NOTE:    The following Minutes are provided for informational purposes only.

If you would like to obtain an official copy of these Minutes, please contact the

State Board of Pharmacy at 614/466-4143 for instructions and fee.




Minutes Of The Meeting

Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

Columbus, Ohio

July 10, 11, 2000


MONDAY, JULY 10, 2000


 8:35 a.m.      ROLL CALL


The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room 1914, Vern Riffe Center for Govern­ment and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present:


Suzanne L. Neuber, R.Ph. (President); Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; and Dorothy S. Teater, Public Member.


Also present were William T. Winsley, Executive Director; Timothy Benedict, Assistant Executive Director; Mark Keeley, Legislative Affairs Administrator; David Rowland, Legal Affairs Administrator; and Sally Ann Steuk, Assistant Attorney General.

 8:45 a.m.

The Board was joined by Robert Amiet, R.Ph. and Robert Burdick, R.Ph., Board compli­ance specialists, to discuss an electronic prescription transmission system marketed by Allscripts.  After review and discussion, the specialists left the meeting to discuss vari­ous questions and concerns raised by the Board with a representative from Allscripts.

 9:05 a.m.

RES. 2001-001    Mr. Benedict presented a request from Robert P. Blasko for reconsideration of the Board's Order issued in his case.  After discussion, Ms. Abele moved that the Board deny the request.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-0/Abstain-1[Teater]).

 9:10 a.m.

RES. 2001-002    Mr. Benedict next presented a request from NCS Healthcare for a waiver from the requirements of Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 4729-5-10 (Pick-up station).  After discussion of the request, Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board approve the waiver due to the need for increased involvement by a healthcare professional in the patient’s drug therapy [OAC Rule 4729-5-10(B)(5)(b)] as long as the other aspects of the rule are met.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Adelman and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

 9:16 a.m.

RES. 2001-003    Ms. Eastman moved that the Board adopt the following new Emergency Medical Service rules (OAC Chapter 4729-33) and that they be filed with the appropriate agencies with the effective date being the earliest practical date.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Abele and was approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).


4729‑33‑01     definitions.


As used in THIS chapter:


(a)     “dangerous drug” has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of the revised code.


(B)     “controlled substance” has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of the revised code.


(C)     “terminal distributor of dangerous drugs” has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of the revised code.


(D)     “Emergency medical service (ems) organization” has the same meaning as in section 4765.01 of the revised code.


(E)     “mutual aid” means a formal agreement between two or more ems organizations to assist in emergency medical coverage in the other’s usual area of coverage including having access to dangerous drugs during the emergency situation.


(F)     “posting up” means locating an ems unit containing dangerous drugs at a location other than a location licensed by the board of pharmacy.


(G)     “posting up at a special event” means locating an ems unit containing dangerous drugs at a location other than a location licensed by the board of pharmacy pursuant to a formal agreement with the sponsors of the special event.


(H)     “special event” means an event requiring ems coverage for more than TWENTY-FOUR HOURS including, but not limited to, the following:


(1)     A county fair.


(2)     A weekend festival.


(I)      “scope of practice” shall be as defined in SECTION 4765.35 of the revised code for a first responder, SECTION 4765.37 of the revised code for an emergency medical technician-basic, SECTION 4765.38 of the revised code for an emergency medical technician-intermediate, and SECTION 4765.39 of the revised code for an emergency medical technician-paramedic.




(K)     “medical director” has the same meaning as in RULE 4765‑10‑06 of the administrative code.


(L)     “responsible person” has the same meaning as in RULE 4729‑13‑01 of the administrative code.


(M)     “standing order” and “protocol” have the same meanings as in RULE 4729‑5‑01 of the administrative code.


(N)     “satellite” means an address licensed by the board as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs that is separate from the licensed headquarters address of the ems organization.


(O)     “tamper‑evident” means the package is sealed in such a way that access to the drugs stored within is not possible without leaving visible proof that such access has been attempted or made.


(P)     “readily retrievable” means all records which are required to be maintained must be provided upon request to the inspector or agent of the board of pharmacy within THREE working days.


4729‑33‑02     licensure.


