David L. Kerr dated August 22, 2000.

(5)       Exhibit 1E--Application for Examination as a Pharmacist of Randall T. Lynn signed and notarized on June 26, 2000, and attached statement regarding Section No. 5 of the application.

(6)       Exhibit 2--Copy of Intern File Front Sheet of Randall Todd Lynn showing original date of registration as September 29, 1993.

(7)       Exhibit 3--Copy of Certification of Approved Internship Hours on File of Randall Todd Lynn showing 1918.00 approved hours on file.

(8)       Exhibit 4--Copy of four-page Order of the State Board of Pharmacy, Docket No. D-960614-067, in the matter of Randall T. Lynn dated January 31, 1997.

(9)       Exhibit 5--Copy of Springdale Police Department Criminal Offense Report, No. 95-0988, dated May 24, 1995, and attached copy of two-page Case Summary by Det./Sgt. Wm. Fields, Offense No. 95-0988, with details dated from May 24, 1995, through May 26, 1995.

(10)     Exhibit 6--Copy of Notice of Separation of Randy Lynn, dated October 3, 1994.

(11)     Exhibit 7--Copy of The Kroger Co. 1995 Calendar arranged by Kroger's 13-period year.

(12)     Exhibit 8--Copy of payroll record of Randall Todd Lynn showing 1,255 total hours paid.

(13)     Exhibit 9--Copy of time cards of R. Lynn dated May 13, 1995, and May 20, 1995.

(14)     Exhibit 10--Copy of envelope addressed to The Kroger Co. with USPS stamp-cancelled date of May 22, 1995.

(15)     Exhibit 11--Copy of voluntary statement of Randall T. Lynn dated May 26, 1995.

(16)     Exhibit 12--Two-page copy of Indictment in the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, Case No. B9504870, dated June 13, 1995; and copy of Prosecuting Attorney’s Request for Issuance of Warrant Upon Indictment, in the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio vs. Randall Todd Lynn, Case No. B9504870, not dated.

(17)     Exhibit 13--Copy of Renewal Application for Intern License, No. 06-0-00776, for a license to practice pharmacy as an intern in Ohio from September 15, 1995, to September 15, 1996, of Randall Todd Lynn dated July 26, 1995.

(18)     Exhibit 14--Copy of Journal Entry in the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio vs. Randall Lynn, Case No. B954870, dated July 25, 1995.

(19)     Exhibit 15--Copy of Journal Entry in the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio vs. Randall Lynn, Case No. B954870, dated August 28, 1996.

(20)     Exhibit 16--Copy of personal check, number 627, of Randall T. Lynn dated June 14, 1995, and personal check number 639 of Randall T. Lynn dated  July 15, 1995.

(21)     Exhibit 17--Copy of Application for Examination as a Pharmacist of Randall T. Lynn signed and notarized on May 13, 1996.


Respondent's Exhibits:


(1)       Four-page Status of Case submitted by David L. Kerr on September 6, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit 1--Three-page copy of Statement of Randall T. Lynn dated August 31, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit 2--Copy of two-page letter from Ronald S. Lynn dated September 1, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit 3--Copy of letter form Ryan M. Cox dated August 29, 2000.

(5)       Exhibit 4--Copy of letter from Joseph A. Buganski dated August 28, 2000.

(6)       Exhibit 5--Copy of letter from Matthew C. Totterdale, II dated September 1, 2000.

(7)       Exhibit 6--Copy of letter from Jason D. Niemann dated August 29, 2000.

(8)       Exhibit 7--Copy of letter from Jennifer Trenkamp dated August 28, 2000.

(9)       Exhibit 8--Copy of letter from Kathy A. Brodsky dated August 28, 2000.

(10)     Exhibit 9--Copy of letter from Steven M. Brown dated August 28, 2000.

(11)     Exhibit 10--Copy of letter from Terry S. Melton dated August 31, 2000.

(12)     Exhibit 11--Copy of letter from Jim Kirby, not dated.

(13)     Exhibit 12--Copy of letter from Shannon Dooley dated August 29, 2000.

(14)     Exhibit 13--Copy of letter from Michele MacKenzie dated August 21, 2000.

(15)     Exhibit 14--Copy of letter from Stacey A. Wilson dated August 20, 2000.

(16)     Exhibit 15--Copy of letter from Mandy L. Lucas dated August 29, 2000.

(17)     Exhibit 16--Copy of letter from Vonda L. Rolfes dated August 25, 2000.

(18)     Exhibit 17--Copy of letter from J. Chris Komarc dated August 27, 2000.

(19)     Exhibit 18--Copy of letter from Ian F. Muncy dated August 23, 2000.


(1)       Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Randall T. Lynn submitted an Application for Examination as a Pharmacist on or about June 28, 2000.


(2)       Records further indicate that Randall T. Lynn was originally registered to practice pharmacy as an intern in the State of Ohio on September 29, 1993.  While licensed as an intern, Randall T. Lynn accumulated 1,918 approved internship hours.  Randall T. Lynn’s license to practice pharmacy as an intern lapsed on September 15, 1996, and he is not currently licensed to practice pharmacy as an intern or a pharmacist in the State of Ohio.


(3)       On or about January 31, 1997, the Board found the following to be fact:


(a)       Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Randall T. Lynn was originally licensed to practice pharmacy as an intern in the State of Ohio on September 29, 1993.


(b)       Randall T. Lynn did, from October 18, 1994, through May 15, 1995, with the purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over property of the Kroger Company by deception, to wit: Randall T. Lynn stole $10,282.00 by submitting forged time cards.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(c)        Randall T. Lynn did, from on or about July 26, 1995, knowingly make a false statement, or swear to the truth of a false statement, when the statement was made with the purpose to secure the issuance by the Board, a governmental agency, of registration as a pharmacy intern, to wit: Randall T. Lynn indicated on his notarized application for renewal that there were no felony charges pending when in fact he had been indicted on June 13, 1995, by the Hamilton County Grand Jury for Theft, a felony of the third degree.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.13 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(d)       Randall T. Lynn did, on or about May 13, 1996, knowingly make a false statement, or swear to the truth of a false statement, when the statement was made with the purpose to secure the issuance by the Board, a govern­mental agency, of a license, to wit: Randall T. Lynn indicated on his nota­rized application for examination as a pharmacist the following statement: “I have never been charged or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, nor have I been the subject of disciplinary action by any state or federal agency” when in fact he had been indicted on June 13, 1995, by the Hamil­ton County Grand Jury for Theft, a felony of the third degree.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2921.13 of the Ohio Revised Code.


The Board concluded that Randall T. Lynn is not of good moral character and habits pursuant to Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code and guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy pursuant to Section 4729.16(A)(2) of the Ohio Revised Code; and, therefore, Randall T. Lynn’s May 13, 1996 Application for Examination as a Pharmacist was denied.


(4)       Randall T. Lynn admitted being involved in an alcohol-related automobile accident.  Randall T. Lynn’s driver’s license was suspended and he was required by the court to enter into a diversion/alcohol intervention program.

(1)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (3) and (4) of the Findings of Fact constitute not being of good moral character and habits as provided in paragraph (C) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(2)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraph (4) of the Findings of Fact constitutes being addicted to or abusing liquor or drugs as provided in paragraph (D) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(3)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraph (3) of the Findings of Fact constitutes having been disciplined by the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy pursuant to Section 4729.16 of the Revised Code as provided in paragraph (E) of Rule 4729-5-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(A)      Randall T. Lynn must resolve the DUI issue with the courts.


(B)      Randall T. Lynn must obtain, within sixty days after the effective date of this Order, an alcohol assessment by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist and must abide by the treatment plan as designed by that psychiatrist or psychologist.  The psychiatrist or psychologist must provide an initial status report, which includes the recommended treatment plan, to the Board within ten days after completing the assessment.


(C)      Randall T. Lynn must not violate the laws of the state of Ohio, any other state, or the federal government.


(D)      Randall T. Lynn must abide by the rules of the State Board of Pharmacy.


(E)       Randall T. Lynn must comply with the terms of this Order.


(F)       Randall T. Lynn must provide documentation, when submitting his examination application, of the following:


(1)       Compliance with the licensed psychiatrist or psychologist's recom­mended treatment plan;


(2)       A report by the licensed psychiatrist or psychologist regarding Randall T. Lynn's fitness for admission into the practice of pharmacy.


The motion was seconded by Ms. Abele and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  4:48 p.m.

Due to the unavoidable absence of both President Neuber and Vice-President Adelman from the meeting on Thursday, September 7, 2000, President Neuber appointed Ms. Abele to chair the meeting on that day.

  5:00 p.m.

The Board meeting was recessed until Thursday, September 7, 2000.



Thursday, September 7, 2000


  8:50 a.m.      ROLL CALL


The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room 1914, Vern Riffe Center for Govern­ment and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present:


Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.(Acting Chairperson); Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member; and James E. Turner, R.Ph.

  8:52 a.m.

Mr. Benedict joined the meeting to continue the discussion of the recommendations of the 2000 Ad Hoc Committee on Rule Review.

  9:00 a.m.

Suzanne R. Eastman arrived and joined the meeting in progress.

  9:15 a.m.

The discussion of the recommendations of the 2000 Ad Hoc Committee on Rule Review was continued until later in the day.  The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Derek Edward Duckworth, R.Ph.; Toledo, Ohio.

11:50 a.m.

The hearing was recessed for a lunch break.

12:40 p.m.

The hearing resumed in Room 1914.

  2:02 p.m.

The hearing concluded and the record was closed.  The Board took a brief recess.

  2:15 p.m.

RES. 2001-035   The meeting resumed and the Board continued the discussion of the recommendations of the 2000 Ad Hoc Committee on Rule Review with Mr. Benedict.  After the discussion, Mr. Kost moved that the following proposed rules, as amended by the Board, be filed so that they will be subject to the Public Hearing scheduled for the November, 2000 Board meeting.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).


4729‑5‑30  Manner of issuance of prescription.


(A)  A prescription, to be effective, must be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an individual prescriber acting in the usual course of his/her professional practice.  The responsibility for
the proper prescribing is upon the prescriber, but a corresponding responsibility rests with the pharmacist who dispenses the pre­scription.  An order purporting to be a prescription issued not in the usual course of professional treatment or in legitimate and

authorized research is not a prescription and the person knowingly dispensing such a purported prescription, as well as the person issuing it, shall be subject to the penalties provided for viola­tions of the provisions of law.


(B)  All prescriptions shall be dated as of and signed on the day when issued, and shall bear the full name and address of the patient.


(C)  All written prescriptions issued by a prescriber shall bear the full name and address of the prescriber and shall be manually signed by the prescriber in the same manner as he/she would sign a check or legal document.


(D)  An original signed prescription (for other than a schedule II controlled substance except as noted in paragraph (N) of this rule and rules 4729-17-09 and 4729-19-02 of the Administrative Code) may be transmitted as an "other means of communication" to a pharmacy
by the use of a facsimile machine only by a prescriber or the prescriber's agent.  Such a facsimile shall only be valid as a prescription if a system is in place that will allow the pharmacist to maintain the facsimile as a part of the prescription record includ­ing the positive identification of the prescriber and his/her agent as well as positive identification of the origin of the facsimile.  The pharmacist must record the prescription in writing pursuant to section 4729.37 of the Revised Code or store the facsimile copy in such a manner that will allow retention of the prescription record for three years from the date of the last transaction.  The original signed prescription from which the facsimile is produced shall not be issued to the patient.  The original signed pre­scription must remain with the patient’s records at the prescriber’s office or the institutional facility where it was issued.  If a board-approved electronic prescription transmis­sion system is used to fax the prescription, the computer data must be retained for a period of three years at the prescriber's office.  A facsimile of a prescription received by a pharmacy in any manner other than transmission directly from the prescriber or the prescriber’s agent shall not be considered a valid prescription, except as a copy of a prescription pursuant to rule 4729-5-24 of
the Administrative Code.


(E)  All prescriptions shall specify the number of times or the period
of time for which the prescription may be refilled.  A prescription marked "Refill P.R.N." or some similar designation is not considered a valid refill authorization.


(F)  Prescriptions for dangerous drugs may not be dispensed for the first time beyond six months from the date of issuance by a prescriber.


(G)  Prescriptions for dangerous drugs and controlled substances in schedule V may not be authorized for refill beyond one year from
the date of issuance.  Prescriptions for controlled substances in schedules III and IV shall be authorized for refill only as per­mitted by section 3719.05 of the Revised Code.  Prescriptions for controlled substances in schedule II may not be refilled.


(H)  A prescription may be refilled only as expressly authorized by the prescriber, either in writing or orally.  If no such authorization is given, the prescription may not be refilled except in accordance with section 4729.281 of the Revised Code.


(I)  The drug(s) in a compounded prescription or drug product shall be identified by the product trade name or generic name.


(J)  No prescription shall be coded in such a manner that it cannot
be dispensed by any pharmacy of the patient's choice.  A "coded prescription" is one which THAT bears letters, numbers, words or symbols, or any other device used in lieu of the name, quantity, strength and directions for its use, other than those normal let­ters, numbers, words, symbols, or other media recognized by the profession of pharmacy as a means of conveying information by pre­scription.  No symbol, word, or any other device shall be used in lieu of the name of said preparation.


(K)  (1)  The agent of a prescriber who transfers a facsimile of THE PRESCRIBER'S AUTHORIZATION FOR an original prescrip­tion or transmits an oral prescription or authorization of a refill
for a dangerous drug must identify themselves HIMSELF/HERSELF by full name and the pharmacist shall make a record of the prescriber's agent on the original prescription and, if used, on the alternate system of recordkeeping.  A pharmacist who modifies a patient's drug therapy, pursuant to a consult agree­ment, must personally transmit the facsimile or oral order to another pharmacist, if the drug is not dispensed by the pharma­cist who modified the drug order.












(L)  When forms are used that create multiple copies of a prescription issued to a patient by a prescriber, the original prescription which THAT also bears the actual signature of the prescriber must be issued to the patient for dispensing by a pharmacist.


(M)  A pharmacist may accept, without further verification of the pre­scriber’s identity required, a prescription that has been transmit­ted by means of a board-approved automated paperless system.  The system shall require positive identification of the prescriber as defined in rule 4729-5-01 of the Administrative Code as well as the full name of any authorized agent of the prescriber who transmits the prescription.


(N)  A schedule II controlled substance prescription for a narcotic sub­stance issued for a patient enrolled in a hospice may be transmitted by the pre­scriber or the prescriber's agent to the pharmacy by fac­simile.  The origi­nal prescription must indicate that the patient is a hospice patient.  The facsimile transmis­sion must meet all of the requirements in paragraph (D) of this rule for such a prescription.


(O)  When a pharmacist, acting as an agent of the physician, modifies a patient's drug therapy pursuant to a consult agreement, the pharma­cist must comply with this rule in the same manner as a prescriber and include the name of the physician who originally prescribed the drug and sign the pharmacist's full name.


(P)  A prescription orally transmitted by telephone to a pharmacy by a prescriber or the prescriber's agent may be placed on a recording device at the pharmacy if the pharmacist is unavailable.  The pre­scriber or prescriber's agent must provide his/her complete name.  The pharmacist must remove the prescription from the recorder and reduce it to writing.  The pharmacist is responsible for assuring
the validity of the prescription removed from the recorder.



4729‑5‑31  Criteria for licensure by examination.


(A)  Pursuant to section 4729.07 of the Revised Code:


(1)  The examination shall consist of the “North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX)” and a jurisprudence examination compiled by the state board of pharmacy or the “National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)."