(a)     Any EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (ems) organization that desires to stock dangerous drugs shall apply for and maintain a license as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs.  The one location that serves as the main station will be deemed the headquarters location.  Any other locations associated with this headquarters where dangerous drugs will be stored will be licensed as “satellites”.  Only the headquarters location will be charged a LICENSE fee or renewal LICENSE fee.


(B)      Each location, headquarters and satellites, must be licensed as a limited terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and must maintain a current TERMINAL DISTRIBUTOR OF DANGEROUS DRUGS license and drug addendum.


(C)     An application for licensure MUST include all of the following:


(1)     A completed application;


(2)     A compilation of all protocols involving dangerous drugs that have been signed by the medical director and notarized;


(3)     A list of drugs referenced in the protocols to be stocked by the ems organization, signed by the medical director and notarized;


(4)     A list of personnel employed by the ems organization who may access and administer dangerous drugs, which includes the name of the individual, level of certification, their certification number, and expiration date;


(5)     A list of any and all formal mutual aid agreements with other ems organizations;


(6)     The fee for the appropriate category of licensure.


(D)     Each location, headquarterS and satellite, may only possess those dangerous drugs that are listed on the drug addendum and only at locations licensed by the board of pharmacy.


(1)     A medical director may add dangerous drugs to the drug list by submitting revised, signed and notarized protocols and list of medications, and the addendum update fee.


(2)     A medical director may delete dangerous drugs from the drug list by submitting a letter listing the drugs to be deleted.


(E)      A new application and fee is required prior to any change of location, addition of a satellite location, change of category, name change, or change of ownership.  These changes may be made during the annual renewal period with no additional fee other than the renewal fee.


(F)     The responsible person shall provide supervision and control of all locations where dangerous drugs are stored.  The responsible person must be a physician licensed pursuant to chapter 4731. Of the revised code or a pharmacist licensed pursuant to CHAPTER 4729. Of the revised code.


(1)     To change the responsible person, the new responsible person must complete and return a notification of change of responsible person form within THIRTY days.


(2)     To change the medical director, the new medical director must submit a signed and notarized letter stating that he/she is accepting responsibility for the ems organization.


(a)      If the new medical director approves of the current protocol and drug list, a signed and notarized letter mUST be submitted stating the current protocols and drug list on file have been reviewed and are approved by the medical director for use by this ems organization, OR


(b)      If the new medical director desires to change the protocols or drug list, the medical director must submit the revised, signed, and notarized protocols and drug list, AND THE ADDENDUM UPDATE FEE.


(G)     Any changes in protocols that involve dangerous drugs must be submitted to the STATE board of pharmacy prior to the implementation of the protocols involved.  The STATE board of pharmacy may discuss such protocols with the STATE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BOARD, STATE medical board, or other governmental agencies as needed to assure their validity.


(H)     any change of personnel requires a letter from the organization within THIRTY days of the change listing the type of change (addition, update, or deletion), names of the personnel involved, level of certification, their certification number, and expiration date.


4729-33-03     security and storage of dangerous drugs.


(a)     Overall supervision and control of dangerous drugs is the responsibility of the responsible person.  The responsible person may delegate the day‑to‑day tasks to the EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (ems) organization personnel who hold appropriate certification to access the dangerous drugs for which they are responsible.


(B)      All dangerous drugs must be secured in a tamper‑evident setting with access limited to ems personnel based on their certification status except for sealed, tamper‑evident solutions labeled for irrigation use.  All registrants shall provide effective and approved controls and procedures to DETER AND DETECT theft and diversion of dangerous drugs.


(C)     Only paramedics, registered nurses, physicians, and pharmacists who are associated with that ems organization may have access to any controlled substances maintained by the ems organization.  OTHER PERSONS EMPLOYED BY THE EMS ORGANIZATION MAY HAVE ACCESS TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ONLY UNDER THE DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE SUPERVISION OF A PARAMEDIC, REGISTERED NURSE, OR PHYSICIAN IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS.


(D)     Administration of dangerous drugs by an ems employee is limited to the scope of practice, as determined by the STATE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES board, for the individual’s certification level and the protocols as established by the medical director or when the individual is acting within their certification level pursuant to direct prescriber’s orders received over an active communication link.


(E)      All dangerous drugs will be maintained in a clean and temperature‑controlled environment.


(F)      Any dangerous drug that reaches its expiration date is considered adulterated and must be separated from the active stock to prevent possible administration to patients.