(2)  (a)  The minimum passing grade SCORE for the NAPLEX is seventy-five.  Any candidate failing to attain a grade SCORE of seventy-five on the NAPLEX examination will be required
to repeat the NAPLEX examination and remit the fee estab­lished by the state board of pharmacy for re‑examination.




(3)  The minimum passing grade SCORE for the jurisprudence examina­tion is seventy‑five.  Any candidate who fails to receive a grade SCORE of seventy‑five on the jurisprudence examination will be required to repeat the jurisprudence examination and remit the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re‑examination.


(B)  Pursuant to section 4729.13 of the Revised Code:


(1)  The examination shall consist of the "North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX)" and a jurisprudence examination compiled by the state board of pharmacy or the "National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)."


(2)  The minimum passing grades SCORES for renewal of the pharma­cist's identification card is a seventy-five on each exam.


(a)  Any candidate for renewal of an identification card who fails to receive a grade SCORE of seventy‑five on the jurisprudence examination shall make application and remit the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re‑examination.


(b)  Any candidate for renewal of an identification card who fails to receive a grade SCORE of seventy‑five on the NAPLEX examination shall make application and remit
the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re‑examination.


(C)  Pursuant to section 4729.08 of the Revised Code:


Applicants for examination and registration as a pharmacist who are graduates of schools or colleges of pharmacy located outside the United States and who are using an approved examination to establish equivalency of their education shall:


(1)  Obtain a grade SCORE no lower than seventy-five on the "Foreign Phar­macy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEE)"; and


(2)  Show oral proficiency in English by successful completion of the "Test of Spoken English (TSE)" or its equivalent, pursuant to rule 4729-5-34 of the Administrative Code.



4729-5-35  Automated drug delivery systems.


All automated drug delivery systems intended for use by a terminal dis­tributor of dangerous drugs pursuant to rule 4729-17-01 or 4729-17-05
of the Administrative Code must meet the following requirements:


(A)  Each automated drug delivery system must be approved by the board of pharmacy prior to its implementation by the terminal distri­butor of dangerous drugs;


(B)  The automated drug delivery system shall have a documented and
on-going quality assurance program that monitors total system performance and includes the requirement for one hundred per cent accuracy in drug and strength delivered;


(C)  The automated drug delivery system shall have adequate security
to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing or obtaining dangerous drugs;


(D)  The records kept by the automated drug delivery system shall comply with all board requirements.


4729-9-01  Definitions.


(A)  "Dangerous drug," as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, means any drug or drug product whose commercial package bears a label containing the symbol "Rx only", the legend "Caution:  Federal Law Prohibits Dispensing Without Prescription" or "Caution:  Federal Law Restricts This Drug To Use By Or On The Order Of A Licensed Veterinarian", or any similar restrictive statement.


(B)  A dangerous drug is adulterated if beyond the expiration date as stated by the manufacturer, packer, or distributor in its labeling or if it is not stored or dispensed according to the requirement of the federal act as indicated in the product labeling.


(C)  "Psychiatric outpatient facility" means a facility where psychiatric evaluation and treatment is provided on an outpatient basis.


(D)  As used in Chapters 3719. and 4729. of the Revised Code, "regis­tered" and "licensed" mean that an individual or facility has met the initial qualifi­cations for registration and licensure with the state board of pharmacy and, if they are still actively practicing pharmacy or distributing drugs, have complied with annual renewal procedures, including payment of applicable fees.


(E)  "Revoke", as used in Chapters 3719. and 4729. of the Revised Code, means to take action against a license which renders RENDERING such license void and such license may not be reissued.  "Revoke" is an action which THAT is per­manent against the license and licensee.


(F)  "Suspend", as used in Chapters 3719. and 4729. of the Revised Code, means to take action against a license which renders RENDERING such license without force and effect for a period of time as determined by the state board of pharmacy.  The board may require that an indi­vidual whose license has been suspended may not be employed by or work in a facility licensed by the state board of pharmacy to pos­sess or distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension.


(G)  "Place on probation", as used in Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code, means to take action against a license which suspends SUSPENDING SOME OR ALL OF the sanctions imposed by the state board of pharmacy during a period of good behavior for a AGAINST THAT LICENSE.  THE TERMS OF THE PROBATION SHALL STATE THE period of time and under such COVERED BY THE PROBATION AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER conditions as deter­mined by the state board of pharmacy.


(H)  "Refuse to grant or renew", as used in Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code, means to deny original or continued licensure for a period of at least twelve months.  After twelve months or such period of time as the individual board order may require, a pharmacist, a pharmacy intern, a terminal dis­tributor of dangerous drugs, a wholesale dis­tributor of dangerous drugs, a wholesaler of controlled substances, a manufacturer of controlled sub­stances, or an individual or facility who desires to attain such status by licensure, and whose license the state board of pharmacy has refused to grant or renew, may make application to the board for issuance of a new license. 
A pharmacist, or an individual who desires to attain such status by licensure, whose license the state board of pharmacy has refused to grant or renew must meet any requirements established by the board or must pass any examination required by the board.

(I)  "Campus", as used to describe a type of terminal distributor of dangerous drugs license issued pursuant to division (E) of section 4729.51 of the Revised Code, means an establishment or place consisting of multiple buildings where dangerous drugs are stored that are located on a contiguous plot of land.  All such buildings and stocks of dangerous drugs shall be under common ownership and control.


(J)  "Certified diabetes educator", as used in Chapters 3719. and 4729. of the Revised Code, means a person who has been certified to con­duct diabetes education by the "National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE)".



4729‑9‑07  Procedure for discontinuing business as a wholesale or
a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs


(A)  A wholesale or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs who plans to discontinue business activities shall file a written notice with the board of pharmacy.  The written notice shall be submitted to the board of pharmacy in person, BY VERIFIED FACSIMILE, or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, at least fourteen days in advance of the proposed date of discontinuing business, UNLESS THE BOARD WAIVES THIS TIME LIMITATION IN INDIVIDUAL INSTANCES.  This notice shall include the following information:


(1)  The name, address, and wholesale or terminal distributor
of dangerous drugs number of the registrant discontinuing business;.


(2)  The name, address, and wholesale or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs number to whom the dangerous drugs will be transferred;.


(3)  The name and address of the SECURED location at which WHERE the records of purchase and dispensing will be kept in accordance with section 4729.37 of the Revised Code; and.  THE STORAGE OF DISPENSING RECORDS MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONFIDENTIALITY REQUIREMENTS OF RULE 4729-5-29 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE.


(4)  The proposed date of discontinuing business.


(B)  Unless the registrant is informed by the executive director before the proposed date of discontinuing business that the transfer of dangerous drugs and records may not occur, the registrant discon­tinuing business may transfer the dangerous drugs and records in accordance with the following:


(1)  On the date of discontinuing business, a complete inventory
of all controlled substances being transferred, or disposed of according to rule 4729-9-06 of the Administrative Code, shall be made.  The inven­tory shall list the name and quantity of all controlled substances transferred or disposed of.


(2)  This inventory shall serve as the final inventory of the regis­trant discontinuing business and the initial inventory of the registrant to whom the controlled substances are being trans­ferred.  A copy of the inventory shall be included in the records of each registrant involved in the transfer.


(C)  Upon discontinuing business, the registrant shall return to the board of pharmacy, in person or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, the wholesale distributor of dangerous drugs license or the terminal distributor of dangerous drugs license for cancellation.



4729‑9‑11  Security and control of dangerous drugs.


A pharmacist, prescriber, or responsible person pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 4729‑13‑01 or paragraph (C) of rule 4729‑14‑01 of the Administra­tive Code, who has signed as being responsible for a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs license, shall provide "supervision and control" of dangerous drugs as required in division (B) of section 4729.55 of the Revised Code, and "adequate safeguards" to assure that dangerous drugs
are being distributed in accordance with all state and federal laws as required in section 4729.55 of the Revised Code, by the following pro­cedures:


(A)  In a pharmacy.


(1)  Personal supervision by a pharmacist of the dangerous drugs at all times to deter and detect theft or diversion; except,


(2)  Whenever personal supervision of the dangerous drugs is not pro­vided by a pharmacist, physical or electronic security of the dangerous drugs must be provided according to the following requirements:


(a)  The prescription department or stock of dangerous drugs must be secured by either a physical barrier with suitable locks and/or an electronic barrier to detect entry at a time the pharmacist is not present.  Such a barrier, before being put into use, must be approved by the state board of pharmacy.


(b)  The prescription department must contain all dangerous drugs, exempt narcotics, hypodermics, poisons, and every other item or product which THAT requires the personal supervision or sale by a pharmacist.


(c)  No item, product, record, or equipment which THAT must be accessible to anyone other than a pharmacist may be stored in the prescription department.


(d)  Only EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN RULE 4729-17-03 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, ONLY a pharmacist may have access to the prescription department or stock of dangerous drugs or assume responsibility for the security of dangerous drugs, exempt narcotics, hypoder­mics, poisons, and any other item or product which THAT requires the personal supervision or sale by a pharmacist.


(e)  No prescription, dangerous drug, exempt narcotic, hypo­dermic, nor any other item or product which THAT requires the personal supervision or sale by a pharmacist may be sold, given away, or disposed of at any time the prescrip­tion department is closed.


(f)  New prescriptions received from the patient or by mail, or refill prescription orders received from the patient or by phone or by mail, may be dropped into the prescription department by slot DEPOSITED INTO A SECURED AREA WITHIN THE BUILDING WHERE THE PHARMACY IS LOCATED when a pharmacist


(g)  Notice to the public of operating hours of the prescription department must be posted.


(3)  Areas designated for the dispensing, compounding, and storage
of dan­gerous drugs shall meet the security requirements in rule 4729‑9‑05 of the Administrative Code.  No person may be within the physical confines of the area designated for the dispensing, compounding, and storage of dangerous drugs unless under the personal supervision of a pharmacist.


(B)  In other terminal distributors of dangerous drugs, including but not limited to, emergency medical services pursuant to division (C) of section 4729.54 of the Revised Code, first‑aid departments pursuant to rule 4729‑9‑04 of the Administrative Code, approved laboratories pursuant to paragraph (A) of rule 4729‑13‑01 of the Administrative Code, and animal shelters pursuant to para­graph (A) of rule 4729‑14‑01 of the Administrative Code, dangerous drugs must be stored in an area secured by either a physical barrier with suitable locks and/or an electronic barrier to deter and detect unauthorized access.


(C)  A pharmacist, prescriber, or responsible person for a terminal dis­tributor of dangerous drugs license pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 4729‑13‑01 or para­graph (C) of rule 4729‑14‑01 of the Administrative Code who has signed as being responsible for a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs license is responsible to monitor for suspicious orders, unusual usage, or questionable disposition of dangerous drugs.

  2:35 p.m.

Ms. Eastman moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and a roll call vote was conducted by Ms. Abele as follows: Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, Teater-Yes, Turner-Yes.

  3:00 p.m.

RES. 2001-036   The Executive Session ended and the meeting was opened to the public.  Mrs. Teater moved that the Board request the following formal opinion from the Attorney General’s office regarding the controlled substance scheduling of gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB):


The Hon. Betty D. Montgomery

Ohio Attorney General

30 East Broad Street, 17th Floor

Columbus, Ohio 43215-3428


                                                                    Re: Request for Opinion


Dear Attorney General Montgomery:


The Board of Pharmacy, pursuant to Section 3719.18 of the Ohio Revised Code, enforces Ohio’s Controlled Substances Act, Chapter 3719. of the Ohio Revised Code.  When applying said chapter, the following specific question has arisen: in which controlled substance schedule does the drug gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB) fall for legitimate medical use purposes?  The answer to this question is not readily apparent due to the following situation, about which we now seek your guidance.


The General Assembly enacted into law House Bill 428, signed by Governor Taft
on February 15, 2000, effective May 17, 2000, which designated GHB as a schedule II controlled substance.  Between those two dates, on March 13, 2000, as reported in the Federal Register, the United States Attorney General, through the Deputy Administrator of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, designated GHB as a schedule I controlled substance, unless used in a properly approved research program or unless it is in a sub­stance approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in which case(s) it is designated as a schedule III controlled substance.


The inclusion of GHB, in its own form and not in an approved research program, as a schedule I controlled substance by the federal government would certainly govern since schedule I is the most restrictive schedule.  See Sections 3719.44(A)(2) and (3) of the Ohio Revised Code as guidance.  However, if GHB were to be in an FDA-approved drug, is the Ohio schedule (GHB as schedule II, voted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in February) automatically changed by the federal action to schedule III pursuant to Section 3719.43 of the Ohio Revised Code, or does the effective date of the Legislature’s action (May) transcend the federal action, thereby rendering GHB a schedule II controlled substance?


Your opinion on this matter is hereby requested.  Time is of the essence due to the fact that criminal prosecutions have already been commenced in Ohio, and more are expected.


The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  3:10 p.m.

RES. 2001-037   Mr. Turner moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Derek Edward Duckworth, R.Ph.:



(Docket No. D-000405-055)


In The Matter Of:



2545 Point Pleasant Way

Toledo, Ohio 43611

(R.Ph. No. 03-2-10274)




(A)      Testimony


State's Witnesses:


(1)       Dale R. Fritz, Jr., Ohio State Board of Pharmacy


Respondent's Witnesses:


(1)       David L. Hutchinson, Accountant, Waterville, Ohio

(2)       William Aring, R.Ph., Toledo, Ohio

(3)       Derek Edward Duckworth, Respondent


(B)      Exhibits


State's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit 1--Copy of eight-page Summary Suspension Order/Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated April 5, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit 1A--Hearing Request letter dated April 21, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit 1B--Copy of six-page Amendment Notice dated April 27, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit 1C--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated April 27, 2000.

(5)       Exhibit 1D--Copy of Pharmacist File Front Sheet of Derek Edward Duckworth showing original date of registration as July 20, 1972; and two-page copy of Renewal Application for Pharmacist License, No. 03-2-10274, for a license to practice pharmacy in Ohio from September 15, 1999, to September 15, 2000, of Derek Edward Duckworth dated July 27, 1999.

(6)       Exhibit 2--Ohio State Board of Pharmacy Drug Audit Accountability Sheet of Rite Aid #2339 for Vicoprofen for the time period of May 1, 1999, through December 27, 1999.

(7)       Exhibit 3--Five-page copy of Rite Aid #2339 Flow Chart for Vicoprofen dated from May 1, 1999, through December 27, 1999.

(8)       Exhibit 4--Three-page handwritten statement of Derek E. Duckworth signed and notarized on December 28, 1999.

(9)       Exhibit 5--Ohio State Board of Pharmacy Drug Audit Accountability Sheet of Rite Aid #2309 for Vicoprofen dated January 18, 2000.

(10)     Exhibit 6--Ohio State Board of Pharmacy Drug Audit Accountability Sheet of Rite Aid #2309 for Lorcet 10-650 dated January 18, 2000.

(11)     Exhibit 7--Ohio State Board of Pharmacy Drug Audit Accountability Sheet of Rite Aid #2309 for Hydrocodone 10/650 dated January 19, 2000.

(12)     Exhibit 8--Three Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling/Eligibility forms num­bered and dated as follows: 2339-178053 dated November 11, 1999; 2339-178053 dated November 23, 1999; and 2339-180484 dated December 18, 1999.

(13)     Exhibit 9--Prescription No. 2339-180484 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling/Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2339-180484 dated December 5, 1999.

(14)     Exhibit 10--Handwritten statement of Dr. R. Gantzos signed and notarized on January 11, 2000.