(G)     Any non‑controlled dangerous drug that is outdated may be returned to the supplier where the drug was obtained or may be disposed of in the proper manner.


(H)     Any controlled substance that is outdated may be returned to the supplier where the drug was obtained.


(I)       Destruction of outdated controlled substances may only be done by a STATE board OF PHARMACY agent or by prior written permission from the STATE board of pharmacy office.


(J)       Destruction of partially used controlled substances can be accomplished, with the appropriate documentation, by two licensed health care personnel, one of which must have at least a paramedic level of training.


(K)     Any loss OR theft of dangerous drugs must be reported upon discovery, by telephone, to the STATE board of pharmacy, local law enforcement and, if controlled substances are involved, to the DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINI­STRATION.  A report must be filed with the STATE board of pharmacy of any loss or theft of the vehicle or storage cabinets CONTAINING DANGEROUS DRUGS used by the ems organization.


(L)     Any dangerous drug showing evidence of damage or tampering shall be removed from stock and replaced immediately.


4729‑33‑04     recordkeeping.


(a)     All EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (ems) organizations are required to keep complete and accurate records for at least THREE years of receipt, use, administration, destruction, and waste of dangerous drugs.  These records must be readily available for inspection by STATE board of pharmacy agents or inspectors as per SECTION 3719.27 of the revised code and RULE 4729‑5‑29 of the administrative code.


(B)      Records from satellites may be stored at the headquarters if prior notice is sent to the board office.  A letter requesting storage of records at the headquarters must be sent to the STATE board OF PHARMACY office by verifiable delivery.  The board will notify the organization of the board’s approval or denial of the request within SIXTY days.


(C)     Records of oxygen transfilling shall include the manufacturer’s lot number of the oxygen used for transfilling the portable oxygen tanks.


(D)      If there is a recall of oxygen by the manufacturer, all portable oxygen tanks that may have any of that lot number shall be dealt with according to the manufacturer’s recommendations; but, in all such cases, such portable oxygen tanks must be purged and then refilled.


(E)      A readily retrievable record of controlled substances shall be kept containing documentation of administration, use, or waste of the controlled substances.  Such records shall contain at least the following information:


(1)     The name, strength, and quantity of the controlled substance administered, used, or wasted;


(2)     The date of administration, use, or waste;


(3)     The name or other means of identifying the patient, such as medical record number or run number;


(4)     The signature and identification number of the individual administering the controlled substance;




4729-33-05     Posting up.


(A)     Except when “posting up at a special event”, “posting up” must be a temporary, short‑term location of the vehicle for less than TWENTY-FOUR hours where the ems unit is under constant supervision of the ems personnel on duty, including but not limited to:


(1)     Local school sports event;


(2)     Coverage of a station pursuant to a mutual aid agreement.


(B)     “posting up at a special event” requires prior written notification to, and approval FROM, the STATE board of pharmacy office.  This notification must include the name and location of the event, dates of the event, and name and telephone number of the contact person of the ems unit.

 9:20 a.m.

RES. 2001-004     President Neuber announced the following committee/oversight assignments for Fiscal Year 2001:


Abele -------- Personnel

Adelman ------ Administration/Probationary Reports

Eastman ------ Licensure/Registration

Giacalone ---- Exams/Internship/Reciprocity

Kost --------- Continuing Education

Littlejohn --- Budget/Finance

Neuber ------- Compliance/Enforcement

Teater ------- Consumer Affairs/Public Relations

Turner ------- Legislation/Rules

 9:25 a.m.

Mr. Winsley then distributed the new State travel reimbursement rates for Fiscal Year 2001 and discussed them with the Board members present.

 9:28 a.m.

The Board took a brief recess.

 9:43 a.m.

Ms. Abele moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code and for the purpose of conferring with an attorney for the Board regarding pending or imminent court action pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(3) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Adelman and a roll call vote was conducted by President Neuber as follows: Abele-Yes, Adelman-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, and Teater-Yes.

 9:55 a.m.

The Executive Session ended and the Board meeting resumed in Public Session.


Mr. Winsley, Mr. Benedict, and Mr. Keeley reviewed current and pending legislation with the Board.  There were no matters requiring official action of the Board regarding legislation.