(15)     Exhibit 11--Handwritten statement of Craig Wagner signed and notarized on March 20, 2000.

(16)     Exhibit 12--Page One of Rite Aid, Alexis Road, Sylvania, Ohio Customer History Report of Craig Wagner dated from April 13, 1999, to April 25, 2000.

(17)     Exhibit 13--Prescription No. 2339-180447 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2339-180447 dated December 4, 1999.

(18)     Exhibit 14--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-172688 dated August 3, 1999.

(19)     Exhibit 15--Rite Aid Pharmacy #2309 Prescription Register dated from October 8, 1999, through October 8, 1999.

(20)     Exhibit 16--Copy of Page Two of Rite Aid, Alexis Road, Sylvania, Ohio Customer History Report of Bryson King dated from July 11, 1999, through November 15, 1999.

(21)     Exhibit 17--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2339-179515 dated December 5, 1999.

(22)     Exhibit 18--Page Five of Rite Aid Pharmacy #2339 Refill Listing Register dated from December 10, 1999, through December 10, 1999.

(23)     Exhibit 19--Page Three of Rite Aid Pharmacy #2339 Refill Listing Register dated from December 18, 1999, through December 18, 1999.

(24)     Exhibit 20--Copy of letter from John P. Conomy dated January 14, 2000.

(25)     Exhibit 21--Prescription No. 2309-172688 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-172688 dated July 29, 1999.

(26)     Exhibit 22--Prescription No. 2309-175961 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-175961 dated August 13, 1999.

(27)     Exhibit 23--Prescription No. 2309-186705.

(28)     Exhibit 24--Prescription No. 2339-177601 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2339-177601 dated November 9, 1999.

(29)     Exhibit 25--Prescription No. 2339-179515 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2339-179515 dated November 26, 1999.

(30)     Exhibit 26--Prescription No. 2339-181684.

(31)     Exhibit 27--Prescription No. C733759.

(32)     Exhibit 28--Prescription No. C761821.

(33)     Exhibit 29--Three-page Drug Corner Pharmacy Prescription Profiles-Detailed of Bryson King for the period of January 1, 1999, to March 16, 1999.

(34)     Exhibit 30--Copy of Page One of Rite Aid, Alexis Road, Sylvania, Ohio Customer History Report of Bryson King dated from April 13, 1999, to April 25, 2000.

(35)     Exhibit 31--Letter from Christopher K. Lynn dated January 26, 2000.

(36)     Exhibit 32--Prescription No. C766579.

(37)     Exhibit 33--Prescription No. 2309-146569.

(38)     Exhibit 34--Prescription No. 2309-155983.

(39)     Exhibit 35--Prescription No. 2309-167084 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-167084, dated July 2, 1999.

(40)     Exhibit 36--Prescription No. 2309-173926 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-173926 dated August 4, 1999.

(41)     Exhibit 37--Prescription No. 2309-186081 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for prescriptions numbered 2309-186080 and 2309-186081 dated October 2, 1999.

(42)     Exhibit 38--Prescription No. 4828-12596.

(43)     Exhibit 39--Prescription No. 2337-108638 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2337-108638 dated November 24, 1999.

(44)     Exhibit 40--Prescription No. C734475.

(45)     Exhibit 41--Prescription No. C735899.

(46)     Exhibit 42--Prescription No. C751550.

(47)     Exhibit 43--Prescription No. C750786.

(48)     Exhibit 44--Prescription No. C762315.

(49)     Exhibit 45--Prescription No. C765834.

(50)     Exhibit 46--Prescription No. 2309-142598 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-142598 dated March 19, 1999.

(51)     Exhibit 47--Prescription No. 2309-146567 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-146567 dated April 1, 1999.

(52)     Exhibit 48--Prescription No. 2309-149340 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-149340 dated April 11, 1999.

(53)     Exhibit 49--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-150978 dated April 17, 1999.

(54)     Exhibit 50--Prescription No. 2309-157071 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for prescriptions numbered 2309-157071 and 2309-157073 dated May 13, 1999.

(55)     Exhibit 51--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-159973 dated May 27, 1999.

(56)     Exhibit 52--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-159973 dated June 2, 1999.

(57)     Exhibit 53--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-159973 dated June 14, 1999.

(58)     Exhibit 54-- Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-159973 dated June 19, 1999.

(59)     Exhibit 55--Prescription No. 2309-167065 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-167065 dated July 11, 1999.

(60)     Exhibit 56--Prescription No. 2309-171355.

(61)     Exhibit 57--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-171355 dated July 24, 1999.

(62)     Exhibit 58--Prescription No. 2309-178727 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-178727 dated August 28, 1999.

(63)     Exhibit 59--Prescription No. 2309-189366 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-189366 dated October 19, 1999.

(64)     Exhibit 60--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2309-190202 dated October 22, 1999.

(65)     Exhibit 61--Prescription No. 2337-106816 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2337-106816 dated October 27, 1999.

(66)     Exhibit 62--Prescription No. 2339-179866.

(67)     Exhibit 63--Three Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Forms for pre­scriptions numbered 2339-179866, 2339-179864, and 2339-179865 dated November 30, 1999.

(68)     Exhibit 64--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2339-181684 dated December 18, 1999.

(69)     Exhibit 65--Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescrip­tion No. 2339-179866 dated December 19, 1999.

(70)     Exhibit 66--Prescription No. C739389.

(71)     Exhibit 67--Prescription No. C741884.

(72)     Exhibit 68--Prescription No. C744845.

(73)     Exhibit 69--Prescription No. C749057.

(74)     Exhibit 70--Prescription No. C753085.

(75)     Exhibit 71--Prescription No. C758196.

(76)     Exhibit 72--Prescription No. C760295.

(77)     Exhibit 73--Prescription No. C761820.

(78)     Exhibit 74--Prescription No. C763774.

(79)     Exhibit 75--Prescription No. C765567.

(80)     Exhibit 76--Prescription No. C766580.

(81)     Exhibit 77--Prescription No. C767994.

(82)     Exhibit 78--Prescription No. 2309-154823.

(83)     Exhibit 79--Prescription No. 2309-158948.

(84)     Exhibit 80--Prescription No. 2309-161876 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-161876 dated June 5, 1999.

(85)     Exhibit 81--Prescription No. 2339-178367 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2339-178367 dated November 15, 1999.

(86)     Exhibit 82--Prescription No. C735114.

(87)     Exhibit 83--Prescription No. C740878.

(88)     Exhibit 84--Prescription No. C743905.

(89)     Exhibit 85--Prescription No. C762313.

(90)     Exhibit 86--Prescription No. 2309-158952 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for prescriptions numbered 2309-158948 and 2309-158952 dated May 24, 1999.

(91)     Exhibit 87--Prescription No. 2309-165146 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-165146 dated June 22, 1999.

(92)     Exhibit 88--Prescription No. 2309-176810 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-176810 dated August 18, 1999.

(93)     Exhibit 89--Prescription No. 2309-183240 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Coun­seling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2309-183240 dated September 20, 1999.

(94)     Exhibit 90--Prescriptions numbered 02339-178563 and 2339-178565 and Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Form for Prescription No. 2339-178565 dated November 16, 1999.

(95)     Exhibit 91--Prescription No. 2339-179667 and two Rite Aid Pharmacy Patient Counseling Eligibility Forms for prescriptions numbered 2339-179667 and 2339-179669 dated November 29, 1999.

(96)     Exhibit 92--Prescription No. 2339-179864.

(97)     Exhibit 93--Prescription No. 2339-179865.

(98)     Exhibit 94--Seven-page certified copy of ten-count Indictment in the Lucas County Common Pleas Court, The State of Ohio vs. Derek Edward Duckworth, Case No. CR 00-1709 dated May 3, 2000.