Ms. Abele reported that the Nursing Board Formulary Committee would meet in August.


Mr. Benedict reported on the Medical Board’s Prescribing Committee activities.

10:30 a.m.

The Board then set the proposed calendar for Fiscal Year 2002 as follows:


07/09/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

07/10/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

07/10/01     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing


08/06/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

08/07/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

08/07/01     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

08/08/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


09/10/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

09/11/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

09/11/01     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

09/12/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


10/01/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

10/02/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

10/02/01     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

10/03/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

10/03/01     1pm-3pm     Pharmacy Deans Mtg


11/05/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

11/05/01     1am-3pm     Public Rules Hearing

11/06/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

11/06/01     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

11/07/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


12/03/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

12/04/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

12/04/01     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

12/05/01     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


01/07/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

01/08/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

01/08/02     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

01/08/02    1:30pm-3pm   OSHP Directors Mtg

01/09/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


02/04/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

02/05/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

02/05/02     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

02/06/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


03/04/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

03/05/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

03/05/02     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

03/06/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


04/08/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

04/09/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

04/09/02     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

04/10/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


05/06/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

05/07/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

05/07/02     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

05/08/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting


06/03/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

06/04/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

06/04/02     1pm-3pm     Reciprocity Hearing

06/05/02     8am-5pm     Board Meeting

10:45 a.m.

The Board then began a discussion of the State budget process for Fiscal Years 2002 and 2003, including the potential for field staff increases.  The discussion was con­tinued until Tuesday to allow the Board staff to obtain further information.

11:15 a.m.

The Board meeting recessed for lunch.

 1:00 p.m.

The Board reconvened in Room 1914 to continue with the Board meeting with the following members present:


Suzanne L. Neuber, R.Ph. (President); Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.; Suzanne R. Eastman, R.Ph.; Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; and Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.


Copies of the 2000 Pilot Project Report on the Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribing project from the Wright State University were distributed for the Board members to review.  No formal action was needed on this matter.


Mr. Amiet and Mr. Burdick joined the Board to discuss the answers to the Board’s concerns that they had received from the Allscripts representative.  Due to the need for several changes to be made, a final consensus of approval could not be given.  The matter was continued until the August 2000 meeting.

 1:30 p.m.

Board staff discussed a meeting they had held with representatives of MedAdvisor, Inc. regarding a patient-compliance program.  After discussing the program and its method of distributing information to patients, the Board members tabled any decision on the program pending receipt of further information that would address concerns the Board members had about patient confidentiality issues.

 2:05 p.m.

Ms. Abele moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Adelman and a roll call vote was conducted by President Neuber as follows: Abele-Yes, Adelman-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, and Kost-Yes.

 2:35 p.m.

Mr. Littlejohn arrived and joined the Executive Session in progress.

 4:48 p.m.

The Executive Session ended and the Board meeting was recessed until Tuesday, July 11, 2000.


TUESDAY, july 11, 2000


 9:00 a.m.        ROLL CALL


The State Board of Pharmacy convened in Room 1914, Vern Riffe Center for Govern­ment and the Arts, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio with the following members present:


Suzanne L. Neuber, R.Ph. (President); Diane C. Adelman, R.Ph. (Vice-President); Ann D. Abele, R.Ph.; Robert P. Giacalone, R.Ph.; Lawrence J. Kost, R.Ph.; Amonte B. Littlejohn, R.Ph.; and James Turner, R.Ph.

 9:10 a.m.

RES. 2001-005    Mr. Winsley presented the applications from two individuals wishing to be approved by the Board as In-State Providers of Continuing Pharmacy Education pursuant to OAC Rule 4729-7-05.  After discussion, Mrs. Adelman moved that the Board approve the following as Approved In-State Providers of Continuing Pharmacy Education:


Southwest General Health Center Pharmacy; Middleburgh Heights

St. Vincent Charity Hospital Pharmacy; Cleveland


The motion was seconded by Ms. Abele and approved by the Board (Aye-6/Nay-0).

 9:20 a.m.

After a discussion of the minutes from the June 2000 meeting, Ms. Abele moved that the Minutes of that meeting be approved as amended.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Littlejohn and approved by the Board (Aye-5/Nay-0/Abstain-1[Turner]).