(99)     Exhibit 95--Two-page certified copy of Plea of No Contest in the Lucas County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio vs. Derek Edward Duckworth, Case No. CR 2000-1709 dated July 19, 2000; and copy of Order in the Lucas County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio v. Derek Duckworth, Case No. G-4801-CR-0200001709, dated July 19, 2000.

(100)  Exhibit 96--Two-page certified copy of Judgment Entry in the Lucas County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio v. Derek Duckworth, Case No. G-4801-CR-0200001709, dated August 24, 2000.


Respondent's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit A1--Copies of two urine drug screen reports of Derek Duckworth with collection dates of January 7, 2000, and February 24, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit A2--Copy of two-page Judgment Entry in the Lucas County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio v. Derek Duckworth, Case No. G-4801-CR-0200001709, dated August 24, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit A3--Copies of character reference letters from the following: Jean Pierce dated July 31, 2000; William Aring dated August 17, 2000; Richard L. Schafer dated August 1, 2000; Mark Eason dated July 10, 2000; Michael A. Calabrese dated July 7, 2000; Thomas L. Maloney dated July 10, 2000; Donald R. Calabrese, not dated; Michael A. Calabrese dated July 7, 2000; Robert T. Calabrese dated July 7, 2000; James V. Shindler, Jr. dated August 23, 2000; Christy McCollum dated August 15, 2000; Sue Ann and David A. Mullin dated July 12, 2000; Mike Linehan dated July 12, 2000; John D. Scouten dated July 13, 2000; Sue Ann and David A. Mullin dated July 12, 2000 with handwritten note from Dave and Sue Ann; Officer Robert Garcia dated July 24, 2000; James K. Bork dated July 25, 2000; James Nowakowski, not dated; David L. Hutchinson, not dated; Donald M. Moline dated July 28, 2000; Jill E. Miller, not dated; Nancy Russell, not dated; Bill and Mary Ellen Werynski dated August 24, 2000; Michael J. Quinn dated August 16, 2000; George E. Webb dated August 21, 2000; Rick Arbinger, not dated; Timothy F. and Carol D. McGinnis dated August 24, 2000; Robert R. Badman dated August 17, 2000; Richard Buss dated August 8, 2000; Dale T. Heigel dated August 27, 2000; Robert V. Loeb dated August 28, 2000; James K. Boyd, Jr. dated August 30, 2000; Richard P. Boyd, not dated; Brad Lockridge dated August 23, 2000; Robert Hogg dated July 31, 2000; Russ and Lee Moebuis dated August 23, 2000; Shannon DeHan, not dated; Robert A. McKelvey dated July 10, 2000, and from JoAnn McKelvey dated August 24, 2000; Angela S. Woodward dated July 8, 2000; and James K. Bork dated July 25, 2000.  Copies of two-page letters from the following: Tim Sickelbaugh, not dated; Marion A. Cary dated August 17, 2000; Janice Boyd, not dated; E. Terry Deltan dated July 11, 2000; Austin F. Klapp, not dated; Lynn M. Pribor dated August 28, 2000; and Rebecca Ladd, not dated.  Copies of three-page letters from the following: Annie Lewandowski, not dated, and Margaret M. Schotten dated September 1, 2000.  Copy of Memorandum from Paul L. and Janet D. DiModica dated July 10, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit A4--Letter from Hy P. Kisin dated September 6, 2000.

(5)       Exhibit A5--Letter from Robert A. McKelvey dated July 10, 2000, and from JoAnn McKelvey dated August 24, 2000, including a handwritten note from JoAnn McKelvey.

(6)       Exhibit A6--Letter from Robert McCloud, not dated.


(1)       Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Derek Edward Duckworth was originally licensed to practice pharmacy in the state of Ohio on July 20, 1972, pursuant to examination.  On April 5, 2000, Derek Edward Duckworth’s license was summarily suspended in accordance with Section 3719.121(B) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(2)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, from May 1, 1999, through December 29, 1999, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Rite Aid #2339, beyond the express or implied consent of the owner, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth admittedly stole 948 unit doses of Vicoprofen (20.5% of the store’s stock).  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, from May 1, 1999, through December 28, 1999, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Rite Aid #2309, beyond the express or implied consent of the owner, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth stole 114 tablets of Vicoprofen (1.5% of the store’s stock), 472 tablets of Lorcet 10/650 (37.5% of the store’s stock), and 829 tablets of Hydrocodone w/APAP 10/650 (8.6% of the store’s stock).  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(4)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, on or about the following dates, intentionally create and/or knowingly possess false or forged prescriptions, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth admittedly forged the following prescriptions and possessed them on file at Rite Aid Pharmacy #2339:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.23(B)(1) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(5)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, on or about December 4, 1999, knowingly make a false statement in a prescription order, report, or record required by Chapter 3719. or 4729. of the Revised Code, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth created prescription number 180447 for 60 unit doses of Alprazolam 1mg, a Schedule IV controlled substance, and maintained it on file at Rite Aid #2339.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.23(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(6)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, on or about the following dates, knowingly make a false statement in a prescription order, report, or record required by Chapter 3719. or 4729. of the Revised Code, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth forged the following telephone prescriptions and maintained them on file at Rite Aid Pharmacy #2309 or #2339:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.23(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(7)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, on or about the following dates, intentionally create and/or knowingly possess false or forged prescriptions, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth forged the following prescriptions and possessed them on file at Rite Aid Pharmacy #2309 and/or #2339:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.23(B)(1) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(8)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, on or about the following dates, knowingly make a false statement in a prescription order, report or record required by Chapter 3719. or 4729. of the Revised Code, to wit: Derek Edward Duckworth forged the following prescriptions and maintained them on file at Drug Corner Pharmacy:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.23(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(9)       Derek Edward Duckworth did, from on or about August 20, 1998, through November 24, 1999, knowingly sell a controlled substance in an amount exceeding five times the bulk amount but does not exceed fifty times the bulk amount when not in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: while practicing pharmacy at Drug Corner (DC) and/or Rite Aid Pharmacies (#2309, #2337, #2346, or #4828), Derek Edward Duckworth sold 1,080 tablets of alprazolam 1mg, a Schedule III controlled substance, to the same patient pursuant to prescriptions which were not written for a legitimate medical purpose:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.03(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(10)     Derek Edward Duckworth did, from on or about August 21, 1998, through December 19, 1999, knowingly sell a controlled substance in an amount exceeding fifty times the bulk amount when not in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: while practicing pharmacy at Drug Corner (DC) and/or Rite Aid Pharmacies (#2309, #2337, or #2339), Derek Edward Duckworth sold 9,676 tablets of hydrocodone 10mg/APAP 650mg, a Schedule III controlled substance, to the same patient pursuant to prescriptions which were not written for a legitimate medical purpose:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.03(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(11)     Derek Edward Duckworth did, from on or about September 17, 1998, through November 15, 1999, knowingly sell a controlled substance in an amount exceeding fifty times the bulk amount but does not exceed one hundred times the bulk amount when not in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: while practicing pharmacy at Drug Corner (DC) and/or Rite Aid Pharmacies (#2309 or #2339), Derek Edward Duckworth sold 2,480 tablets oxycodone 5mg/APAP 325mg, a Schedule II controlled substance, to the same patient pursuant to prescriptions which were not written for a legitimate medical purpose:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.03(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


 (12)    Derek Edward Duckworth did, from on or about August 25, 1998, through November 30, 1999, knowingly sell a controlled substance in an amount exceeding fifty times the bulk amount but does not exceed one hundred times the bulk amount when not in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: while practicing pharmacy at Drug Corner and/or Rite Aid Pharmacies (#2309 or #2339), Derek Edward Duckworth sold 772 tablets of OxyContin 20mg, a Schedule II controlled substance, to the same patient pursuant to prescriptions which were not written for a legitimate medical purpose:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.03(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(13)     Derek Edward Duckworth did, on or about November 30, 1999, knowingly sell
a controlled substance in an amount exceeding five times the bulk amount but does not exceed fifty times the bulk amount when not in accordance with Chap­ters 3719., 4729., and 4731. of the Ohio Revised Code, to wit: while practicing pharmacy at Rite Aid Pharmacy #2339, Derek Edward Duckworth sold 90 unit doses of OxyContin 40mg, a Schedule II controlled substance, pursuant to prescription number 179865, which was not written for a legitimate medical purpose.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.03(A) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(1)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) through (13) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of a felony as provided in Division (A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(2)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) through (13) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (4) through (13) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of willfully violating, conspiring to violate, attempting to violate, or aiding and abetting the violation of Chapter 2925. of the Revised Code as provided in Division (A)(5) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(A)      Derek Edward Duckworth, pursuant to Rule 4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, may not be employed by or work in a facility licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy to possess or distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension.