The Board then resumed the budget discussion that had been continued from the previous day.  The Board took no official action at this time.

 9:35 a.m.

Ms. Eastman joined the meeting and the budget discussion in progress.

10:15 a.m.

Ms. Abele moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of the investigation of complaints regarding licensees and registrants pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(1) of the Revised Code and for the purpose of conferring with an attorney for the Board regarding pending or imminent court action pursuant to Section 121.22(G)(3) of the Revised Code.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Eastman and a roll call vote was conducted by President Neuber as follows: Abele-Yes, Adelman-Yes, Eastman-Yes, Giacalone-Yes, Kost-Yes, Littlejohn-Yes, and Turner-Yes.

11:50 a.m.

The Executive Session ended and the Board meeting resumed in Public Session.


RES. 2001-006    Ms. Eastman moved that the Board issue the following Cease and Desist letter to Caremark, Inc.:





Caremark, Inc.

c/o James G. Connelly III

1541 Heritage Court

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045


Re:  New Prescription Formulary Product


Dear Mr. Connelly:


Board of Pharmacy records indicate that you are a director, as well as the President and Chief Operating Officer, of Caremark, Inc.  It has come to the attention of the Board that Caremark has engaged in a program wherein it solicits patients, by direct mail throughout the state of Ohio, to switch their medication which had been prescribed by their physicians, in a manner inconsistent with Ohio law.  A copy of such letter is enclosed herein.


You should review Rules 4729-5-30 and 4729-5-10 of the Ohio Administrative Code. Rule 4729-5-30 states, in pertinent part:


. . .


(B)  All prescriptions shall be dated as of and signed on the day when issued, and shall bear the full name and address of the patient.


(C)  All written prescriptions issued by a prescriber shall bear the full name and address of the prescriber and shall be manually signed by the prescriber in the same manner as he/she would sign a check or legal document.


(D)  An original signed prescription (for other than a schedule II con­trolled substance except as noted in paragraph (N) of this rule and rules 4729-17-09 and 4729-19-02 of the Administrative Code) may be transmitted as an "other means of communication" to a pharmacy by the use of a facsimile machine only by a prescriber or the prescriber's agent. Such a facsimile shall only be valid as a prescription if a system is in place that will allow the phar­macist to maintain the facsimile as a part of the prescription record including the positive identification of the prescriber and his/her agent as well as positive identification of the origin of the facsimile.


This rule requires prescriptions be given by the prescriber to the patient, or by the prescriber to the pharmacy directly, rather than allowing third parties to control the prescription.  Additionally, Rule 4729-5-10 further amplifies by stating, in pertinent part:


(A)  No pharmacist shall accept prescriptions obtained from a place which offers in any manner, its services as a “pick-up station” or intermediary for the purpose of having prescriptions filled.


As the Caremark letter is termed, Caremark has operated as a pick-up station in that it, as a third party, has received prescriptions from physicians and then sent them to patients.  Such is not permitted by the Ohio Administrative Code provisions herein stated.


YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED that pursuant to Section 4729.25(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board of Pharmacy may issue notice or warning to an alleged offender of any of the provisions of Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code; thus you are hereby notified to immediately CEASE the distribution of prescriptions in a manner which violates the aforementioned sections of the Ohio Administrative Code and DESIST from any further violations of Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Administrative Code or Chapter 4729. of the Ohio Revised Code.




The motion was seconded by Mr. Kost and approved by the Board (Aye-7/Nay-0).

12:00 p.m.

The Board meeting recessed for lunch.

 1:00 p.m.

RES. 2001-007    All of the Board members convened in Room 1919 for the purpose of meeting with the candidates for licensure by reciprocity.  Following presentations by Board members and self-introductions by the candidates for licensure by reciprocity, Mrs. Adelman moved that the Board approve the following candidates for licensure.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Littlejohn and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0).


































 1:26 p.m.

The Board reconvened in Room 1914 to continue the Board meeting.  After a discussion of matters not requiring official Board action, Mr. Giacalone moved that the Board receive Per Diem as follows:











































The motion was seconded by Mr. Littlejohn and approved by the Board (Aye-8/Nay-0).

 1:27 p.m.

Ms. Adelman moved that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Littlejohn and approved (Aye-8/Nay-0).