(B)      Derek Edward Duckworth, pursuant to Section 4729.16(B) of the Revised Code, must return the identification card and license (wall certificate) to the office of the State Board of Pharmacy within ten days after receipt of this Order unless the Board office is already in possession of both.  The identification card and wall certificate should be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


(A)      Derek Edward Duckworth must obtain, within sixty days after the effective date of this Order, a full psychiatric or psychological evaluation by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist and must abide by the treatment plan as designed by that psychiatrist or psychologist.  The psychiatrist or psychologist must provide an initial status report, which includes the recommended treatment plan, to the Board within ten days after completing the assessment.


(B)      Derek Edward Duckworth must take and successfully complete the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination offered by the Board, prior to reinstate­ment.  If Derek Edward Duckworth has not successfully completed the exami­nation prior to two years from the effective date of this Order, his license will remain under suspension until this condition has been achieved.


(C)      Derek Edward Duckworth must provide, with his application for reinstatement, documentation of the following:


(1)       Compliance with the licensed psychiatrist's or psychologist's recom­mended treatment plan;


(2)       A report by the licensed psychiatrist or psychologist regarding Derek Edward Duckworth's fitness for readmission into the practice of phar­macy;


(3)       Successful completion of the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination;


(4)       Compliance with the continuing pharmacy education requirements
as set forth in Chapter 4729-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code as applicable.


(D)      If reinstatement is not accomplished within three years of the effective date of this Order, Derek Edward Duckworth must show successful completion of the NAPLEX examination or an equivalent examination approved by the Board.


(E)       Derek Edward Duckworth's license will be placed on probation for three years effective as of the date the identification card to practice pharmacy is issued.  The terms of probation are as follows:


(1)       The State Board of Pharmacy hereby declares that Derek Edward Duckworth's pharmacist identification card is not in good standing and thereby denies the privilege of being a preceptor and training pharmacy interns pursuant to paragraph (D)(1) of Rule 4729-3-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


(2)       Derek Edward Duckworth may not serve as a responsible pharmacist.


(3)       Derek Edward Duckworth may not destroy, assist in, or witness the destruction of controlled substances.


(4)       Derek Edward Duckworth may not fill prescriptions for family members.


(5)       Derek Edward Duckworth must not violate the drug laws of the state of Ohio, any other state, or the federal government.


(6)       Derek Edward Duckworth must abide by the rules of the State Board of Pharmacy.


(7)       Derek Edward Duckworth must comply with the terms of this Order.


Derek Edward Duckworth is hereby advised that the Board may at any time revoke probation for cause, modify the conditions of probation, and reduce or extend the period of probation.  At any time during this period of probation, the Board may revoke probation for a violation occurring during the probation period.



The motion was seconded by Mrs. Teater and approved by the Board (Aye-4/Nay-2).  The Board took a brief recess.

  3:30 p.m.

The Board was joined by Assistant Attorney General Sally Ann Steuk for the purpose of conducting an adjudication hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapters 119. and 4729. in the matter of Michael Scott Gladieux, R.Ph.; Perrysburg, Ohio.

  5:12 p.m.

The hearing concluded and the record was closed.  The Board took a brief recess.

  5:18 p.m.

The meeting resumed.  Mrs. Teater moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and a roll call vote was conducted by Ms. Abele as follows: Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, Teater-Yes, Turner-Yes.

  5:28 p.m.

RES. 2001-038   The Executive Session ended and the Board meeting resumed in Public Session.  Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board adopt the following Order in the matter of Michael Scott Gladieux, R.Ph.:


(A)      Testimony


State's Witnesses:


(1)       Dale R. Fritz, Jr., Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

(2)       Detective Jason Stanley, Bowling Green Police Department


Respondent's Witnesses:


(1)       Michael S. Gladieux, Respondent


(B)      Exhibits


State's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit 1--Copy of four-page Summary Suspension Order/Notice of Opportunity for Hearing letter dated March 7, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit 1A--Hearing Request letter dated March 31, 2000.

(3)       Exhibit 1B--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated April 6, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit 1C--Copy of four-page Addendum Notice dated April 19, 2000.

(5)       Exhibit 1D--Letter from Joanne M. Elmore dated April 21, 2000.

(6)       Exhibit 1E--Continuance Request letter dated May 1, 2000.

(7)       Exhibit 1F--Copy of Hearing Schedule letter dated May 2, 2000.

(8)       Exhibit 1G--Copy of Pharmacist File Front Sheet of Michael Scott Gladieux showing date of registration as July 29, 1991; and two-page copy of Renewal Application for Pharmacist License, No. 03-1-19036, for a license to practice pharmacy in Ohio from September 15, 1999, to September 15, 2000, of Michael Scott Gladieux dated July 24, 1999.

(9)       Exhibit 1H--Letter from Jay E. Feldstein dated August 21, 2000.

(10)     Exhibit 2--VHS video tape for Case No. 00-1192 regarding Michael Gladieux, R.Ph.

(11)     Exhibit 3--Copy of Accountability Statement of Meijer Pharmacy #156 for Hydro­codone/APAP 5/500 tablets dated February 14, 2000.

(12)     Exhibit 4--Copy of Accountability Statement of Meijer Pharmacy #156 for Hydro­codone/APAP 7.5/750 tablets dated February 14, 2000.

(13)     Exhibit 5--Copy of Accountability Statement of Meijer Pharmacy #156 for Hydro­codone/APAP 10/500 tablets dated February 14, 2000.

(14)     Exhibit 6--Copy of Accountability Statement of Meijer Pharmacy #156 for Hydro­codone/APAP 10/650 tablets dated February 14, 2000.

(15)     Exhibit 7--Copy of Accountability Statement of Meijer Pharmacy #156 for Vicodin ES tablets dated February 14, 2000.

(16)     Exhibit 8--Copy of Accountability Statement of Meijer Pharmacy #156 for Vicodin HP tablets dated February 14, 2000.

(17)     Exhibit 9--Copy of Accountability Statement of CVS Pharmacy #4434 for Hydro­codone/APAP 10/325 tablets dated February 29, 2000.

(18)     Exhibit 10--Copy of Schedule Drug Worksheet for Store 115 with a date range from May 20, 1999, to February 24, 2000, for the following drugs: Hydro­codone/APAP 5/500; Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/750; Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/650; Hydrocodone/­APAP 10/650; Vicoprofen; Vicodin HP; and Vicodin HP generic.

(19)     Exhibit 11--Copy of Schedule Drug Worksheet for Store 118 with a date range from May 7, 1999, to February 24, 2000, for the following drugs: Vicodin ES 7.5/750; Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/650; Hydrocodone/APAP 10/500; Vicoprofen; Lorcet 10/650; and Hydrocodone/APAP 10/650.

(20)     Exhibit 12--Copy of Schedule Drug Worksheet of Store 117 with a date range from May 18, 1999, to February 24, 2000, for the following drugs: Vicodin 5/500; Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/750; Hydrocodone/APAP 10/500; and Hydrocodone/APAP 10/650.

(21)     Exhibit 13--Copy of Schedule Drug Worksheet of Store 116 with a date range from May 14, 1999, to February 24, 2000, for the following drugs: Hydro­codone/APAP 5/500; Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/650; Hydrocodone/APAP 10/500; Lorcet 10/650; Hydrocodone/APAP 10/650; and Vicoprofen.

(22)     Exhibit 14--Certified copy of five-page Judgement Entry, Arraignment and Plea Order on Motion in Treatment in Lieu of Conviction, in the Wood County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio vs. Michael Gladiuex (sic Gladieux), Case No. 00CR066, dated March 27, 2000.

(23)     Exhibit 15--Copy of Order in the Lucas County Common Pleas Court, State of Ohio v. Michael Gladeiux (sic Gladieux), Case No. G-4801-CR-0200001708, dated August 23, 2000.

(24)     Exhibit 16--Copy of Bowling Green Police Division Written Statement Requesting the Release of Records in the matter of Michael S. Gladieux dated February 11, 2000; and two-page copy of urine drug screen of Michael S. Gladieux, test dated February 10, 2000.


Respondent's Exhibits:


(1)       Exhibit A--Copy of letter from William J. Peters dated September 6, 2000.

(2)       Exhibit B--Copy of letter from Del D. Reynolds, not dated.

(3)       Exhibit C--Copy of letter from Marco Pescara dated September 6, 2000.

(4)       Exhibit D--Copy of letter from Bilal Salim dated September 5, 2000.

(5)       Exhibit E--Copy of letter from Richard A. Papurt dated August 30, 2000.

(6)       Exhibit F--Letter from Ginny Gladieux, not dated.

(7)       Exhibit G--Copy of page 1 of urine drug screen of Michael S. Gladieux, test dated February 10, 2000.

(8)       Exhibit H--Copy of page 2 of urine drug screen of Michael S. Gladieux, test dated February 10, 2000.

(9)       Exhibit I--Copy of eight AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from August 21, 2000, through September 6, 2000.

(10)     Exhibit J--Copy of eight AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from July 31, 2000, through August 19, 2000.

(11)     Exhibit K--Copy of eight AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from July 8, 2000, through July 29, 2000.

(12)     Exhibit L--Copy of eight AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from June 10, 2000, through July 5, 2000.

(13)     Exhibit M--Copy of eight AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from May 17, 2000, through June 12, 2000.

(14)     Exhibit N--Copy of eight AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from April 19, 2000, through May 10, 2000.

(15)     Exhibit O--Copy of seven AA/NA meeting attendance verifications of Michael S. Gladieux dated from March 4, 2000, through April 15, 2000.


(1)       Records of the State Board of Pharmacy indicate that Michael Scott Gladieux was originally licensed in the state of Ohio on July 29, 1991, pursuant to examination, and his license to practice pharmacy in the state of Ohio was summarily suspended on March 7, 2000, pursuant to Section 3719.121(B) of the Ohio Revised Code.


(2)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, on February 9, 2000, knowingly obtain, possess, or use a controlled substance, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole and ingested, while practicing pharmacy, 67 unit doses of Hydrocodone Bitartrate 5mg/APAP 500mg, a Schedule III controlled substance, without a prescription and/or without a legitimate medical purpose.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.11 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, on February 10, 2000, knowingly obtain, possess, or use a controlled substance, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole and ingested, while practicing pharmacy, 43 unit doses of Hydrocodone Bitartrate 5mg/APAP 500mg, a Schedule III controlled substance, without a prescription and/or without a legitimate medical purpose.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2925.11 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(4)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, from on or about December 9, 1999, through February 10, 2000, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over con­trolled substances, the property of Meijer Pharmacy #156, beyond the express or implied consent of the owner, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole the following Schedule III controlled substances from his employer:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(5)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, from on or about August 3, 1998, through November 28, 1999, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over controlled substances, the property of CVS/pharmacy #4434, beyond the express or implied consent of the owner, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole 10,797 unit doses of Norco (Hydrocodone 10mg/APAP 325mg), a Schedule III controlled substance, from his employer.  Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(6)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, from on or about May 20, 1999, through February 24, 2000, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Meijer Pharmacy #115, 1391 Conant St., Maumee, Ohio beyond the express or implied consent of the owner and/or by deception, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole the following controlled sub­stances from his employer:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(7)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, from on or about May 7, 1999, through February 24, 2000, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Meijer Pharmacy #118, 1500 E. Alexis Road, Toledo, Ohio beyond the express or implied consent of the owner and/or by deception, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole the following controlled substances from his employer:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(8)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, from on or about May 18, 1999, through February 24, 2000, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Meijer Pharmacy #117, 7240 West Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio beyond the express or implied consent of the owner and/or by deception, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole the following controlled substances from his employer:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(9)       Michael Scott Gladieux did, from on or about May 14, 1999, through February 24, 2000, with purpose to deprive, knowingly obtain or exert control over dangerous drugs, the property of Meijer Pharmacy #116, 1725 S. Wheeling Street, Oregon, Ohio beyond the express or implied consent of the owner and/or by deception, to wit: Michael Scott Gladieux stole the following controlled substances from his employer:



Such conduct is in violation of Section 2913.02 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(1)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) through (9) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of a felony as provided in Division (A)(1) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(2)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) through (9) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of dishonesty and unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(2) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(3)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Findings of Fact constitute being addicted to or abusing liquor or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice pharmacy as provided in Division (A)(3) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(4)       Upon consideration of the record as a whole, the State Board of Pharmacy con­cludes that paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Findings of Fact constitute being guilty of willfully violating, conspiring to violate, attempting to violate, or aiding and abet­ting the violation of provisions of Chapter 2925. of the Revised Code as provided in Division (A)(5) of Section 4729.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.


(A)      Michael Scott Gladieux, pursuant to Rule 4729-9-01(F) of the Ohio Administrative Code, may not be employed by or work in a facility licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy to possess or distribute dangerous drugs during such period of suspension.


(B)      Michael Scott Gladieux, pursuant to Section 4729.16(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, must return the identification card and license (wall certificate) to the office of the State Board of Pharmacy within ten days after receipt of this Order unless the Board office is already in possession of both.  The identification card and wall certificate should be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


(A)      Michael Scott Gladieux must enter into a contract within ninety days after the effective date of this Order with an Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) treatment provider or a treatment provider acceptable to the Board for a period of not less than five years and, upon signing, send a copy of the contract to the Board office.  The contract must provide that:


(1)       Random, observed urine drug screens shall be conducted at least once each month.


(a)       The urine sample must be given within twelve hours of notification.  The urine drug screen must include testing for creatinine or specific gravity of the sample as the dilutional standard.


(b)       Results of all drug screens must be negative.  Any positive results, including those which may have resulted from ingestion of food, but excluding false positives which resulted from medication legitimately prescribed, indicates a violation of the contract.

(2)       Attendance is required, a minimum of three times per week at an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and/or similar support group meeting.


(3)       The program shall immediately report to the Ohio Board of Pharmacy any violations of the contract and/or lack of cooperation.


(B)      Michael Scott Gladieux must provide, at the reinstatement petition hearing, documentation of the following:


(1)       Compliance with the contract required above (e.g.-proof of giving the sample within 12 hours of notification and copies of all drug screen reports, meeting attendance records, treatment program reports, etc.);


(2)       Compliance with the continuing pharmacy education requirements as set forth in Chapter 4729-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code (if applicable);


(3)       Compliance with the terms of this Order.


(C)      If reinstatement is not accomplished within three years of the effective date of this Order, Michael Scott Gladieux must successfully complete the NAPLEX examination or an equivalent examination approved by the Board.



The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  5:31 p.m.

Ms. Eastman moved that the Board receive Per Diem as follows:









































































The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

  5:32 p.m.

Ms. Eastman moved that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Giacalone and approved (Aye-6/Nay-0).







The Ohio State Board of Pharmacy
approved these Minutes October 4, 2000